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PAF - Operations

No. 15 Squadron was raised on June 15, 1956 in Mauripur and is presently equipped with F-7 aircraft.

15 Squadron ( Cobras) was converted to Mirage-V PA few years back.

The F-7s shown in the pic are from Handshake 1 ( HS1) : the earliest ones that we received from China. If you note they still have the old Chinese ejection seats that were later updated with Martin Baker Mk 10s


Imran, I think you missed No 16 and 17 squadrons in between…:whistle:
Following the traditions of Britain's Royal Air Force the Squadrons of the Pakistan Air Force (PAF)are awarded Standards upon completion of 25 years of service. From the Book "The Story of the Pakistan Air Force - A Saga of Courage and Honour", Shaeen Foundation, Islamabad 1988 the pictures of the Standards awarded uptil the publication of the Book.

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Standard of No. 5 Squadron. Battle Honours: "Chamb 1965" and "Sargodha 1965".

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Standard of No. 6 Squadron. Battle Honours: "Kashmir 1948" and "Kashmir 1965". since the publishing of the Book the Sqn have also ben awarded the Battle Honour "Karshmir 1971".

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Standard of No. 7 Squadron. Battle Honours: "Night Operations 1971" and "Night Operations 1965".

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Standard of No. 9 Squadron. Battle Honours: "Sargodha 1965" and "Karachi 1971".

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The Standard of No. 11 Squadron, with the Battle Honour "Sargodha 1965".
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The Standard of No. 14 Squadron, with the Battle Honours "Kulaikunda 1965" and "Dacca 1971".

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The Standard of No. 15 Squadron, with the Battle Honours "Khem Karan 1965" and "Sargodha 1971".

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This is the Standard of No. 17 Squadron. The Battle Honours are "Rajisthan 1965" and "Sulaimanki 1971".

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The Standard of No. 18 Squadron with the Battle Honours "Sargodha 1965" and "Chamb 1971".

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The Standard of No. 19 Squadron with the Battle Honours "Pathankot 1965" and "Wagah 1965".
Imran Sir can you delete all ur post in this message and maybe close this thread??

Sir Mudarks wants us to start from squadron 9 again and he will provide us with info n pictures :):)
Imran Sir can you delete all ur post in this message and maybe close this thread??

Sir Mudarks wants us to start from squadron 9 again and he will provide us with info n pictures :):)

with due respect to Sir MuradK, IMHO i would suggest we dont delete, and we would wellcome feedback from Sir MuradK. i am the original starter of this thread and my purpose was to get feedback/updates from the likes of Sir MuradK, X_man etc.
Thanks from a yank cannon-cocker. Very informative. Great looking group of kids in the Mirage air-sea squadron.
Thanks from a yank cannon-cocker. Very informative. Great looking group of kids in the Mirage air-sea squadron.

esp the lady-engineer!!! hee, hee!
"esp the lady-engineer!!! hee, hee!"

I've noted here and there that you've an excellent eye for detail.:lol:
with due respect to Sir MuradK, IMHO i would suggest we dont delete, and we would wellcome feedback from Sir MuradK. i am the original starter of this thread and my purpose was to get feedback/updates from the likes of Sir MuradK, X_man etc.

I didn't say to stop the thread I have asked Ali and Imran to rewrite on a few Sqd like 9, 7, 14. And We are all thank you for starting the thread.
The information is updated till end 1988. i would request members to update the squadron information with current status, a/c, ops, squadron commanders etc.

No 11 Squadron
No 11 sqdn, known as the "Arrows" has the singular distinction of being the first jet squadron of the PAF. the sqdn occupies a glorious place in the annals of PAF history. it is credited with the highest number of "kills" in the two wars the country has fought and the famous PAF ace S/L MM Alam belongs to this family of air warriors. the sqdn was also honoured in 1983 by being the first PAF unit to be equipped with the F-16 Fighting Falcon.

No 11 sqdn was first formed as a light bomber unit on 1 January 49 at RPAF Station Mauripur; it was to be equipped with twin-engined Brigand aircraft. however, the first Brigand crashed on its way to Pakistan and procurement of these a/c was cancelled; the sqdn was number-plated in Feburary 49. two years later, in June 51, the unit was revived under its first Sqdn Cmdr, S/L A Rahim Khan, with the new role of fighter interceptor and this time it had the priveledge of being equipped with the first jet fighter in the PAF inventory, the Supermarine Attacker. it remained the only jet sqdn in the PAF until the large scale induction of F-86F Sabres in the mid-50s.

