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PAF ERIEYE Aircraft Platform Discussion


Mar 15, 2009
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I wanted to open a discussion about the airplane platform being used for the ERIEYE AW&C system that has been purchased by the PAF. Pakistan opted for the SAAB 2000 regional jet aircraft. This aircraft is no longer in production. Greece and Brazil have both opted for the Embraer 145 regional jet platform.

The websites airforce-technology.com and aerospace-technology.com have information about these sytems and platforms.

It has been stated that the SAAB 2000 has been optimized for hot and humid conditions. However, is it not possible to also do that for the Embraer 145? Moreover, does Brazil not have similar hot and humid operating conditions?

In my limited knowledge, it is my impression that the Embraer 145 platform would be larger, faster and better long-term platform for the PAF. Moreover, would it not have longer loiter times? In addition the SAAB 2000 currently does not have in-flight refueling. As such its loiter time compared to the Phalcon would be much more restricted, since the latter has in-flight refueling capabilities.

I have attached a few links describing the 2 platforms and the associated regional jet platforms.

I wanted to highlight I would like to focus on the platforms and not debate the merit of the ERIEYE system versus Phalcon as this has been covered in previous and ongoing threads.
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