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PAF guard’s bullet kills woman in Peshawar

i am not blaming anyone but matter should be decided in court nit out side settlements specially in these type of cases.
Yes it should be settled in court BUT with little to no media coverage incidents like that make people wary of authorities
Security guard did the right job.
Driver was stupid, some people love to dig their graves by taking risks because of their ignorance or over cleverness.......:hitwall:
Perhaps they were too much jubilant at the arrival of their family member from umra and ignored the signal from soldier........people should be careful and attentive around security check posts.

These things are expected as the situation is pretty bad for guards protecting important locations in Pakistan with the type of attacks in recent past.
i am not blaming anyone but matter should be decided in court nit out side settlements specially in these type of cases.

Apparently you are not aware of how law works. For a case where witnesses and family are available, an FIR can be registered in police station. Police can investigate the case and present it in court. Evidence and witnesses are not a problem as cameras are installed everywhere and events will be recorded. The fact that family did not choose to press charges, indicates that they have realised that error was on their part. You are also missing the detail that she was taken to military hospital which means soldiers extended help after it was clear they were not terrorists. However if you feel so strongly, feel free to dig out details and share with us.

There is absolutely no way for a guard to determine intent of the person who isn't stopping at a checkpoint. has to act within seconds or it may be too late. You can not fault him on this.
What you want to say ? they extended help just to protect themselves and that is the reality. If any other civilian hospital involved then media get full access to the victims and matter could be blown out of their control.

Why would they need to protect themselves? Did they deny that they shot her? May I remind you that news is published in a national newspaper and is no secret. In your enthusiasm to somehow blame the soldier for doing what he was suppose to do, you have taken to assumptions. Please share with us any details you have. If soldiers are at fault they will face justice in military court.
Brother I don't have any further details but this should be cleared in court rather than out of court settlement.

Ma'am there are thousands of cases getting settled out of the court. When the plaintiff wants to settle the matter out of court, there's no one to force him/her to bring the lawsuit. Have a good one.
sad occurrence....

RIP poor soul....

this is one of very few incidences in nearly 10 years of terrorism....

but there is always room for learning in any mistakes......

I am sure there would be cctv coverage of check post ...that should be examined....
blood money should be offered to the family if it is a mistake
When power military / air force involved that matter should be cleared in court to avoid future back lash so no one can point finger in future to any our beloved institution. When they are on right side then why so much parda dari

It is wrong to make assumptions without knowing facts; don't you agree? There are hundereds of cases against military in courts.

One of biggest complaint I have against Pakistanis is their opinions are formed on myths and assumptions. We just don't like to investigate and gather facts.
FIR what a joke, they took her to CMH big officers with heavy shoulder badges can something left to say. nothing 100 mien najanay kitney beyaiman phir bhi hamari ..... mahaan.

FIR is not a joke. Heavy shoulder badges have nothing to do with registration. Again you have some myths in your head and visualising the situation as per your preconceived thoughts. I am assuming you have never been inside a police station or court of law. You can hardly hide your hate for military for some unknown reasons. As I suggested please bring us some facts or try to find some. Feel free to meet with victim's family and offer legal assistance. That's your right. As for soldiers, they will shoot to kill again if someone tries to enter forcefully. They don't have mind reading devices yet.
Wrong wording in red, he did not murder anyone, he did what he was supposed to do. A case should be filed against the driver of the vehicle for not obeying the orders.

PESHAWAR: A woman was killed when a Pakistan Air Force (PAF) guard opened fire on a car near Bacha Khan International Airport (BKIA) here on Saturday evening.

Police said that the incident took place at around 5pm. A police official told Dawn that incident took place after the car did not stop after the PAF guards signaled it to stop.

A police official at West Cantonment police station identified the slain woman as Bashirun Nisa, a resident of Akora Khattak area of Nowshera.

The family was on its way home after picking one of its members who had returned after performing umrah.

The police official said the guard was probably panicked after the vehicle did not stop despite being signaled to do so. He said a single bullet was fired, which struck the woman.

The woman was rushed to the Combined Military Hospital, Peshawar, where she died of wounds.

Police said the family did not register an FIR and took the body home. A senior police official said both parties agreed to a settlement and did not press the charges.

Published in Dawn, March 6th, 2016

PAF guard’s bullet kills woman in Peshawar - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

(One should not become careless around soldiers just because he/she is driving in Peshawar and not in some remote area. They have the orders to shoot if car doesnt stop on their signal.
Its not that guard panicked , they have the orders from their superiors to shoot and kill the ones in car which doesnt stop at their signal, even if she is a woman. I am sure the guard saw the woman, but followed the orders and murdered her.)
FIR is not a joke. Heavy shoulder badges have nothing to do with registration. Again you have some myths in your head and visualising the situation as per your preconceived thoughts. I am assuming you have never been inside a police station or court of law. You can hardly hide your hate for military for some unknown reasons. As I suggested please bring us some facts or try to find some. Feel free to meet with victim's family and offer legal assistance. That's your right. As for soldiers, they will shoot to kill again if someone tries to enter forcefully. They don't have mind reading devices yet.

She does not understand legal procedures. She is confusing an occurrence report with an FIR and somehow seems to think that an occurrence report (internal departmental document) was not generated to protect the solider in question. An erroneous assumption, one that I have tried to clarify and so have you. However, some basic idea of the litigation process is necessary to understand the difference between the two which the member in question does not seem to possess.
only one thing why this case settled out of court that happens only when big celebrity / personality pay big amount to save humiliation out of court.

Do you have any facts or evidence that this is what really happened? Or you are just imagining it on your own. How about taking the driver to the court who failed to stop and thus caused loss of life to the poor woman? Or taking CAA to the court who failed to provide official ambulance and medical attention to a passenger who was already suffering in the aircraft? Or failed to take passenger to let's say to Lady Reading hospital?
Dear Brother of Islam we pay them to protect us if somehow the kill us even by mistake then why you people shy to came out and clear you self in court ?

and what is this, kindly answer me what is this

Lady you do not understand. They will only come out and defend themselves in court when they will be summoned by the court, which would only take place if the family initiated an FIR against the offending party and chose to pursue it into litigation however in this situation the family chose to settle outside of the court and thus the entire matter never meant to court to begin with. Where in this very simple procedure do you have a problem understanding so that I may address it directly?

This is from an Indian Website, since we follow largely similar criminal procedures, it is relevant to our system as well:

Once an FIR has been filed the police are legally bound to start investigating the case. The process of investigation includes, but is not limited to, collecting evidence, questioning witnesses, inspecting the crime scene, forensic testing, recording statements and so on. If the criminals are found, the police will make arrests. Once the investigation has been concluded the police will record all their findings in a ‘Challan’ or charge sheet. If it is deemed that there is enough proof on the charge sheet the case goes to court.
On the flipside, after their investigations if the police conclude that there is not enough evidence or proof that a crime has been committed they can close the case after justifying their reasons in court. If the police decide to close the case, they are bound to inform the person who filed the FIR of their decision.

This also ought to help, please enlighten yourself:

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