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Featured Pak mango to enter in Chinese market from June 10

Iran - cherishing Pakistani mangoes:

(Source - post#19)

Indian - Shops in so-called west, selling Pakistani mangoes:


(more food items in post#44 in this link)
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Congratulations on first flight of Sino-Pak fresh mango chartered airplane.

Pakistani mangoes reached Lanzhou, capital city of China's northwestern Gansu Province for the first time in history.

Pakistan-China friendship sweeter than honey, sweeter than mango!



We need cheaper Pakistani mangoes in the UK , the shop keepers add too much of a markup, selling mangoes at approx 1GBP each. I don't see Pakistani mangoes in the California, the Mexican mangoes are really an insult to the mango family.
We need to do value addition. Like good fancy packaging.

Also sell the products like Jams, juices and all those thousand things that can be extracted from mangoes.
Long ago, someone brought mangos at NY airport..whole custom area felt the aroma of mangos...they confiscate the fruit, but didn't through in the garbage bin next to the counter .... and the custom crew didn't, guess...where it goes... lolzz..
In US, Pakistani mangoes sold out before it comes to the shop counter...
Idiots who run Pakistan have been obsessed in accessing markets on the other side of the globe when world biggest and richest market is the neighbour!

At a time when China has got conflict with India, Pakistan must kick India out completely from Chinese market and flood its products in Chinese markets.
Here it is $ 35, for six pieces in New Jersey, last year it was 45 dollar.
The shipment, which consists of 18 tonnes of Pakistani Sindhri mangoes, has reached from Lahore to Lanzhou.

The city received a direct shipment of Pakistani mangoes first time in its history.

Just ate cream chaat with Pakistani mangoes and a mango milkshake, bought like 6 boxes of mangoes today, prices have gone up by a lot since last year, however I’ll still enjoy them.
What's a cream chaat? Chaat is made with Yoghurt never had a cream variation. Seems interesting though.
Pak mango to enter in Chinese market from June 10

The Frontier Post

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BEIJING (APP): Pakistani mangoes will hit markets in China from June 10, this year, when first consignment of King of fruits will be transported from Lahore to Kumning, capital city of South-Western Yannan province.

“We are picking Sindhri variety from the farms in Tando Allahyar, Sindh province and after processing and packaging in Lahore, we will airlift first consignment to Kunming on June 10, Adnan Hafeez, Director, Imperial Ventures (Pvt) Ltd told APP on Sunday.

He informed that most Chinese people favor mangoes imported from South Asian countries because of their plump and taste.

“This year, we are offering the product to our end clients directly under business to customer strategy and even if they want to buy one box, we will deliver to their homes”, he added.

He informed that his company will efficiently utilize the air cargo services and express delivery services to supply mangoes to the customers in a very smooth and timely manner, he added.

Adnan Hafeez said that this year, Pakistani mangoes will be available in 4.5 kg and 2.5 kg packings respectively and in the next phases we will also import Chaunsa from Pakistan.

He said that his company is also planning to organize promotional activities in collaboration with the embassy of Pakistan and its consulates to introduce Pakistani mangoes in China.

Pakistani mangoes are of very high quality and Chinese consumers have an emotional attachment to Pakistani products because of the Pak-China friendship

According to a Chinese analyst, Pakistani mangoes are expected to enter the Chinese market on a large scale this summer. Last year, Pakistan held mango tasting event in Shanghai and the feedback from the Chinese consumers was very positive.

Pakistan is the third largest mango exporter in the world, and mango is known as the King of Fruits in Pakistan. The soil and climate conditions in Pakistan are particularly suitable for the growth of high-quality mangoes, which can be supplied for five to sic months every year.

Mango is also the main export fruit of Pakistan. In 2018, Pakistan’s mango production reached 1.9 million tons, ranking sixth in the world.

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I am seeing Chinese Chonsa and Chinese Langra entering in world market some 6 years later.
But dear Pakistan, such is life :lol:
Summer time = mango season in the subcontinent.

Been trying a few different varieties here, can't quite remember the names but I've settled on the kesari, not super sweet, and the flesh has notes of citrus and has a bit of crunch and fibre to it.. green skinned ones, really nice.

What's your favourite mango variety ?
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