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'Pak Parliament taking important decision on Kashmir, India will receive tough message within days'

Now, now children. Neither of your countries have the b@lls to launch a nuke at anything less than some remote uninhabited island somewhere in some unimportant corner of some sea. Stop being too optimistic now and stick to nuking countries or people or things on your Playstation or Xbox thingies. Until then, like two women bitching and spitting at each other about who saw the item first, all that Pakistan and India can do is whip off a few sporadic fires at their borders, pass lengthy feel good speeches in the parliaments and media and make rabble rousing feel good statements on the internet about Kashmir/Afghanistan/water/Siachen/.terrorism/mangoes/gulab jamuns/Baluchistan/1048/1965/1971/1989. Even the discussions being raised at international platforms are not being taken seriously by the world.
Your government knows without any hesitation we would fire nukes that is why they did nothing in 2002 and after Mumbai
Do you even have the resouces to strike the whole of India.All of your missiles do not have the range to strike the whole of India and we all know Papa America is not going to give you permission to use F-16 for nuclear delivery.So how are you gonna strike the whole of India.
P.S. Before speaking,it is advisable to consult your brain.This reduces the chances of 'foot in the mouth' situation.
Yes we have and that range advantage will also soon finished
Your government knows without any hesitation we would fire nukes that is why they did nothing in 2002 and after Mumbai
Chanakya Neeti 101: never make you best move first, once it fails all you would receive is @ss whopping of the highest order.
Well I would say that both countries should think seriously about current situation. Any non-serious or immature step could lead towards disaster of humanity. Modi should think that by shouting against Pakistan he is successful in gaining power India. But aggressive steps and statement would lead him towards zero from hero. Nowadays in globalized world, no one admires wars in the regions. As war has brought nothing in the past.
As Kashmir is bone of contention between two countries, it should be resolved only through table talks. If UN is willing to play a part as a mediator then India and Pakistan both should accept.
This rivalry would bring nothing but destruction of both nations
Indian Propaganda web site, indians making comments Price less.
Message should be given to world that either they solve this issue in next 4 years peacefully or war will be only option left and if it becomes a nuclear war than world will be responsible
Why with in next 4years? Why not in next 4days?
Yes we have and that range advantage will also soon finished
You have what?Resources?Permission.
Please clarify how.From what i know Pakistan does not have a SLBM.So the argument on range is moot.Also your Taimur missile is just a myth and even it is tested it would not be inducted in this decade.
Your government knows without any hesitation we would fire nukes that is why they did nothing in 2002 and after Mumbai

The only people we fear when it comes to Pakistan and its nukes are the TTP and the remaining rag tag outfits operating in your country. Your government and your army are way too comfortable with all the kickbacks they receive from your money to go and destroy Pakistan by doing something stupid. Your nukes are only handy when it comes to beating your chest on PDF. Apart from that, it is nothing more than scrap metal which is heavily guarded.
@ranjeet , @The Huskar ,@PlanetWarrior : It's hilarious to see u guys trying to preach sense into someone who was and is so damaged that he started trumping a tactical ballistic missile over inter planetary mission. And even went ahead to call it a joke. (Source:Pakistan tests Hatf 9 Nasr Missile | Page 2) . I am sure that this would have thrown some light over the nationalistic prism being used to view the world around him.
if this is the reason than let's talk about balochistan.
Balochistan is our province.. Balochs are our ppl.. Kashmir has been a disputed territory since 1947. Balochistan is not. UN has passed resolution for Kashmir not Balohistan... Stop comparing 2 entirely different issues
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