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Pak paying heavily for its mistakes in the 1970s: Tony Blair

It was your lust for kashmir which protected/harbored Taliban. Many talibans gave training to pakistani terrorists. If you play with fire, Your hand may burn...

Indians are the terrorists in Kashmir (along with any insurgents that kill civilians).

remember India is the one denying the Kashmiris their rights.
Blair himself a Devot christian now , after his politics lol is talking how others shoudl not practice their faith what a hypocrite
Indians are the terrorists in Kashmir (along with any insurgents that kill civilians).

remember India is the one denying the Kashmiris their rights.

India and Pakistan needs to sort out their differences amicably and by dialogue. Biggest booster for development and amicable relations is bilateral trade between us. I had bought 5000 M Tons of cement from Pakistan about 5 years back, but the transaction was through a company in Singapore. The product was quite good, Packaging was amazing and the pricing was okay because I had to bear extra cost of banking charges and commissions paid to the Singapore company which basically cut into my profits. I wish i could have dealt directly with the cement manufacturer in Pakistan. But that was 5 yrs ago..
U know what people like U prove the false propaganda about Pakistani people. And guess what the West is the biggest gainer.
you are making no sense ..... people like you can only point out fingers towards Pakistan without any solid evidence :blah:
you are the bigger supporter of USA's false propaganda
atleast ask your government to give proof that he was not osama
if not who was living there
why hasent anyone complained that a person having million $ mansion is missing or dead,a person having million $ must have some relatives,connections with outside world someone must be missing him
wow excellent you are doing great ......sir USA put allegations against pak army so they have to produce evidences not us.....
you are one saying that osama was there not i am....so you are putting allegation now where is evidence ?
oh i see USA is feeding you now no doubt you believe only in fairy tales
This pig on payroll of Zionist should have his mouth welded shut. The actual headline should be, Pakistan paying a heavy price for mistakes NATO block countries.
NATO is main reason for hunger , and famine and drugs not to mention employment slavery

a) Corporations hiring and paying 0.50 cents / hour to workers overseas basically enslavement
b) NATO destroying countries like Libya which were funding African development programs spreading hunger and famine
c) Drugs produced in Afghanistan used mostly in Western countries for pleasure by rich
d) Do I need to mention HARP experiential programs and how they can alter weather patterns

Main problem is the rich elite nations and their corporations

Mr Blair , while he was in politics claimed to be unbiased , after his Pro Christian and Anti muslim policies went place , which eventually led to Afghanistan war, iraq war he side stepped and said oh I finished my term I was am now a member of Christian group

Just a modern day crusader he was who wanted to play his part nothing more

And of all the people he elected himself to be the middle man ? and he has done nothing substantial at all
Whoa.......did this guy reach out from the grave or something? I thought he was done long time ago.....
I think Pakistan has made mistakes in the past and coming from anyone else i would accept it. The irony is that a moronic moron like Blair makes this statement?
Entering Iraq on the evidence doctored by Blairs government (The Kelly enquiry ) is one of his biggest crimes that the whole world suffered. Thousands of innocent people died because of his lies.
Its an alarming thought that this guy is walking around the middle east blessing them with his lack of honesty. I find it distasteful ironic that he wants to now comment on others mistakes

Iraqis are still paying the price for Tony Blair's mistakes - News Analysis, Opinion - Belfasttelegraph.co.uk
Well that was a well planned decission by him...i think you should go through this

BP: Iraq Oil Deal is Start of Something Big
Iraq is counting on BP's modernization of the Rumaila oil field to nearly double its production and restore its power in OPEC

