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PAF flight lieutenant Dr Mahnoor Farzand dies of coronavirus in Karachi

Opening the gates of Taftan was a conspiracy against Pakistan by the mafia, who dance on tunes of supreme leader (of evil).

BTW, where is Zulfi Bukhari these days? Most likely MI5 has called him back.
He is in Pakistan.
May ALLAH forgive her sins and grant her highest place in Jannah and with shifat of RASOOL SAW ameen
Unusual for a 20 odd year old fit and well to perish from Covid 19. However, there is never a never in life and if Allah wills it, it will happen. Please remember the words of our Hadi SAW that if a Muslim dies in a pandemic he/she is a shaheed. As long as we satisfy the basic criteria of being Muslims, Allah's promise will come true. May Allah grant her that which He Izza wa Jal has promised us all. Ameen.

Pandemic or whatever, it's always Allah's will. I personally know of similar cases of 25 yo pregnant ladies without vaccination, recovering from covid without any complications in delivery.

Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Elaihi Rajioon.
What I quoted was a hadith of my Hadi SAW This is not the first time Muslims have been afflicted with an epidemic. People do not knowingly bring in Disease. As to captains and majors I do not know enough to be able to comment.

I know history of Islam and world, also know what exactly hadith is... but my faith does not rest on history, culture, myths, rituals or folklore.

Imran Khan is CoAS of COVID import in Pakistan, first via Taftan border and later through Wahga.
Every one knows he continue to send citizen to Iran, when pandemic was booming there, may be he was aware of Hadith you mention and was engineering shahids, but than question arise, why he banned Pakistani students in China to return home even after months of quarantine!!!!????
She was a graduate of Baqai Medical University and was known to be gem of a person
I know history of Islam and world, also know what exactly hadith is... but my faith does not rest on history, culture, myths, rituals or folklore.

Imran Khan is CoAS of COVID import in Pakistan, first via Taftan border and later through Wahga.
Every one knows he continue to send citizen to Iran, when pandemic was booming there, may be he was aware of Hadith you mention and was engineering shahids, but than question arise, why he banned Pakistani students in China to return home even after months of quarantine!!!!????
Alhamdolillah that you know of Islam, Hadeeth and the history of the world my brother. Also agree that one's faith does not rest on the factors that you have mentioned. But does the Quran not point you to instances of the people past? Have you not wondered why? Or do I need to teach you or better still you refer back to the Mushaf for some tadabbur as He izza wa jal asks you.
You blame IK. Tell me did you see him making the order to open those gates at Taftan? Or did YOU see him openning those gates yourself. If you have not then KNOW that you have slandered a fellow muslim and make Tauba for ALLAH will not forgive slanderers.
Diseases in a connected world are difficult to prevent. It has not been possible to do so in the West how do you think it would be possible in Pakistan? The UK death toll from Corona 19 is approaching 150K so a death toll in Pakistan of 20K odd is a spectacular effort. So do you not see the effort that has been made and the consequent results? Or are you so blind in your leanings 5hat you cannot see any good in your government.
I implore you to look at the error of your ways as your elder brother and a fellow muslim.
Alhamdolillah that you know of Islam, Hadeeth and the history of the world my brother. Also agree that one's faith does not rest on the factors that you have mentioned. But does the Quran not point you to instances of the people past? Have you not wondered why? Or do I need to teach you or better still you refer back to the Mushaf for some tadabbur as He izza wa jal asks you.
You blame IK. Tell me did you see him making the order to open those gates at Taftan? Or did YOU see him openning those gates yourself. If you have not then KNOW that you have slandered a fellow muslim and make Tauba for ALLAH will not forgive slanderers.
Diseases in a connected world are difficult to prevent. It has not been possible to do so in the West how do you think it would be possible in Pakistan? The UK death toll from Corona 19 is approaching 150K so a death toll in Pakistan of 20K odd is a spectacular effort. So do you not see the effort that has been made and the consequent results? Or are you so blind in your leanings 5hat you cannot see any good in your government.
I implore you to look at the error of your ways as your elder brother and a fellow muslim.

In Pakistan's constitution, it's prerogative of PM to appoint every state official, incl. army chief and be able to micro manage institutions, using his hand picked advisors and ministers.
Imran Khan is Pakistan's most authoritative PM ever in history of Pakistan, and it's funny how he claim to be ignorant of the things that goes around in Pakistan, but Iran grappling in COVID was a major international news, but no one dare to stop citizen, from going into a death trap... whatever the reason may be but remember..... Chengez Khan is known as a conquer, but only he and his commanders are credited for the killing of the people involved in process, not the soldiers who actually executed the killing.
Imran Khan had and still have all the authority to publicize the CCTV video of Taftan border immigration and expose the real mafia behind the conspiracy.

