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Pak Hindu MPs stage walkout over terror slur

You are calling president of pakistan a thug????? Interesting

You also calling PPP thug more interesting.

Are you from Jamaat e Islami or PML?

This is NONE OF Bharatiya business.

So who are the fools in pakistan who have elected thugs as their representative can u elaborate on that plz??????

The same fools who have elected thugs for Indian parliament as according to reports almost over 80 % of Indian parliament have been either criminals or thugs.

As u are frustrated and repeating orange media, i don't wanna go into the gutter level of pakistani media but your filmy excuses can't defend the truth.

An orange media should be called Orange media. And around the world only India has an Orange media.
This is NONE OF Bharatiya business.

The same fools who have elected thugs for Indian parliament as according to reports almost over 80 % of Indian parliament have been either criminals or thugs.

An orange media should be called Orange media. And around the world only India has an Orange media.

chilish rants. grow up plse
This is NONE OF Bharatiya business.

The same fools who have elected thugs for Indian parliament as according to reports almost over 80 % of Indian parliament have been either criminals or thugs.

An orange media should be called Orange media. And around the world only India has an Orange media.

"The same fools who have elected thugs for Indian parliament as according to reports almost over 80 % of Indian parliament have been either criminals or thugs."

None of Pakistanis business and also this figure is highly exaggerated and incorrect.

Typical ignorant rant, what can we say u have no argument left.

Hence, i won this debate, matter close.
None of Pakistanis business and also this figure is highly exaggerated and incorrect.

Since you don't like the other end of the stick, hence
may i ask then,what's an Indian doing poking his nose in our business.;)
This is NONE OF Bharatiya business.

The same fools who have elected thugs for Indian parliament as according to reports almost over 80 % of Indian parliament have been either criminals or thugs.

An orange media should be called Orange media. And around the world only India has an Orange media.

still waiting for the meaning of orange media...
have u got any link for this 80% figure..just curious
in all fairness to pakistan it was declared an islamic state b4 the appointmnt of former CJ Baghwandas. in many secular christian countries the norm is 2 swear on the bible when being sworn in as a lawyer or being sworn in 2 testify in court. the fact that a hindu was appointed the CJ of an islamic republic wld show the degree of care given 2 the minorities of pakistan. the fact that the hindu members of the house of pakistan's legislature were placated and convinced 2 return by muslim colleagues shows the same. the level of condemnation for the statement by the honourable judge if he did make it adds 2 the degree of care which the muslim majority nation shows 2 their hindu minority. bigots exists in every nation but pakistan has shown its true colours in the past and even recently when sikhs were being captured by taliban murderers. the army gave the matter high profile attention and a sikh who was held hostage was freed and his capturers was killed. pakistani hindus and sikhs are very loyal 2 their nation when u meet them. they speak even more highly of pakistan than some of the muslims who I meet from that nation.

Nice to read this, although I have never had the opportunity to meet a non-Muslim Pakistani. I find it strange that they'd make anyone to swear on the state religion's holy book. Does it not defeat the purpose of the oath? Theoretically, if the minority-community officer wanted to be unethical, he could do so without any guilt conscience. It is ironical because in courts and consulates, the person's religious book is used for oath. But anyway.

I feel the judge's statement of equating India and Hindus (if true) insults two sets of people - Indian non-Hindus and non-Indian Hindus, including in Pakistan. Having said that, I don't think Indians should have been meddling in this. It is Pakistan's internal affair. It is similar to Pakistani members alluding to Gujarat and Kashmir in their posts. Those are Indian states and what happens in them is the internal matter of India. And if we as Indians don't like that, let's be consistent and stay away from sympathizing with Pakistani Hindus. As for feeling bad about Hinduism being equated with terrorism, remember that religion is too magnanimous to be affected by racist remarks. Realize that many Muslims have to live with those remarks in the present day world for no fault of theirs. We just have to brush these aside and move on.

On a different note, one of the members took exception to the uncharitable reference to the CJP. How come this was not extended when someone called the head of the state a thug? For what he is worth, he is the President. And if he is disrespected for speaking without thinking, can't the same be said for the CJ?
Ask your Indian Orange media for the correct reporting because Justic Sharif did not say that.


Wonder what colour Pak media would be.. they seem to print things quite like the India media !!

The contents of the editorial seem to concur with post # 50.

