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Pak Army isn't capable of fighting and Bajwa's Kashmir deal with India

Nothing new. We saw the same thing when Musharraf took over. People here are either too young or just forgot post Kargil. Like the post 2019 situation, deals were made with india on LOC, trade, cricket, Pakistanis getting visas to visit India for medical treatments, celebrities getting employment in Bollywood etc, etc. Let's also not deny the fact that at one point Pakistan was sending mujahideen into Kashmir valley but that policy changed soon after shifting focus on war on terror in Afghanistan under U.S pressure which saw Pakistani establishment profiting billions of dollars in aid.
Nothing new. We saw the same thing when Musharraf took over. People here are either too young or just forgot post Kargil. Like the post 2019 situation, deals were made with india on LOC, trade, cricket, Pakistanis getting visas to visit India for medical treatments, celebrities getting employment in Bollywood etc, etc. Let's also not deny the fact that at one point Pakistan was sending mujahideen into Kashmir valley but that policy changed soon after shifting focus on war on terror in Afghanistan under U.S pressure which saw Pakistani establishment profiting billions of dollars in aid.
True, but just a small correction. That was post 9/11 not post Kargil.
Bajwa is smart enough to realise Pakistan don't have enough resources to fight India head on , even Imran khan knows it inspite of his public rhetoric for votes, he knows very well how to sell lollipop to pakistanis
If you also know it then why not attack Pakistan and take what you claim?
“Cowards die many times before their deaths;
The valiant never taste of death but once.
Of all the wonders that I yet have heard, It seems to me most strange that men should fear;
Seeing that death, a necessary end,
Will come when it will come.”

Thankfully you and PakMil Generals were not there at the battle of Badr nor at the conquest of Constantinople nor at the battles of Agincourt or Lacolle Mills. Have you ever came across the story of the Capture of Belgrade by Fritz Klingenberg? or the Boudican Revolt?

Of course if all day you only abduct and strip people, record videos, do political engineering, inaugurate pizza shops and do property transfers, you loose the will and courage to fight. Bloody cowards!
I take it you partook in all the wars/battles that you have mentioned above? If not, then perhaps you do not have the complete information about all those battles. Conquest of Constantinople failed how many times before it succeeded and how superior was the attacking force in comparison to the defending force? At Badr, was divine intervention not involved?
America has a two point requirement from Pakistan:

1. Become friends with India.
2. Fight TTP.

This way America's ally India will benefit and Pakistan will stay destabilized by fighting TTP.

Bajwa had agreed to the above and Asim Whiskey is following the same strategy. Imran Khan's biggest crime was that he made peace with TTP and was not willing to surrender to India.

You can see that the faujeets are promoting surrender to Hindus and war with Muslims.
..... Its possible that many journalists on various occasions could not get what Bajwa was trying to communicate ...... but then he starts planning about Modi's visit to Pakistan just by an innocent mistake, while keeping Foreign Office in dark.

..... and he tell Americans, out of goodness of his heart that his plan to trade with India & Modi's visit was thwarted by Foreign Office & SMQ. While Indian media repeatedly calls Bajwa a statesmen in 2022.

May be this is some new type of Patriotisms that I not familiar with :pakistan: .
Evidently your patriotism is not to the country but to personalities and hence your confusion. In my books, whoever solved Kashmir issue for Pakistan deserves to be held up as high as the founding father Jinnah.

Pakistani military generals are more concerned about weakening Pakistan, buying property in the west, dha, worshipping the not-so-sharifs and bhuttos/zardaris. If we go to war with the indians and they flee to the west, we would have real patriots take charge and do to the indians 10× worst than what the ukrainians are doing to the russians. It would serve Chinese interests too. Test out the strength of advanced Chinese wweapons in a real war and weaken india so much that the Chinese are a massive global superpower without any regional impediment. IF what I say is untrue then let the indians invade/attack Pakistan and we will find out.......... :azn:

PS Your post assumes Pakistan even without Chinese help, has 0 weapons and 0 missiles to fire back at india.........did the IMF supply the taliban with funds to fight NATO? .......are you sure you are okay?.......... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
The Americans razed Afghanistan to the ground........and then decided to rebuild it. Indians would not be so kind, they would not bother to fix the damage they would eventually cause in a full fledged war. In any war, we too would inflict damage on them as long as our Western weapon system last, when we run out of them, we will have to rely on China whose equipment is not battle tested. Furthermore, there is no evidence to suggest that China would even entertain a scenario where Pakistan goes to war against India.

Why the Indians don't attack Pakistan? Because they are not stupid, they are content getting stronger both militarily and financially. Pretty soon they will have a defining advantage over Pakistan in conventional terms, if not achieved already. Your flaw is that you are dreaming of fighting a war while depending on another country to provide you weapons.....weapons for which you have no money. Fools paradise it is called.
The day Pakistan cannot go to war with india, is the day india invades Pakistan. That is the ultimate dream and desire of rss, bjp and indian government. If you do not understand this, it means there is something wrong with your IQ and CATs score.
Let me explain the matter to you with an example, China and Taiwan.....as I believe, and you would agree, that Pakistan is a super power compared to Taiwan and India is leaps and bounds weaker than China and yet China has not invaded Taiwan despite all provocations.

The reason India does not invade Pakistan can be explained with the example above. India is well aware that any misadventure with Pakistan would leave her devastated and if it spirals out of control it can lead to annihilation of both countries in a MAD scenario so India is absolutely not in any position to take Pakistan on in a full fledged war.
Army Chief should have a 3 months of service, which could be extended 12 times making his maximum tenure equal to 3 years. By doing that, no army chief will dare to work against the political government, or conspire against the state as Bajwa had been doing.

