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PAK Navy successfully intercepts Indian Submarine, foils intrusion

Hmmm if PN used a small fish boat of wood and captured the sub with net.
Our subs should be fitted with nets I believe.. just like there are guns to catch a drone that's hovering on your house..

Fire the net from sub.. pull it in Pakistani territory, sink it..
Is it INS Arihant?
Yeah, we would have been well within our rights to sink her where she was.
Our subs should be fitted with nets I believe.. just like there are guns to catch a drone that's hovering on your house..

Fire the net from sub.. pull it in Pakistani territory, sink it..
Why sink it lift up the sub with some C-130s and drop it along the border area with Indian just to troll them. How we catch the fish in the water.
We did that by returning their pilot, seems like they do not want to de-escalate.

This has not ended yet, enemy is desperately looking for some sort of lacking/opening in our defences for attack, in order to regain lost prestige.

Remember Kargil? after hostilities were over they targeted our maritime petrol aircraft Atalantique just to take revenge of Kargil and to score some brownie points against Pakistan, cuz Indian armed forces were facing public wrath those days & morale was down bottom.

Indian Army had faced huge casualties & there was a scandal of wood for coffins plus they had given, their most prestigious award posthumously to a soldier who was alive & was hiding in a hospital. So they attacked our naval aircraft to level scores plus to regain lost morale/prestige of their armed forces.

Well thats history now, but the enemy is desperate even today, just look at the press briefings of their military commanders, they look enraged, humiliated and desperate. They are facing difficulties to answer probing question by media, the international media has also exposed their incapabilities & the multiplying effect is, this time they have a leader who is saffron extremist & desperate to win, apparently loosing elections, So as i said before.

It is not over Yet.

Covert action (terrorist attack or sabotage) won't be able to give Indian armed forces any boost, cuz they can't take credit for such an action.
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This happens last night at 8.30pm
aren't we a bit late on the chinese sub that were supposed to join our Navy ?
Finally Indian Navy Submarine detected near Pakistan's coastal border. List of humiliation and embarrassment faced by India at military and diplomatic front within just two weeks.

1. IAF airstrikes busted (IAF buzz-out after dropping the payloads on the blank surface - Fear to face air to air engagements with Pakistan airforce fighter jets).

2. PAF breached the international borders (went Inside Indian occupied Kashmir) and targets Indian military installations (especially at the time of when Indian high-command was sitting near one of the mil targets - unconfirmed reports that IA commanders even heard the sound of PAF bombing).

3. IAF Mig and SU30 MKI shot down by Pakistan Air Force.

4. New York Times, The Guardians, Reuters, BBC making fun of Indian media, India's narrative and claims.

5. In OIC resolution, Indian declared as a "Terrorist State".

6. Pakistan military and intelligence successfully foiled Indian missiles attack.

7. International Media declared Indian Media number one "Fake news broadcaster"

8. Detection of Indian Navy submarine near Pakistan's water.

matlab itne karwa kar kehna "Supa Pawa" haahhahahha
Sir, now that we have the magnetic, acoustic signatures, does it mean it can be detected again with even more ease? Also, will it be tracked all the way back to its home port? Any idea what class of sub that was?

We already have their acoustic signatures in our database.
It must have been tracked as long as it was snorkeling. Probably a Kilo.

Once a sub gibes away it's location, it's mission is over.
I have a question, if we take out their sub outside our area, can they know that it got sunk in the international waters ? i mean can't we say that it was in our waters ?
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