Tactless remarks
Dawn Editorial
Thursday, 18 Mar, 2010

DAWN.COM | Editorial | Tactless remarks

BARELY days after the Punjab chief minister was caught playing to the Taliban gallery, another high official from the province is in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons. This time, Lahore High Court Chief Justice Khawaja Mohammad Sharif has sparked outrage for reportedly saying that Hindus were responsible for financing acts of terrorism in Pakistan. The remarks came while the judge was hearing two identical petitions against the possible extradition of Afghan Taliban suspects. It may well have been a slip of the tongue by Mr Sharif, who might have mistakenly said ‘Hindu’ instead of ‘India’ — nevertheless it was a tasteless remark to say the least.

Although such remarks warrant criticism what makes them worse is the position of the person who makes them. These sort of comments are the last thing one expects to hear from a judge, that too the chief justice of a provincial high court. What sort of message are we sending to our minorities, as well as to the world, when the holder of such a respected public office makes comments that come across as thoughtless? The Hindu members of the National Assembly walked out of the house on Tuesday to protest the remarks. The members said the comments had hurt the feelings of Pakistani Hindus — and there is no doubt that they had.

As it is, Pakistan scores quite poorly when it comes to treating minorities fairly. Remarks such as these put our already marginalised minorities in an even tougher spot, as the patriotic credentials of non-Muslims living in this country are put into question. Though foreign elements may be involved in terrorist activities within Pakistan, maligning a whole community based on its faith is totally unacceptable. Before making such tactless remarks, our public figures should consider how much they dislike it when others equate Muslims with terrorism. A member of the National Assembly quite correctly advised our judges to concentrate on the dispensation of justice in Tuesday’s session. In the meantime, one hopes that Justice Sharif explains his comments.
nine Hindu members of Pakistan's national assembly staged a walkout in protest on Wednesday.

And Pakistan is anti minority........;)

I do not even think we have that many Hindu MP's in our parliament yet we have higher Hindu population. :coffee:
The same fools who have elected thugs for Indian parliament as according to reports almost over 80 % of Indian parliament have been either criminals or thugs.

I am sure you must have something to backup these.

An orange media should be called Orange media. And around the world only India has an Orange media.

Sure an **** media should be called so but...everyon becomes orange, green etc...
There are multiple sources given in this thread. Had you gone through those, other members would have sspared of your rant.
Our parliament ?????????????

As your post are always abusing AL, Bangladeshi Army General etc.

And full of hate towards Bangladesh i always asks what type of Bangladeshi he is???

I raised a valid point and draw some contrast between two muslim majority state in subcontinent. :undecided:

But, now you have cleared all the doubts
Plz change your fake flag from your profile as you have confessed you are not a Bangladeshi.


How have you reach this wise conclusion? :coffee:
With all due respect to CJ of Pakistan ..if he said Hindus instead of Indians..it also shows his stupidness ..As a judge he should not insult one religion citing the problem..Its like calling all muslims terrorists..He is the one who should upheld the law when the government fails to deliver it (same as the case of India)..but court itself behave like this ...................
Our parliament ?????????????

As your post are always abusing AL, Bangladeshi Army General etc.

And full of hate towards Bangladesh i always asks what type of Bangladeshi he is???

But, now you have cleared all the doubts

Plz change your fake flag from your profile as you have confessed you are not a Bangladeshi.


justin it is obvious that when he said OUR it was bangladesh..i think u got confused there a bit

u still havent answered to my question..if i am right this would be my thrid question directed at u which was never answered!!!
And Pakistan is anti minority........;)

I do not even think we have that many Hindu MP's in our parliament yet we have higher Hindu population. :coffee:

Interestingly, and ironically, that might show Bangladesh in a better light than Pakistan. One of the theories could be that Hindus in Bangladesh are so well and uniformly mixed in your crowd that they have fewer ghettos, or concentrated populations. This reduces the chances of leaders being elected on religious basis. I believe Hindus in Pakistan are heavily concentrated in certain areas of Sindh and with almost no presence in few regions. This theory can only be validated if all the 9 MPs came from the same region, but I don't have information on that.
With all due respect to CJ of Pakistan ..if he said Hindus instead of Indians..
The answer of your question or assertion or understanding is in this big If. No, he did not say this and the Registrar High Court has already made an statement on this. No one from the media countered the Registrar's statement proving that this was misreporting.
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