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PAK-FA : photos and videos

DSI stealth intakes, you when Russians or you Indian Boys learn how to do this(will takes decades) you can call that silent flanker a 5th gen...:lol:

go China Go...:china:

I'm shocked and amazed at your utter ignorance and lack of any basic knowledge. The concept of a adjustable intakes have been around for decades, in fact the ancient Mig-23 had adjustable intakes for diversion of air, so when you said it will take Russia decades, you just make a mockery of yourself. You further degraded yourself by using fanboy animations. Apart from that it is amazing that a country that is able to create a complex 3d tvc system would not be able to create an adjustable intake diverter, but again it's already been done via the Mig-23...

I laughed when i read the term 'DSI stealth intakes'; firstly, if the J-20 has such a system it is not for so called 'stealth', it is to improve airflow. In fact such a system would increase the J-20's RCS unless engineers put painstaking details into the design. Remember joints, gaps, and uneven panels contribute greatly to RCS. Read the following:


As one Lockheed F‑117 engineer put it, “We couldn’t allow even the tiniest imperfection in the fit of the landing gear door, for example, that could triple the airplane’s RCS if it wasn’t precisely flushwith the body.”

If such a system does exist it would need to align perfectly every time, and all seems would not only have to be as small as possible but also slanted so EM waves don't come back to the receiver.

VIDEO: PAK-FA needs advanced composites. Can Russia make them? - The DEW Line


One of the key questions about Russia's PAK-FA fighter program concerns the national industry's capacity to produce the advanced composites required for stealth fighters.

Indeed, the question, "Can Russia's emerging composites industry keep up with production" was nearly topped the list of questions in an exhaustive PAK-FA dossier published last year by David Markov and Andrew Hall -- both experts at a US think-tank called the Institute for Defense Analyses.

A Russian-language news video posted online last week appears designed to re-assure any doubters about the readiness of the PAK-FA's advanced composites supply chain.

Based on a Google translation of a transcript of the report, which is headlined "Black Wings", it's possible to discern the gist of the story, if not the details.

With shots from inside an advanced composite factory that would certainly be off-limits to the press in the West, Russian officials say the PAK-FA's composites technology has been developed since the 1970s, with experience gained on Russia's Buran space shuttle and more recently the MS-21 regional jet.
Russian Technologies, have developed a special carbon fiber material. The main technological know-how in the so-called prepregs - semi-finished materials. Their characteristics are directly dependent on how homogeneously alloyed carbon fiber and resin part. "These technologies are in the world is very closed. For example, the technology of getting a good carbon fiber possess 2-3 countries in the world. And buy it impossible. Either you have to develop it himself, or will buy the finished product, there are airplanes, etc., but he already can not do it ", - says General Director of the Moscow Engineering Experimental Plant - Composite Technology Valery Litvinov.
I'm shocked and amazed at your utter ignorance and lack of any basic knowledge. The concept of a adjustable intakes have been around for decades, in fact the ancient Mig-23 had adjustable intakes for diversion of air, so when you said it will take Russia decades, you just make a mockery of yourself. You further degraded yourself by using fanboy animations. Apart from that it is amazing that a country that is able to create a complex 3d tvc system would not be able to create an adjustable intake diverter, but again it's already been done via the Mig-23...

I laughed when i read the term 'DSI stealth intakes'; firstly, if the J-20 has such a system it is not for so called 'stealth', it is to improve airflow. In fact such a system would increase the J-20's RCS unless engineers put painstaking details into the design. Remember joints, gaps, and uneven panels contribute greatly to RCS. Read the following:


If such a system does exist it would need to align perfectly every time, and all seems would not only have to be as small as possible but also slanted so EM waves don't come back to the receiver.

brother these intakes can be made by HAL but the problem is ISRO is not releasing any funds and CBI had told HAL to go to congress....in Tejas mk-II there are no gaps in panels and we are hopeful it will be more efficient than Rafale once it incorporates DSI stealth intakes in later blocks :tup:
brother these intakes can be made by HAL but the problem is ISRO is not releasing any funds and CBI had told HAL to go to congress....in Tejas mk-II there are no gaps in panels and we are hopeful it will be more efficient than Rafale once it incorporates DSI stealth intakes in later blocks :tup:

CBI, ISRO NSG........... Mods.. its too much.. dont make this forum a dump ground where any body can $hit out... :hitwall:
Care to explain "We joined in"? Wouldn't it be with sack full of dollars to buy it?:taz:


:lol: In that way you did not made anything by yourself! You must learn that India will get jointly developed FGFA based on PAK FA whose design just started.

Oh, silly me, it must be another "Indigenous" product of mighty India. :lol:
it surely will become "indigenous" when Russians after testing and induction in their force, provides the kits for assembly to the Indian. Wait for how many problems will start after that. Like your TV channels reports, the weapons, which work immaculately in other's hands, always malfunction in Indian's hands.:
Burn! When you cannot get them its better to ridicule it for you. lol You will continue to do so.
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