By Stanley Reed
The June 30 auction in Baghdad for development rights to oil and gas fields in Iraq has been portrayed as a dud . That's understandable. After all, the Iraqis managed to award only one of the eight fields up for bid.
But the .125 batting average is somewhat deceptive. The field the Iraqis did award, Rumaila, is a monster, producing 960,000 barrels per day now—nearly half of Iraq's current output.The winners, BP ( BP ) and China's CNPC, plan to bring the field to plateau production of 2.85 million barrels per day within six years. That would make it one of the most prolific fields in the world. However, the companies may have deliberately made high estimates so as to try to win the contracts.
While the fiscal terms are demanding, BP is enthusiastic. In an interview, the company's exploration and production chief, Andy Inglis, said the deal gives BP "a presence in the Middle East working on the biggest" Iraqi field.
BP Has a Plan
BP thinks the Rumaila deal, which is not yet signed, will give it first-mover advantage that canbe parlayed into other Iraqi projects. BP also thinks it understands Rumaila well, having originally discovered the field in the 1950s and having worked on it with the Iraqis during the past five years. BP also thinks Rumaila closely resembles the giant Samatlor field in western Siberia, which it has successfully managed through its TNK-BP Russia subsidiary. Finally, through CNPC the partners will have access to a Chinese supply chain to bring in the low-cost equipment needed, including onshore drilling rigs. An Iraqi state company will have a 25% stake, while BP and CNPC will share a 75-25 split of the rest.
Inglis said BP already has a plan for Rumaila. It will include modernizing, such as drilling new wells, renovating old ones, adjusting the level of pumps, and investing in and optimizing the massive water injection programs needed to maintain pressure and boost production.
A lot could go wrong. Rumaila will stretch the companies' resources and capabilities. And there are huge risks that come with working in Iraq, including security and political hazards. Many Iraqis, among them oil-field workers and some officials, don't want foreign oil companies working in their fields. BP and CNPC will have to soothe such concerns if they are to succeed.
Tough Terms for BP
Considering the risks, the financial rewards will not be all that great. BP will be working under a service contract that in simple terms provides for payment of $2 per barrel for the oil BP produces above an agreed baseline—believed to be current production, adjusted by a 5% yearly decline rate for output. BP and CNPC initially bid for a $3.99-per-barrel payment, but the Iraqis persuaded them to reduce that. A consortium of ExxonMobil ( XOM ) and Malaysia's Petronas ( PETR.KL ) offered the Iraqis a higher target—3.1 million barrels per day—but walked away from Iraq's tough terms. BP will be penalized if it does not hit its 2.85 million-barrel target.
In an indication of how stiff the terms are, Edinburgh consultants Wood Mackenzie estimate that the BP consortium will receive fees amounting to only 1% of the estimated $1.2 trillion total revenues from the project. An additional 4% or so will go to recovering the $10 billion to $20 billion investment and costs required over the 20-year life of the contract. Wood Mackenzie figures the value of the project to the consortium is just $3 billion. "This is quite modest for a field which should produce 16 billion barrels at least," Wood Mackenzie says.
BP points out that the terms are not so different from those on offer for some other projects in the region. In Abu Dhabi, for instance, BP is paid $1 per barrel. Inglis says the deal, which has not been finalized, will give BP a stable supply of what he calls "long, flat barrels" over a substantial period of time.
In the Same League as the Saudis
From the Iraqi point of view, getting Rumaila under way comes close to making the bid round asuccess. Rumaila is Iraq's flagship field. If BP hits its targets, it will nearly double Iraq's production, to the 4 million barrel-per-day range, over the next seven years. That would likely make Baghdad a major player in OPEC and the organization's No. 2 producer after Saudi Arabia.
One other aspect of the bid round was encouraging for the Iraqis. The top production targets bid by the international oil community on the six oil fields on offer add up to 8.2 million barrels per day. If achieved, that level of output would put Iraq in a rarefied league with Saudi Arabia as a major oil exporter.
Potential is one thing, of course, and actual production is another. Since the overthrow of Saddam Hussein in 2003, Iraq has had close to zero success in raising its production, meaning it has missed out on oceans of cash it could have gained from recent high oil prices. On several of the fields in the bid round a huge gap emerged between the remuneration the companies were willing to accept and what the Iraqis wanted to pay. Both sides, but perhaps especially the Iraqis, have some serious thinking to do if Iraq's oil and gas program is to move forward.

Kutte ki dum kabhi seedhe nhi hosakti....yeh 18Th century mein bhi chor the or aaj bhi vahi hai...
India and Pakistan needs to sort out their differences amicably and by dialogue. Biggest booster for development and amicable relations is bilateral trade between us. I had bought 5000 M Tons of cement from Pakistan about 5 years back, but the transaction was through a company in Singapore. The product was quite good, Packaging was amazing and the pricing was okay because I had to bear extra cost of banking charges and commissions paid to the Singapore company which basically cut into my profits. I wish i could have dealt directly with the cement manufacturer in Pakistan. But that was 5 yrs ago..

lol.....man.....we need more people like you.
Its always going to be better as friends with India, Question is.. with religious extremism (not to be confused with practicing religion) going overboard and violent in Pakistan. is it even smart for India to be friends with Pakistan??

it is a common problem.
"I think Pakistan is paying a heavy price for the mistakes of 1970s by linking religion with politics and developing religious schools which are, in some cases, dangerous sources of extremism," Blair told Karan Thapar in an interview to a news channel.

Yes Tony, much of the Western World had to pay a heavy price for your warmongering *** in Iraq. And now, nearly half of them are economically broke.

And what is this? You are lecturing another country over its troubles? :woot:

Christ! What hypocrisy!

At first the man goes into war with another country and occupies, which was in no way any threat to any Western country - including Israel, and starts talking about Middle East peace and peace in Pakistan? Coupled with the difficulties faced by the Western economies?

Good God, what has this world come into?
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