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PAK Navy successfully intercepts Indian Submarine, foils intrusion

1. The video has not been confirmed by CNN or any international source.
2. The sub was in international waters.
3. if India had actually intended to launch an attack it would have brought more than one sub. Pakistan does have anti ship capabilities, so the Indian Navies best strategy would be to overwhelm the PN through sheer numbers.


Thank you and welcome to the forum---. Conventional subs still surface at times---but the question is---why do so now---and so openly---close to enemy boundary---what were they trying to prove---what were they trying achieve---.


The same question---why so close to pakistani territorial waters---and why exposing its position---?
My guess is that it was probably scouting and testing Pakistan's reaction. Or potentially even trying to instigate Pakistan into attacking first, although that is more unlikely.

Also the video has not been confirmed by international sources yet @waz @Dubious @Oscar
It will create shock and awe---and tear away at the security of the enemy establishemt---.

The death of a scorpene would be a terrible blow to the psyche of the enemy---.

Now we are in the do or die mode---. They want to play hardball---then let us play hardball---.

Let us be like the israelis---let us stop being the peace makers---. The Atlantique needs to avenged---.

I would respectfully disagree. We are not in the do or die situation. There are loads of opportunities around the corner if pakistan plays it right. Death of a scorpene would definitely put us in the do or die situation. Pakistan should only respond once the escalation ladder is further traversed. Once it does then there should be no half measures(that much i can agree with).

1. The video has not been confirmed by CNN or any international source.
2. The sub was in international waters.
3. if India had actually intended to launch an attack it would have brought more than one sub. Pakistan does have anti ship capabilities, so the Indian Navies best strategy would be to overwhelm the PN through sheer numbers.

My guess is that it was probably scouting and testing Pakistan's reaction. Or potentially even trying to instigate Pakistan into attacking first, although that is more unlikely.

Also the video has not been confirmed by international sources yet @waz @Dubious @Oscar

We have already established that Indian submarine did not come to attack. It was here on a mission that may be one or more of "reconnaisance, provoke response, reaction time". The important point is that it was detected. As for CNN not reporting there could be few obvious reasons. The video clearly shows the time and place of the engagement from the aircraft.

The coordinates suggest pakistan merchant space it was not international space btw.
I would respectfully disagree. We are not in the do or die situation. There are loads of opportunities around the corner if pakistan plays it right. Death of a scorpene would definitely put us in the do or die situation. Pakistan should only respond once the escalation ladder is further traversed. Once it does then there should be no half measures(that much i can agree with).

We have already established that Indian submarine did not come to attack. It was here on a mission that may be one or more of "reconnaisance, provoke response, reaction time". The important point is that it was detected. As for CNN not reporting there could be few obvious reasons. The video clearly shows the time and place of the engagement from the aircraft.

The coordinates suggest pakistan merchant space it was not international space btw.
Well I haven't been following this thread so thanks for updating me.
IN is not fool enough to openly give Signature of one of their Submarine for PN to keep track of it forever .. Sub was forced to come to surface after it was detected .. for a Submarine, stay hidden is its best ability .


No sub will be willing to give it's signature untill they already has it

Sorry didn't understand what you are saying

Only an Indian can come up with logic like this.

Full marks for trying. :enjoy:

So sub automatically comes out of water to reveal itself and risks being sunk to make a statement :crazy::crazy:

Nothing new in this tactic
Russians did the same with USA during 1971 war.

Nevertheless pakistani's side of story need not be discredited
For Indins who asking for International Media reports.

Pakistan warns Indian submarine near its territorial waters
Tension escalated after India last week launched an airstrike inside Pakistan targeting militants behind a bomb attack on its troops. Pakistan retaliated by downing two Indian fighter jets.

Pakistan's navy says an Indian submarine was spotted in the Arabian Sea on Monday.Pakistan's navy / Reuters

March 5, 2019, 7:01 AM GMT-4 / Updated March 5, 2019, 7:03 AM GMT-4
By Associated Press

ISLAMABAD — Pakistan's navy says it spotted an Indian submarine approaching its territorial waters in the Arabian Sea and warned it not to attempt an incursion.

The navy said in a statement Tuesday that the Indian submarine wasn't targeted since Islamabad wants to de-escalate tensions with New Delhi.

Tensions heat up between India and Pakistan. Here's why that matters.
MARCH 1, 201902:15
A navy official said the warning was "communicated" to the submarine during Monday's encounter. The submarine then moved away. He didn't elaborate and spoke on the condition of anonymity.

Tensions have escalated after a Feb. 14 bombing in Indian-controlled Kashmir that killed 40 Indian troops.

A militant group said to be based in Pakistan, Jaish-e Mohammad, which wants the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir to be part of Pakistan, claimed responsibility for the deadly bombing but the Pakistani government has denied any involvement.

India later launched an airstrike inside Pakistan, saying it targeted the militants behind the bombing.

Pakistan retaliated by downing two Indian fighter jets and capturing a pilot who was later handed back.

If this is really am IN sub and it is in international waters, then what can force it to surface? Nothing!
That sub ( whether PN or IN ) is not hiding from anything.

Seriously, Pakistani fanboys need to question the logic behind this claim of the Pakistan Navy.

It is better you worry about Afghanistan.

These Indians are going to argue every single happening as untrue.

They initially also denied the downing of the MiG and capture of their pilot.
If this is really am IN sub and it is in international waters, then what can force it to surface? Nothing!
That sub ( whether PN or IN ) is not hiding from anything.

Seriously, Pakistani fanboys need to question the logic behind this claim of the Pakistan Navy.

Actually they can
Just read how USA managed to surface Russian subs during Cuban missile crisis
Are you stupid, sinking a warship in international waters is an act of war.

Regarding the Scorpene, the CO's career is over, sub being detected and made to surface is surrender.


Sometimes---. But I had already stated in the previous posts that the sub should have been allowed to come in further---.
We already have their acoustic signatures in our database.
It must have been tracked as long as it was snorkeling. Probably a Kilo.

Once a sub gibes away it's location, it's mission is over.
Could be a type-209 too..
nope Scorpene sub is latest and most advance conventional sub in Indian Navy

video is showing Scorpene sub
Scorpene has AIP, it does not need to snorkel..It is either a Kilo class or a type-209..

Submarines that need snorkeling are outdated. Hopefully, they don't send newer submarines because this conflict really needs to be de-escalated right now.
They are using only outdated weapon systems, Mig-21, SU-30, Mirage 2000 and old submarines.. may be they are trying to play Sun Tzu, where he advised to confront the best enemy troops with one's weakest and then attack their weakest with your best..(actually there is also a middle strength force that plays a role too)..

If this is really am IN sub and it is in international waters, then what can force it to surface? Nothing!
It needs air..:lol:
Indian Sub was well within international water. It showed no sign of being chased, or running away. Pakistan's claim to thwart it off its territory for peace is just another attempt to initiate and terminate a propaganda battle solely on its own terms.
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