The unit was re-equipped with Sabres on 18 January 56, and its role was changed from fighter interceptor to that of fighter bomber sqdn. in 1965 the sqdn was a part of the elite 33 Wing at Sargodha. after proving its mettle in the 1965 india-pakistan war the sqdn was re-equipped in 1966 with the Shenyang F-6 (Chinese built MiG-19) and its role was changed to air superiority. the sqdn shifted to PAF Base Rafiqui in January 71 and remained stationed there till January 83. in between it operated during the 1971 war once again from Sargodha. in January 83 the sqdn was moved back to Sargodha to be re-equipped with F-16s; its role was then changed to that of multi role sqdn.

No 11 sqdn can boast of many distinguished pilots and sqdn commanders, three of its commanders reached the top leadership of the PAF: A Rahim Khan, Zulfiqar Ali Khan and M Anwar Shamin. S/L FS Hussain its sqdn cmdr in the year 1953 became a legendary figure in the PAF for his highly professional and daring aerobatic displays. MM Alam became a household name in pakistan after his unprecedented achievements in the 1965 war.

Operating from Sargodha in September 65 the sqdn flew 227 sorties in the seventeen day war with india. the unit was employed on air defence duties as well as in support of the army. it was credited with shooting down 10 Hunters and 3 Gnats and damaging 3 Hunters, together forming a significant proportion of total PAF victories. S/L Alam claimed 9 a/c in only three sorties and also had the singular distinction of shooting down 5 Hunters in a single combat sortie. Flt/Lt's Jilani, Yousaf Ali, and Saad Hatmi shot down 1 Gnat each. only 1 a/c was lost due to enemy action and the pilot, F/O Shaukat, flying as Alam's wingman on a fighter sweep over india was taken PoW. the officers who were awarded combat decorations in the 65 war, included S/L MM Alam (SJ with Bar)(=DFC) and Flt/Lt's SA Hatmi and Yousaf Ali Khan (both SJ = DFC).

The sqdn again located at Sargodha for the 1971 war during which it flew several air defence and close support missions. during these operations the "Arrows" were credited with two kills; Flt/Lt Atiq Sufi shot sown a Su-7 and Flt/Lt Aamer Ali Sharieff a MiG-21. only 1 a/c was lost in action and its pilot Flt/Lt Wajid A. Khan was taken PoW.

Formal recognition of 11 sqdn acts of valour and meriteous services in defence of the fatherland came in the form of a colour presentation on 18 November 74 at PAF Base Rafiqui-the colour was presented by the Prime Minister, Mr. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto. the battle honours inscribed on one of the scrolls of the banner reads: Sargodha 65. the sqdn crest consists of an arrow encircled by eleven stars signifying the persuit of professional excellence.

In 1981, No 11 sqdn won the professionals trophy for its performance in excercise jetstream.
The information is updated till end 1988. i would request members to update the squadron information with current status, a/c, ops, squadron commanders etc.

No 12 Squadron
No 12 Sqdn was formed in March 50 with S/L AKS Ahmad as its first CO. it was at first a heavy bomber with 8 Halifax 4-engined WWII bombers and started flying on 5 April with 2 MKVII and 6 MKVI a/c. the sqdn was number-plated on 18 August 50 and all its a/c were placed in long term storage at RPAF Station Mauripur. the unit was reactivated in 1951 and resumed operations in the month of August. in October the sqdn took part in excercise "Wise Owl" and carried out practice bombing on Churna Island; parachute flare dropping and also carried out daring night practices.

In September 1953 the unit was converted into No 12 Composite Squadron with S/L Mukhtar Dogar as its OC. it was assigned a variety of tasks including VIP and AHQ Comm flights on Viking and Dakota a/c, target towing for ack-ack on Furies and heavy bomber operations on Halifaxes.

In early 1954 the sqdn received 2 new Bristol freighters followed soon after by 2 Wayfarers and 2 Tempests. in May a Freighter especially equipped for paratrooping was added to the fleet.

In Feburary 57, the sqdn flew its newly acquired SA-16 Albatross maritime a/c in a sea rescue excercise in cooperation with the navy. in November 58, the SA-16s participated in the CENTO excercise "Midlink" held at Karachi. the SA-16 which was primarily meant for sea search and rescue, was equipped with special search radars and had an exceptionally long endurance. in August 59, SA-16s participated in excercise "Jet North" which also involved the navies of the UK and New Zealand. in November during excercise "Midlink-II". the sqdn flew its longest ever non-stop flight of 15.45 hours in a SA-16.

On 9 July 60, the sqdn was moved from Mauripur to Chaklala, where it was equipped with a Fokker F-27 a/c for the use of VIPs and visiting dignarities. on 15 Feburary 77, the sqdn received a DA-20 Falcon for VIP flights while in October 78, a Piper-Seneca-II belonging to the Atomic Energy Commission was also assigned to the sqdn for operation.
sir can u please add the bagde image of each squadron aswell like the arrow insignia/ griffin/tail copper duck etc[not the trophy banner honour] but the ones worn by pilots.. i cant find it on net..

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