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Pak-French Nuclear Cooperation [possibly]

France agrees to provide Pakistan nuclear technology: FM
Updated at: 2012 PST, Friday, May 15, 2009

France agrees to provide Pakistan nuclear technology: FM ISLAMABAD: France has agreed to provide civilian nuclear technology to Pakistan for peaceful uses, the state TV reported Friday.

According to the state TV, Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi has told that France has expressed its readiness for cooperation with Pakistan concerning the peaceful uses of nuclear energy.

While further negotiations in this connection will be held in July this year.

Source: Geo TV

This is very good news. The French are world leaders in the field of nuclear energy. Areva France is the leading nuclear power plant designer, and is the only company to provide up to 1700MW plants. They are always major players in the international nuclear energy industry, and we can learn a whole lot from them. If this deal is a response to the India-US deal then, well, checkmate.


I'm so sorry for starting a new thread. I'm glad it got merged.
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If Rafale is out frm MRCA of india then consider that nuclear deal is done otherwise i m nt sure.
Secondly in case that Rafale is out by IAF, PAF may purchase a few Rafales in future

But remember Frenchs r diverted to us after being disoppionted frm India coz 12BN $ deal of MRCA has kicked out the Rafale
If Rafale is out frm MRCA of india then consider that nuclear deal is done otherwise i m nt sure.
Secondly in case that Rafale is out by IAF, PAF may purchase a few Rafales in future

But remember Frenchs r diverted to us after being disoppionted frm India coz 12BN $ deal of MRCA has kicked out the Rafale

Thats a stupid thing to say. Countries dont run on a principle of 'vengence'. BTW, Rafale is back in MMRCA league.
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If Rafale is out frm MRCA of india then consider that nuclear deal is done otherwise i m nt sure.
Secondly in case that Rafale is out by IAF, PAF may purchase a few Rafales in future

But remember Frenchs r diverted to us after being disoppionted frm India coz 12BN $ deal of MRCA has kicked out the Rafale

I agree with godsavetheworld there. Countries do not take revenge on every other deal. And exactly what is in that 'nuclear deal' still remains to be seen. Do not expect it to be anywhere near to what India got from the world. Not that I am comparing the two countries, but that is a fallout of losing your credibility. And on the other hand, importing nuclear stuff is pretty expensive. Your only realistic hope is China which can donate something to you.
I see people here are getting worried about this topic more than they should be.

Let me remind some people here that there is nothing like a deal, France gas only given a green signal for this type of technology, and anyway this is simply civil technology, as Pakistan need's nuclear power to meet its energy needs which grow 8% on average yearly.

Both India, and Pakistan have not signed NPT, so France has made itself very clear, if they could sell the technology to India for its energy purposes, so why not Pakistan, beside they only have one issue with providing us with the civil-nuclear technology and that is the safety of it (French technology), so my fellow Indian member's please do think that Governments of Nation's who supply this technology have appropriate measures in place to monitor it even after its sale, it's like an after sales service for your car.

As far as the US, IAEA and other Nuclear powers are concerned, it is our FO job to take action regarding their concerns and see to it that they are dealt with appropriately.

Some member's also talked about, this being a reply to India's signing of nuclear agreement with US in the beginning of this year, for God's sake please think for a while this is no joke, every Country has a right to fulfill its population's needs, India has done it by buying the technology from the concerned Countries, so now we have seen an opportunity to exercise our right and we have done it, and I am very proud of it.

Now, also let me make clear something here, Dr. A Q Khan, is the father of our Nuclear ability, Pakistani people will die to defend his life, please before blaming him of leaking out Nuclear secrets, please recall that "HE" told the whole world that he was forced to confess by General retired Pervaiz Musharaf's Government, that he leaked nuclear secrets to Libya, Iran and North Korea.

Also, I hope people will not see this development as a reply to Indian one, beside we as Pakistani's are happy for India's achievement, they deserve it, now being a Nation, we have our right to try our luck, and we have tried it, and till now we have had no problem with it, and I wish people will be happy on this development because this will only help Pakistan's own civilians and economy.:pakistan:
It must be hurting some Indians but whar do you want with a nation that needs 3 decades to buikd worlds simplest delta, turn back heli deals or have no clue for which MRCA they need...

Whatever they do they will have not the best choice...

That thanking of one Indian to another sounds normal bu sometimes I think it is a bit biassed...
^^ Add to that the A.Q Khan factor. Pakistan wont even scrape through the IAEA, leave alone the NSG.

Right, a nuclear deal comparable to India's is purely out of question. I was just wondering if they would get anything even for civil use. Lost credibility is one factor, cost is another. Looks like they are going to have to wait quite a few years.
^^ Add to that the A.Q Khan factor. Pakistan wont even scrape through the IAEA, leave alone the NSG.