There must be investigation, and the point i raised that goes against him is that, he did not allowed Pakistani students from China to come back, so he was aware of situations and took practical actions in cases, that suited Indian cold start doctrine.

Fact: Just before delta variant spread in Pakistan, Wahga border saw spike in travel activity... why travelers from India were not asked for quarantine is another case, which shall be investigated.

Even today, Imran Khan's Pakistan consider Iran and India as low risk country for COVID pandemic, while rest of the world think opposite, but of course according to your analogy it's not Imran Khan's doing, but i refuse to accept this excuse, considering he always know, if his political opponents are travelling out of Pakistan and is able to issue travel ban in very timely manner.
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In Pakistan's constitution, it's prerogative of PM to appoint every state official, incl. army chief and be able to micro manage institutions, using his hand picked advisors and ministers.
Imran Khan is Pakistan's most authoritative PM ever in history of Pakistan, and it's funny how he claim to be ignorant of the things that goes around in Pakistan, but Iran grappling in COVID was a major international news, but no one dare to stop citizen, from going into a death trap... whatever the reason may be
The reason is a clear deviation from the Hadeeth of our Hadi SAW who said "if there is an epidemic in an/area do not go into that area, and if you have gone there do not leave". People in their religious fervour went against specific advice and then wanted to return. I do not know whether people defied the quarantine set up at Taftan border . But can you CATEGORICALLY SAY that this happened with IK consent?

Chengez Khan is known as a conquer, but only he and his commanders are credited for the killing of the people involved in process, not the soldiers who actually executed the killing
That is not true! Imam Ibn Taymiah is on record saying" let the Tartar drink Alcohol as they go to sleep afterwards. Otherwise they rape, pillage, create a ruccus by fighting everybody and Kill people" Surely Chengez Khan did not ask them to drink Alcohol and kill people. They did so mostly of their own accord as well.

There must be investigation, and the point i raised that goes against him is that, he did not allowed Pakistani students from China to come back, so he was aware of situations and took practical actions in cases, that suited Indian cold start doctrine
Investigation for what? For following the ahadeeth of our Hadi SAW and the advice of people who are epidemiologists? What kind of misguided logic is this? And how is/this related to Indian cold start Doctrine?

In Pakistan's constitution, it's prerogative of PM to appoint every state official, incl. army chief and be able to micro manage institutions, using his hand picked advisors and ministers.
Imran Khan is Pakistan's most authoritative PM ever in history of Pakistan, and it's funny how he claim to be ignorant of the things that goes around in Pakistan, but Iran grappling in COVID was a major international news, but no one dare to stop citizen, from going into a death trap... whatever the reason may be but remember..... Chengez Khan is known as a conquer, but only he and his commanders are credited for the killing of the people involved in process, not the soldiers who actually executed the killing.
Imran Khan had and still have all the authority to publicize the CCTV video of Taftan border immigration and expose the real mafia behind the conspiracy.

There must be investigation, and the point i raised that goes against him is that, he did not allowed Pakistani students from China to come back, so he was aware of situations and took practical actions in cases, that suited Indian cold start doctrine.

Fact: Just before delta variant spread in Pakistan, Wahga border saw spike in travel activity... why travelers from India were not asked for quarantine is another case, which shall be investigated.

Even today, Imran Khan's Pakistan consider Iran and India as low risk country for COVID pandemic, while rest of the world think opposite, but of course according to your analogy it's not Imran Khan's doing, but i refuse to accept this excuse, considering he always know, if his political opponents are travelling out of Pakistan and is able to issue travel ban in very timely manner.
So you mean to tell me that UK govtt which has kept India on its amber list in spite of the peak there was also acting under IK's advice. I sit in UK and I know Pakistan remains on the Red list while India is amber and that was the case at the height of the Indian Covid wave as well as now. Are you going to blame Imran Khan for this as well?
By the way how many visas are issued for Pakistanis to travel India and Indians to travel Pakistan? Please give me a figure. I suspect the only travellers were on Yatra from Indian Punjab and since they remain isolated during this period and strategically it was important to maintqin solidarity with the Sikhs it was allowed.
Iam no fan of Imran Khan. I do not think he is bereft of faults and deficiencies but to blame him without cause is wrong.
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