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Pakistan should take India to international court of justice.

For what? becoz somebody said something? he is at least not ex-RAW chief(pun Gul Saheb)

Please use your brain for 'logic'

I think most of the people here can think and use their brain.

Some words came from somewhere and people from across the border 'forget/ignore' the 99.99% other facts/evidence/acceptance' and got for 00.01%

What a pity, we are human......we can 'think, can use our brains'
No big deal....India govt should come forward and explain the deal or punish this guy who spill the beans and cause another uncertain condition between two countries....one step forward two step back.......
So what is position of the Indian Govt over this claim by its own official?

Has Indian govt rejected his statement?

Anyway on basis of this new information/statement, the lawyers of Zakiur Rehman might file a case for his and fellows' release in the court
Pakistanis need to take a leaf out of Digvijay Singh's silence on this issue - he knows fully well he will turn up a fool if he speaks or supports the officer on question on this topic. Remember he is one of the the biggest conspiracy theorists in India who even had the temerity to claim that Batla encounter was a fake when a decorated officer was shot dead in the encounter.

Dogvijay is Teacher of Sir Zaid Hamid
Restart funding of Kashmiri militancy.

They need to feel the pain of suffering they cause to others because everyone clearly has forgotten 65.

When did you stop funding.
Well take care of BLA ,TTP & othet extremist groups which could also recieve funds from sky.
Why are the Indians so jumpy like they are actually guilty of something.
The guy just asked that GoI should clarify the facts and the accusation made by the Indian Official because tbh it has become a bit confusing.
I am also confused as to which Indian agency did the bombings and which did not. :D
Is it me or Our Foreign Office is teolling us poor Pakistanis, with what face are the demanding an explaination GoI, they told them to setup a commission, it was NS who told indians and pakistanis to look into the village of Ajmal kasab.
This is nothing but a face saving yar, it is just to suppress the voices of people which are being raised.....like luqman, shiekh rashid, pti and many alike
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