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Pak couple sues American airline for racial profiling

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Mistaken identity based on racial profiling, that is what this is.

What you have so intently overlooked is the fact that I am not limiting it to one race and neither have I stated so.

The entire case is based on racial profiling, and not mistaken identity. Besides, if anything or any behavior is not limited to a single race, then there is no racism/racial profiling.

I feel you are taking a holistic approach here, bringing cases of racial profiling and cases of mistaken identities under the same roof. We ought to differentiate between the both, so that it is easier to differentiate between deliberate hate crimes of racial profiling, and cases of mistaken identity owing to an incompetent/counterproductive process.

What the Americans have actually done is that they have created the environment for terrorists to flourish and then they used this very thing to victimize people.

After all there wouldn't be global terrorism if it weren't for "Operation Cyclone".

The acts of the Americans with regard to terrorism (esp Op Cyclone) demand a completely new and exhaustive debate, which may somehow be related to religion, but not to racism/racial profiling. Americans come in all colors.

But if we are talking about terrorism, which is a completely different topic, then we all know everything is done for a specific purpose and more than often the consequences favor the powerful, don't we?

Why does this happen?

They want to make sure that they remain safe but the problem is that these measures are inadequate and they further aggravate the matter.

That is more about the incompetence of the system, don't you think so? I have seen the white Americans more vocal and critical of the TSA screening processes than any other community.

In this scenario, the reaction of the authorities was probably based on the background of the victims.

So, that had nothing to do with terrorism or its after effects.

In this particular case, indeed it was too much. It was the religion, more than the race that played the part. And handcuffing them was going overboard, no doubt. But the kind of generalization people are making here giving hints of rampant racial profiling, is not just.
Hold on. Who made the phone call about hijacking?
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Pakistan as a terrorist breeding ground is definitely taking its toll on Pakistanis traveling abroad. This is another case of that dimension.

Thats very True and a very useless dilemma. The US continues to embarressing itself with such stupidity.
Lets take this as example . since Ramond davis had caused the problem IN PAkistan some months back Should PAkistan go and arraest evey whiteman around ?

Sound stupid ?

And with that argument we can say the same with Israel US and the rest of the countries that created wars in 21 century. Its funny how the world seems to forget on their for mass kilings that they caused.
Their country, their rules

Our country, our rules
I hope they win this suit, this was way too blatant a disregard and a continuing sign of American incompetence in dealing with security issues.

Incompetence? If the Americans were incompetent there would be bombs going off in their country every day . There is more effort put in by terrorists to attack US than for any other country.

Never the less, I wish the Pak couple get justice for the mistreatment.
What bulls$1t people talk about racial profiling. If there are people in Pakistan and Afghanistan that have been involved in terrorism then it is obvious they will be suspected. What is wrong with that, don't we do the same. Anyone giving responsibility of security does the same thing, he will try to find how does the attackers looks like and try to search for them. I was searched in details and the person searching asked me do you know why we are doing this, I replied yes to make us secure. That is the thought that came to my mind.

If people are behaving differently towards Pakistani's it is they who are responsible.
Incompetence? If the Americans were incompetent there would be bombs going off in their country every day . There is more effort put in by terrorists to attack US than for any other country.

Never the less, I wish the Pak couple get justice for the mistreatment.

Attacking America is hard also because of the distance... How many attacks have they really foiled that there would be bombs going off everyday?
Attacking America is hard also because of the distance... How many attacks have they really foiled that there would be bombs going off everyday?

And being surronded by allies.

And neutral nations with no real fire power.
Attacking America is hard also because of the distance... How many attacks have they really foiled that there would be bombs going off everyday?

There are advantages of being a developed country where everything is organized and everyone is accounted for. Israel being in one of the most hostile neighborhoods is still relatively safe because of its efficiency.

You have to watch this doc about how they foil terrorist plots when they are being planned.

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Don't divert from topic, your agencies are more likely to capture or kill innocents while they let the real villains escape with ease.

After all your country let the entire Bin Laden family and Sauds out after 911 while you captured innocents who had no malice towards America.

I hope that this couple gets an apology from the authorities involved.
That is not a very good argument. If you demand that we detain the bin Laden family based purely upon name association, then it would be eminently logical to perform profiling based upon other factors such as citizenship, skin color, and religion.
Are you even aware of the following:

Couldn't stop them somehow, I wonder why?

Yeah its freaky that they would protect Muslims from the American people. I wonder why as well. Doesn't make sense since America is very Anti Islamic.
I hope they win this suit, this was way too blatant a disregard and a continuing sign of American incompetence in dealing with security issues.
Perhaps Pakistan could give US lessons? Wonder how Osama bin Laden got past Pakistani security. Or how certain Pakistani territory is under the control of other than the Pakistani government. The greater the freedoms the greater the insecurity. If we give people the freedoms they demand, we are incompetent. If we impose the necessary measures to improve and secure ourselves, we are tyrants. Make up your minds.
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