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PAF come show your love and appreciation


Sep 15, 2006
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United Kingdom
I was annoyed at first, then told to be patient by none other than our own @AgNoStiC MuSliM. I never doubted just wanted them to do what they do best.

To the Pakistani Airforce my love, respect and prayers for keeping the fatherland safe.
Oh I usually go with sweets every year at RIAT to see the PAF, this year I'm going with flowers haha.

Probably the greatest PAF song ever;

I was annoyed at first, then told to be patient by none other than our own @AgNoStiC MuSliM. I never doubted just wanted them to do what they do best.

To the Pakistani Airforce my love, respect and prayers for keeping the fatherland safe.
Oh I usually go with sweets every year at RIAT to see the PAF, this year I'm going with flowers haha.

Probably the greatest PAF song ever;


oh lala the conflict has not ended.
I was annoyed at first, then told to be patient by none other than our own @AgNoStiC MuSliM. I never doubted just wanted them to do what they do best.

To the Pakistani Airforce my love, respect and prayers for keeping the fatherland safe.
Oh I usually go with sweets every year at RIAT to see the PAF, this year I'm going with flowers haha.

Probably the greatest PAF song ever;

my fav one:smitten::cheers::cheers::pakistan: salute to the boys
never doubted them.

Living in the UK we get russian jets invading our airspace every other week, the standard procedure is to intercept and escort out of UK terroritry.

Which is exactly the command PAF had at the time of Indias fake face saving air drop over the LOC that night. We all knew what was coming next and PAF responded in broad day light for the world to see.
oh lala the conflict has not ended.

But the PAF has ensured that the IAF will never under-estimate us again.

We went in, we bombed multiple targets, got out, downed some of their aircraft and held a pilot prisoner for the whole world to see. As per their own admission, their 2000s, Bisons and Flankers were not enough to stop us.
Thanks to our brave airmen. The nation is indebted to you. Although I wish I could celebrate a decisive victory, but unfortunately hostilities are not over yet. We are still relying on your resolve, valor, and tenacity. May Allah the Almighty Help you, Guide you, and Protect you through His Unseen Forces. Aameen.
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