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Pak Army Atheist Soldier Decorated and Promoted.

But if you had a non corrupt loyal Muslim vs non corrupt loyal non Muslim?

If everything is equal (loyalty, work ethnic, etc.), then its down to message, i.e., I'll fight the system and protect the interests of working people.
We have minorities so why not atheists. As long as they're fit, able, disciplined and abiding by the book (and obviously citizens of Pakistan) they must have our blessing that's all.

Here is the thing. Do we want the help of Allah the Almighty when we perform Jihad against the Kuffaar? If that is so, we cannot be simply a 'secular army'. We have to be God Fearing Muslims. And that means excluding those who have dared to question the finality of Muhammad Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam as the Messenger and Prophet of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'aala.

Let's not kid ourselves. Islam is a take it or leave it religion. And especially the 'Ghaibi Nusrat' of Allah the Almighty requires an extremely high level of faith. A high level of faith does not go together with friendship of Qaadiyanis.

The real strength of Pak Army isn't in the nuclear bombs, or the aircrafts, or any weaponry or training. The real strength is the Jazaba-e-Jihaad which makes even an unarmed soldier a potent weapon against the enemy.

There is no pride in Qaadiyanis being appointed in key places in the army or in the government. They WILL use their power and influence to forward their poisonous agenda against the Muslims. It is a matter of utmost shame, and it just goes on to show how far away our leaders are from the true teachings of Islam.

May Allah give Hidayah to our leaders so they may transform Pakistan into a true bastion of Islam. Aaameen.

See above
One main component of beautify of Gb is its low population rate. I am afraid your idea won't work... lol
Athletic skills are because of their environment, they have grown up in tough conditions thats why
And also GENES. Usain Bolt ain't what he is just due to training.

Of course environment affects genes over time...
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How about Jews?? No one from Arab world (Asli iman walay muslims) don't dare to even speak out.

It is our own misdeeds which cause our weakness. The power of non-Muslims you see today is our punishment. If we return back to staunch belief and good deeds, Allah the Almighty Himself will turn their strength into weakness.

The weakness of Ahl-e-Kitaab and kuffar has been described in the Holy Quran in multiple places

You are the best nation produced [as an example] for mankind. You enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and believe in Allah. If only the People of the Scripture had believed, it would have been better for them. Among them are believers, but most of them are defiantly disobedient.

They will not harm you except for [some] annoyance. And if they fight you, they will show you their backs; then they will not be aided.

They have been put under humiliation [by Allah] wherever they are overtaken, except for a covenant from Allah and a rope from the Muslims. And they have drawn upon themselves anger from Allah and have been put under destitution. That is because they disbelieved in the verses of Allah and killed the prophets without right. That is because they disobeyed and [habitually] transgressed.

Have you not considered those who practice hypocrisy, saying to their brothers who have disbelieved among the People of the Scripture, "If you are expelled, we will surely leave with you, and we will not obey, in regard to you, anyone - ever; and if you are fought, we will surely aid you." But Allah testifies that they are liars.

If they are expelled, they will not leave with them, and if they are fought, they will not aid them. And [even] if they should aid them, they will surely turn their backs; then [thereafter] they will not be aided.

You [believers] are more fearful within their breasts than Allah. That is because they are a people who do not understand.

They will not fight you all except within fortified cities or from behind walls. Their violence among themselves is severe. You think they are together, but their hearts are diverse. That is because they are a people who do not reason.
Lalik jan shaheed belongs to Ismaili community, born and raised in Ghizer district of GB. To be more specific, majority of NLI soldiers belongs to Ghizer valley, which is also called "Land of Martyrs. If you visit Ghizer valley you will find pakistani flags on shaheed's grave everywhere. The people of Ghizer are very brave and tough. They are good athletes and also famous for their soccer skills.
@WAJsal , @shimshali
To be more specific he is from the same village as me: Yasin.
If you visit Ghizer valley you will find pakistani flags on shaheed's grave everywhere.
Very true, actually if you visit ghizer you will see graves of martyrs every now and then.
Lalik Jan is obviously a big inspiration for us all, especially for the locals.
if a person deserve it then give it well done Pakistan well you cannot go after the religion or what they believe or not as we dont have the right
This athiest has served his country better than millions of his Muslim countrymen. The faith or other background shouldn't matter as much. Love for the motherland should.

Atheists are welcome to serve, but lets not belittle practicing Muslims either, and stay neutral, instead of statements with broad brush stroke.

Pakistan army is an army of the Islamic republic of Pakistan that has more than 99% Muslims soldiers...And the operation Zard-e-Azb is the named after one of the swords of the Holy Prophet (ﷺ). Similarly, I heard one of the largest exercises in PA's history was named as Zarb-e-Mo'min

What did he do other than serving on the boarders as the OP says. He did and still doing what half a million plus personnel (99% Muslims) of PA are doing. He did not sacrifice his life for the sake of nation...so I'm wondering why did you use the opportunity to bash the rest of the country? Instead we should admire his service to the nation..anyone who is doing his job honestly in Pakistan is a mujahid and should be respected for this reason alone regardless he or she is in the military or a civilian institution.

