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Pak plans to add 24 N-capable missiles

I hope Pakistan are also busy researching missile defense capability.
some drunkard must have reported this!!

what i feel he is talking about is AMRAAMs and AGMs neither of which will be nuclear instead will be conventional!

AMRRAAMs and AGMs awell as SAMs can be nuclear tipped we have nuclear warheads for Astra and Akaash.......even Russian uses nuclear warheads on their SAMs.
Well whatever it is it is all for the nations defence so good stuff.
I doubt if anyone knows the exact number, so I question the article.
“That is the benchmark… if we see something happening in India on this front, naturally we react and we have to,” said one official.

Obsession? Try hard to equal India!

What arms race? :lol: India has hundreds of missiles with Pakistani cities under reach. Arms race is between near equals not between 10 times larger. Such self made arms race will be disaster for Pakistan's economy. Also one of the main source of weapons and money ie US military aid may be stopped in near future.
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