Will that harm the institution? Possibly yes, will that harm Pakistan? Possibly not.
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And finally, what exactly is the Kashmir solution? Other to accept the de facto LoC as IB on which convincing India is a feat deserving the NOBEL peace prize; what realistically is the solution, pray tell?
If you weren't pulling it out of your arse, you'd know that the indians are dying for us to accept LOC as IB. Company woud happily do it too, in return for some assurances.

The biggest problem is the kashmiris on this side. You can say goodbye to AJK, as far as warm feelings towards Pakistan as concerned.
As for Pakistanis, there would be no earth shattering protests or uprising if and when that happens, only political capital will be lost. Bajwa was more than happy to make the deal with India and scapegoat IK. Two birds with one stone. That was the reason for IK's Modi Hitler RSS narrative to heighten the temperature among the public to signal bajwa to stop.
I take it you partook in all the wars/battles that you have mentioned above? If not, then perhaps you do not have the complete information about all those battles. Conquest of Constantinople failed how many times before it succeeded and how superior was the attacking force in comparison to the defending force? At Badr, was divine intervention not involved?
Irony of Pakistan is we do not read quality books. One does not need to take part in historical events to have awareness, that is why quality literature is available. Pak Army kay karishmay is not a quality literature so please avoid it.

Again just like every other time you missed the point; failure is not the opposite of success; it is part of it. Bajwa declaring result before the fight, or as Ayaz Sadiq puts it "his shaky legs" just shows the coward leadership of GHQ, over the years they have just raised "yes sir" officer mindset who can only think about their perks, privileges and residence abroad after retirement.

Even for divine intervention one needs to first have courage to fight.
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If you weren't pulling it out of your arse, you'd know that the indians are dying for us to accept LOC as IB. Company woud happily do it too, in return for some assurances.

The biggest problem is the kashmiris on this side. You can say goodbye to AJK, as far as warm feelings towards Pakistan as concerned.
As for Pakistanis, there would be no earth shattering protests or uprising if and when that happens, only political capital will be lost. Bajwa was more than happy to make the deal with India and scapegoat IK. Two birds with one stone. That was the reason for IK's Modi Hitler RSS narrative to heighten the temperature among the public to signal bajwa to stop.
You have to be one special ......... to believe that Indians would let their atoot ang be let gone without political repercussions and to believe that Indians would be dying to make the LoC an IB. India has fought 3 wars with us for Kashmir and you think that Indians want to give Pakistani Kashmir to Pakistan without protest. As I said, one special kind of......

Irony of Pakistan is we do not read quality books. One does not need to take part in historical events to have awareness, that is why quality literature is available. Pak Army kay karishmay is not a quality literature so please avoid it.

Again just like every other time you missed the point; failure is not the opposite of success; it is part of it. Bajwa declaring result before the fight, or as Ayaz Sadiq puts it "his shaky legs" just shows the coward leadership of GHQ, over the years they have just raised "yes sir" officer mindset who can only think about their perks, privileges and residence aboard after retirement.

Even for divine intervention one needs to first have courage to fight.
You deliberately sidestepped answering how many attempts at conquering Constantinople failed and how strong both the militaries were when it was finally conquered. Because that would reveal how stupid your entire assertion is.

War is won by weapons, this is the reasons that even after demise of the beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), there were nine swords hanging on his wall whereas there wasn't sufficient oil to light a lantern. And it is not the Generals who move into the battlefield, it is the common soldier who has more courage than any other Pakistani. The same goes for the other side too, the battle of Longewaala is a prime example.
In the clip posted in the first post of this threat, Hamid Mir confirms that Bajwa and Faiz Hameed were planning Modi's visit to Pakistan after ceasefire at LOC. This effort was thwarted by Foreign Office.
The other anchor, Naseem Zahra also corroborated that Bajwa briefed Journalists that Pakistan's Army is in no shape to fight India so we need to make friends with them.

Back in December 2022, Moeed Pirzada also revealed that that Gen. Bajwa had a discussion with an American business delegation in Februray 2022 and in that meeting he informed Americans that he had arranged trade with India back in 2021 but SMQ lobbied against it in cabinet. There was also a mentioned of Modi's visit to Sindh during that meeting between Bajwa and American delegation.

@Bilal Khan (Quwa) @PanzerKiel
So it means bot Indian Army/ Fudi & Pak Army were on the same page. Split Kashmir into 2.
And they (Mulla Deisel,PMLN)for the sake of politics told the nation that IK sold out Kashmir! Ours is a baigharat qoum.They will not change their thinking.
We need to eliminate the nuke program and reduce forces by 50 % as we are pals with our enemies. This will make Pak prosper. PMLN supporters need to stop toeing the party line. The Kashmiri leadership had told us way back then what Bajwa was doing while they were all praised for PMIK.
I also remember my pals from Kashmir telling me 1 time the entire AJK cabinet took oath on Quran that they will not take any pressure from army. The only journalist that mentioned this on tv the next day was Haroon Rashid. I was told about this an hour after the meeting concluded. FYI, 2 of my pals are related to the PM and Prez of AJk at the time and I ve met them both at my pals homes here in Dallas several times. They alo confirmed the story that PMIK was very Hawkish and wanted to give a befitting replay and how Bajwa ki tangain was kaanping but you all patwaris do what you do best. Turn a bling eye. Mian Saanp would ve officially been on board with Bajwa had it not been for IK being in the government.
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