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Pak proxy forces may attack Indian targets in Afghanisthan


Jun 10, 2012
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Indian installations in Afghanistan are likely to come under increased attacks from Pakistani proxy forces following withdrawal of US troops at the end of 2014, an eminent US think tank has said in its latest report.

Prepared at the request of the US Secretary of Defence, the report by the Centre for Naval Analyses (CNA) said that post-2014, neighbouring countries like India and Iran will adopt a wait-and-see policy.

But this would not be the case with Pakistan, which may seek to influence the dynamics of the Taliban’s campaign against the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) post-2014.

“India will seek to stabilise the Afghan government by maintaining its investment and bilateral agreements. India may send a limited number of security forces to Afghanistan to secure its installations, which will likely come under increased attacks from Pakistani proxy forces,” CNA said in its report.

“It is unlikely that India will deploy security forces to help stabilise the Afghan government, for fear of being drawn into the conflict or risking another war with Pakistan,” the report said.

“India will, to the extent possible, increase its efforts to strengthen Afghan ministries and train Afghan National Army (ANA) officers in India,” said the CNA report adding that if India perceives the Taliban as regaining the initiative against the government, it may provide support to former leaders of the Northern Alliance and help them to rearm.

India and Iran are likely to share common interests in these areas, it said.

The report said it expects that the Pakistani military will remain focused on containing the fallout from Afghanistan inside Pakistan and will fight militants that insist on attacking the Pakistani state, while pushing as many as possible into Afghanistan to fight with Afghan insurgents.

“It is not likely that Pakistan will take further military action against the Haqqani network in North Waziristan. Pakistan will maintain its relations with the Haqqani network and will lean on the group to carry out operations specific to Pakistani interests – in particular, attacks on Indian targets,” the CNA report said.

Pakistan will seek to pressure the Afghan government through the Haqqani network, and may press for an increase in attacks inside Kabul, it said.

In regard to the Taliban’s leadership in Quetta, Pakistan will not disrupt their movements, but will use its control over insurgent sanctuaries to ensure that Taliban leaders amenable to Pakistani interests dominate the movement,it said.

Pakistan may also increase materiel support to the Taliban, including heavy weapons, especially if relations between Kabul and Islamabad deteriorate further after 2014.

‘Pak proxy forces may attack Ind targets in Afghan’ | idrw.org
“It will be difficult to monitor this activity, due to Pakistan’s past practices of moving weapons and materiel through proxies or making it openly available in arms bazaars near the border,” the report said.

Pentagon Press Secretary Rear Admiral John Kirby said the Department of Defence is reviewing the content of the report.
there is no need of pakistani involvment. taliban are there to sort it out
Afghan mujahideen are there to sort it out in the best interest of their country i dont know why these yankees keep on dragging Pakistan into afghan conflict ... then again if Mullah Omar is terrorist then Ahmad Shah Masood is also a terrorist americans should stop supporting them leave it to the afghans to sort it out
Pakistan has no teeth of doing it our army and govt has no guts they only know how to fight when $$$$ ate thrown India should also throw some $$$$ and then see result......
Pakistan has no teeth of doing it our army and govt has no guts they only know how to fight when $$$$ ate thrown India should also throw some $$$$ and then see result......
thats what india and afghan agency are doing throwing $$$$ at TTP to fight against Pak army why dont they just go to afghanistan and do their jehad there.. no they will not because doing jehad against their master will stop the cash that these people are fighting for...
India is playing role only in developing the infrastructure in Afghanistan, if any one tries to disturb that then it is the duty of Afghans only to take care. Be it Taliban or Karzai or what ever.
Only 313 days until January 1, 2015.

I think India should start packing up its bori bistar in Afghanistan as quickly as possible.
Pakistan proxy might attack Indian targets and reverse is also true.

Question is what would a Afghani citizen get in this bloody game? and even what would Pakistan and India get so valuable ? Sifar

Stable peaceful Afghanistan is the best interest of both India and Pakistan.
Waste of my time.

I donot understand y USA, a looser is propping India & Pakistan to fight in Afghanistan.
Only 313 days until January 1, 2015.

I think India should start packing up its bori bistar in Afghanistan as quickly as possible.
Brother they already doing it. All constructions and funding have been stopped even Americans have stopped funding them. Why don't indians tell what they have build there except two three hospitals and roads. Americans think tanks are like ,you give them donations they work for you. If you have more money you can also hire a lobby there. Don't believe these American think tanks.
Only 313 days until January 1, 2015.

I think India should start packing up its bori bistar in Afghanistan as quickly as possible.
Oh what happened to all the 2014 posts,now fix an year dont want to see 2016 in year 2015 posts.
pakistan has already taking care of militants in NWA and this American General says its unlikely..:rofl:

Damn these Americans r so desperate of Indian Help.
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