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Pak-Afghan border clashes in Chaman (24/04/2022)

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When the west told Afghanistan be more like us, they didn't mean become like Ukraine and get steamrolled by a 10x larger country.
Clashes kin sy howy? Good Talibans sy ya Bad Talibans sy?
I find this rhetorical however anyone against Pakistan is a an enemy means a bad taliban, anyone else can be good or bad as per their utility. There are no blacks and whites when it comes to national interests and Pakistan is no exception.
It is strange. Yesterday there was news of talks with TTP and Pakistan released low level TTP members and now this today. Maybe Taliban don't want the smuggling to stop from Qandahar.
I have heard from reliable sources that one Inayatullah Kasi who had been picked up by agencies in Quetta some years back for Baloch rebels money in his bank account is now facilitating smugglers movement through his bagh/fruit orchard near Buleli Customs Checkpost outside Quetta. He has also been implicated in the murder of a local Supreme Court lawyer Azmatullah Kasi by the confession of the hired murderers from Chaman who spent a night in his bagh after committing the murder.
No idea or proof behind these videos. Many in the past have been fake.
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