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PAF deploying Fighters at Skardu Base (very close to IOK)

India keeping a close eye as Pakistan moves to base J-17 fighters at Skardu near Ladakh
Amid the ongoing tensions with Pakistan over the abrogation of Article 370, Pakistani forces have started moving equipment to their forward bases close to Ladakh.


ANI Photo

Edited By:

Sanchita Jain
Aug 12, 2019, 12:28 PM IST
Trending News
New Delhi: Amid the ongoing tensions with Pakistan over the abrogation of Article 370, Pakistani forces have started moving equipment to their forward bases close to Ladakh.

"Three C-130 transport aircraft of the Pakistan Air Force were used on Saturday to ferry equipment to their Skardu airbase opposite the Union Territory of Ladakh. The Indian agencies concerned are keeping a close eye on the movement of Pakistanis along with the border areas," government sources told ANI.

Sources said the equipment moved to the forward operating base could be support equipment for fighter aircraft operations. Pakistanis are most likely to move in their JF-17 fighter planes to the Skardu airfield, they said.

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The Indian intelligence agencies along with the Air Force and Army are keeping a close watch on the movement of the Pakistani Air Force as they can see almost the entire length and breadth of Pakistan.

The Pakistanis use an older version of the C-130 transport aircraft supplied by the Americans a long time ago and one of their military rulers Gen Zia Ul Haq was also killed in power when the C-130 in which he was travelling crashed in August 1988 due to a bomb explosion.

Sources said the Pakistan Air Force was planning to conduct an exercise of its Air Force and Army elements and the move of shifting planes to the forward base could also be a part of it. Skardu is a forward operating base of the Pakistan Air Force and it uses it to support its Army operations on the border with India.

Pakistan has been trying to make a big issue out of India`s decision of scrapping Article 370 and bifurcating Jammu and Kashmir into two union territories of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh.


Only Indian sources reporting it, no news form Pakistani side.
If true, then turning nonoperational base to operational clearly means preparation for possible War.
not necessarily possible war, could be to avert enemy's misadventures, if they try any.
One thing is very clear, Pakistan is not going to start it but waiting for any mistakes from India and then unleash....so Pakistan can call everything defensive
India keeping a close eye as Pakistan moves to base J-17 fighters at Skardu near Ladakh
Amid the ongoing tensions with Pakistan over the abrogation of Article 370, Pakistani forces have started moving equipment to their forward bases close to Ladakh.


ANI Photo

Edited By:

Sanchita Jain
Aug 12, 2019, 12:28 PM IST
Trending News
New Delhi: Amid the ongoing tensions with Pakistan over the abrogation of Article 370, Pakistani forces have started moving equipment to their forward bases close to Ladakh.

"Three C-130 transport aircraft of the Pakistan Air Force were used on Saturday to ferry equipment to their Skardu airbase opposite the Union Territory of Ladakh. The Indian agencies concerned are keeping a close eye on the movement of Pakistanis along with the border areas," government sources told ANI.

Sources said the equipment moved to the forward operating base could be support equipment for fighter aircraft operations. Pakistanis are most likely to move in their JF-17 fighter planes to the Skardu airfield, they said.

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The Indian intelligence agencies along with the Air Force and Army are keeping a close watch on the movement of the Pakistani Air Force as they can see almost the entire length and breadth of Pakistan.

The Pakistanis use an older version of the C-130 transport aircraft supplied by the Americans a long time ago and one of their military rulers Gen Zia Ul Haq was also killed in power when the C-130 in which he was travelling crashed in August 1988 due to a bomb explosion.

Sources said the Pakistan Air Force was planning to conduct an exercise of its Air Force and Army elements and the move of shifting planes to the forward base could also be a part of it. Skardu is a forward operating base of the Pakistan Air Force and it uses it to support its Army operations on the border with India.

Pakistan has been trying to make a big issue out of India`s decision of scrapping Article 370 and bifurcating Jammu and Kashmir into two union territories of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh.


Only Indian sources reporting it, no news form Pakistani side.

Watch the fourth Suggestion in this page

it all says itself what's going to happen
Can't their 1million army in IOK even stop 2-10 terrorists from infiltration ?
Terrorist JEM, Terrorist JEM, Terrorist JEM -----------.........
That's what they've been shouting since February
#Breaking alot of Indian
military air traffic heading IOK
some disappeared from radar instantly
India needs an incident to distract world attention from Kashmir, and here are some possible paths it can take;
  1. Create an incident in Pakistan, like attack/killing of Maryam Nawaz Sharif and create panic within PMLN to start acting against the establishment (the black swan operation).
  2. Create an incident in India (like Pulwama) and put blame on Pakistan, but not just the blame, another airstrike like situation which would create a side-conflict outside Kashmir region.
  3. Start an incident with Pakistan in Kashmir and capture some of Azad Kashmir's territory and make Pakistan negotiate its loss instead of Indian occupied Kashmir.
  4. No action is not an option for India as over time its crimes in Kashmir will pile up and Kashmiris and the world community will have to stand up, voice and pressurize India.
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