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PAF F-16 pilot's flying hours

when you think about it, thats not a lot of pilots with F-16 experience! and all of them may not be active anymore! of course having said that, the list may not be up-to-date either!
when you think about it, thats not a lot of pilots with F-16 experience! and all of them may not be active anymore! of course having said that, the list may not be up-to-date either!

Fatman...those are great flying numbers ..considering that F16 airframe is made for 6,000 flying hours (block 52), before it has to undergo extensive maintainence again. and i am pretty sure that the airframe might have already logged in a good amount of flying hours before it got into the hands of pilots listed in the document
List clearly indicates that we have a good pool very experienced Viper guys from Squadron Leaders to Air Mashals now. Some might say that having flying the type for last 27 years , this level of experience is absolutely normal but do keep in mind the fact that in past 27 years our F-16 went thru some very hours crunch periods. There were periods when pilots were barely flying 6 to 7 hours a month...Despite all embargoes, maintenance issues and various fleet related issues, this kind of an experience in itself is a big achievement. Please also don’t forget another achievement that our fleet received regarding the completion of 10,000 accident free hours in 2005.

While majority of pilots are still in the flying status, however few have left the airforce, few became medically unfit to fly, few are now serving at staff appointments, some switched the weapon system and flying other types and two officers have died (Air Cdre Muzaffar due to heart attack and Gp.Cpt Asad crashed in a Mirage accident).

The TOP hours guy, Wg Cdr Tariq Zia is below (closest to camera) in a close formation with other PAF F-16s.


The list needs to get updated .
Tariq, Arain, Haseeb, Aamir Mansoor all surpassed 3000 hr , Avm farhat surpassed 2500 a long long time ago. Plus a couple of more, just noticed the dates are wrong too.
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i guess the number of pilots with F-16 experience is bound to go up once we get more F-16s inducted....
Imagine how big the list and hours would be if w would have been treated with respect (spare parts). I love those pics posted. If we could thank more then once then this would be the kind of posts.... :)

With another batch of F16's next year the rise would be not that big cause we have to mlu lots of planes. And it still needs to be seen whether US is reliable. We have seen the Obama switching from Kashmir being top a problem to no Clinton saying that Paksitan needs to respect India (including Kashmir) and linking everything to India or other factors we cannot influence (like war on terror in Afghanistan)...

I say, let us hope to induct JF17 in very fast speed. Let us get J10B improved and inducted. Do remember that Erieye is planned mid 2009. And do remind that the IFR are almost transfarable. Like Ex ACM said:" The F16 is just a nice bonus"...
Goto youtube take out last years 23rd march video you can hear Wing cmd Tipu sultan saying the leader of the F-16 is Group Capt Haseeb.
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