GSTW, you seem very worried about the understanding between the two Nations, I would recommend you to hold your horses and wait till July, and then everyone will know whether the deal happens or not.:what:

Please donot draw conclusions of your own, as to whether the deal will happen or not, You donot represent France my friend.
Besides, these will civilian program reactors meaning they wont be used for Nuclear Weapons and IEAEA along with French will have full acess to them unlike our Chinese Reactors which are used for electricity as well as Nuclear Weapons.NSG is not the issue..the issue is funds..right now the economy is screwed up.Economy will only recover in 3-5 years.
It must be hurting some Indians but whar do you want with a nation that needs 3 decades to buikd worlds simplest delta, turn back heli deals or have no clue for which MRCA they need...

Whatever they do they will have not the best choice...

That thanking of one Indian to another sounds normal bu sometimes I think it is a bit biassed...

You are very right sir, just read the three pages of this thread and you will get a clear cut picture and an idea of the stance taken by our neighbours, simply amazed, I am really.
GSTW, you seem very worried about the understanding between the two Nations, I would recommend you to hold your horses and wait till July, and then everyone will know whether the deal happens or not.:what:

Please donot draw conclusions of your own, as to whether the deal will happen or not, You donot represent France my friend.

Reign my horses? I am the one trying to reign your horses. Ofcourse I want Pakistan to get a deal similar to ours, getting additional power sources is something very welcomed. All I am saying is that its not going to happen. You tried with China, you failed.

Pakistan is not a signatory to the NPT. And already has a proliferation record. Obama doesnt seem as loving as Bush was(precisely the reason why you have to accept conditions before getting aid), and given his strong non-proliferation views, I dont think he will be very happy. Second IAEA wasnt happy with the N-bomb and after that denying the permission to question A.Q Khan. Thirdly, the NSG doesnt just comprise China or France. There are 45 countries and all have a dainted picture of Pakistan unfortunately as painted by US and other western countries.

You should read this: Reality, one bite at a time: Dateline Vienna: Thirty words that saved the day
Reign my horses? I am the one trying to reign your horses. Ofcourse I want Pakistan to get a deal similar to ours, getting additional power sources is something very welcomed. All I am saying is that its not going to happen. You tried with China, you failed.

Pakistan is not a signatory to the NPT. And already has a proliferation record. Obama doesnt seem as loving as Bush was(precisely the reason why you have to accept conditions before getting aid), and given his strong non-proliferation views, I dont think he will be very happy. Second IAEA wasnt happy with the N-bomb and after that denying the permission to question A.Q Khan. Thirdly, the NSG doesnt just comprise China or France. There are 45 countries and all have a dainted picture of Pakistan unfortunately as painted by US and other western countries.

You should read this: Reality, one bite at a time: Dateline Vienna: Thirty words that saved the day

GSTW, the fact that the article is written by Siddharth Varadarajan, tells the story to me, i will not waste my time in reading something which is absolute BS to me, what you believe in, is not the same here mate, i will wait for July, before I come to any conclusion, for the present, Pakistan see's a light in a tunnel.

Please read post 36, to make it clear, who's horses need to be stopped!

Well, no Goverment will ever give permission to question A Q Khan, forget about it!:crazy:

Also, you mentioned about China, you donot seem to be aware that China has already constructed Chashma 1 which is up and running, i think Chashma 2 is ready, and will be operational shortly if not already, and recently agreement was concluded for Chashma 3, 4, so you are wrong on that one buddy!
sorry guys the news from french presidency is somewhat different. they have downplayed it by saying they have offered nuclear safety technology
Some latest news on this issue:

France wants India-style nuclear deal for Pakistan

Updated at: 2243 PST, Friday, May 15, 2009
PARIS: French President Nicolas Sarkozy told his Pakistani counterpart Asif Ali Zardari he wanted Islamabad to have a wide-ranging deal to buy nuclear equipment like the one obtained by its rival India, Pakistan said on Friday.

"France has agreed to transfer civilian nuclear technology to Pakistan They have agreed that Pakistan should be treated like India," Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi told reporters after his country's president met Sarkozy.

"President Sarkozy said, and I quote him, 'What can be done for India can be done for Pakistan as well.' This is a major development," Qureshi said after the meeting in Paris between Sarkozy and President Asif Ali Zardari.

An official in Sarkozy's office said France wanted Pakistan to improve its nuclear security but did not comment on the idea of an India-style deal.

"The president confirmed that we are prepared to cooperate with Pakistan in the area of nuclear safety," he said.

Qureshi dismissed concerns about the safety of Pakistan's nuclear arsenal and its proliferation history. Like India, Pakistan has also not signed up to the NPT.

"We will assure the world that we are an important and a responsible nuclear power and we can handle these matters without threatening or endangering anyone," he said.

"Pakistan has no issues with the IAEA. We are willing to give international guarantees. We want the world to feel secure, and Pakistan will give all necessary guarantees," Qureshi said when asked about the feasibility of a Pakistani nuclear deal.

France wants India-style nuclear deal for Pakistan - GEO.tv
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