Jungi is a good guy, dont pay too much attention to that statement. Slip of the tongue.
Atheists are welcome to serve, but lets not belittle practicing Muslims either, and stay neutral, instead of statements with broad brush stroke.

I'm not belittling here, in my view a serving Muslim and a serving atheist both command respect, and a scoundrel who's a Muslim and a scoundrel who's an atheist command none. The point there is the actions of the man and nothing else about him are fit for judgement in my opinion.

My point there was to say that it is hypocritical of people who've never served, yet somehow feel superior because of their faith, or take something away from this soldier because of his.

I've said this in previous pages too if you haven't read those posts yet.
No wonder Bengali soldiders betrayed and joined the Indian forces to fight against Pak...

People conveniently forget this harsh bit of history, how drunkards lost half the country. Atheists weren't good then, but now all 100% of them are spotlessly squeaky clean, just like they stepped out of the Ganges right now.

PDF version of reality!

I'm not belittling here, in my view a serving Muslim and a serving atheist both command respect, and a scoundrel who's a Muslim and a scoundrel who's an atheist command none. The point there is the actions of the man and nothing else about him are fit for judgement in my opinion.

My point there was to say that it is hypocritical of people who've never served, yet somehow feel superior because of their faith, or take something away from this soldier because of his.

I've said this in previous pages too if you haven't read those posts yet.

I have said this before faith or no faith, how does it effect your fellow man? If you are a good muslim, good for you, if you are not your problem, not mine. It's a personal thing.

The following post is a direct insult to loyal serving soldiers who are practicing Muslims. Sorry, but you should have worded it better.

This athiest has served his country better than millions of his Muslim countrymen. The faith or other background shouldn't matter as much. Love for the motherland should.
Jungi is a good guy, dont pay too much attention to that statement. Slip of the tongue.

Janaab @Khafee I didn't say anything about him, he is good or bad person is not my job to determine and nor did I say that anywhere. If you read my comments, those are impersonal but in his first post he compared an Atheist to the rest of the Muslim and rather he also passed the verdict that he is better than million of Muslims....and I wonder when was the last we "Raja Major Aziz Bhatti Shaheed Nishan-e-Haider sacrificed his life for defending his country and this Muslim guy was better than the millions of non-Muslims and atheists in the country" and this statement would have appeared after each of the eleven Nishan-e-Haiders since they are all Muslim or rather expand it to thousands of Pakistani Muslim soldiers who sacrificed their lives ...
and now in comparison, our atheist soldier has performed his normal duties....that's is a good job, and we appreciate that but I'm what so special... what act of gallantry he has performed? and where did he went beyond his call of duty? Which award he has been awarded ....all his qualification is serving the army being atheist and thus the whole Muslim nation needs to indebted to him rather inferior to him because he is simply better...Please tell me what did I miss ?
He did perform his duties in a good way like most of the disciplined officers and for that he will get good APRs and get promoted and I appreciate and may Allah bless him
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I have said this before faith or no faith, how does it effect your fellow man? If you are a good muslim, good for you, if you are not your problem, not mine. It's a personal thing.

The following post is a direct insult to loyal serving soldiers who are practicing Muslims. Sorry, but you should have worded it better.

Maybe I should have added 'non-serving' to lessen the ambiguity. Quite honestly, this may be the 4th or 5th time I'm stating that my point was not worded or intended to say anything against servicemen Muslim or otherwise. Rather the keyboard warriors belittling the soldier here or any ordinary Pakistani whose contribution is less than his, and that may happen to be a Muslim.

I don't see what was incorrect about the wording in the first instance, logically it was enough to imply what I meant, but I've edited it now.
One main component of beautify of Gb is its low population rate. I am afraid your idea won't work... lol
Athletic skills are because of their environment, they have grown up in tough conditions thats why
Another thing I wish to ask is how intelligent are the people of GB compared to the rest of Pakistan? I would be interested in knowing how they do on a test such as https://iq-research.info/en/page/average-iq-by-country
Maybe I should have added 'non-serving' to lessen the ambiguity. Quite honestly, this may be the 4th or 5th time I'm stating that my point was not worded or intended to say anything against servicemen Muslim or otherwise. Rather the keyboard warriors belittling the soldier here or any ordinary Pakistani whose contribution is less than his, and that may happen to be a Muslim.

I don't see what was incorrect about the wording in the first instance, logically it was enough to imply what I meant, but I've edited it now.
Jungi, your wording was enough as per you, because your intentions are clear. But on the net any sort of ambiguity can be misconstrued. Me more than you, needs to be extra careful.
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