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Overview of 7th JCC meeting


Mar 21, 2007
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Overview of 7th JCC meeting held last month between China and Pakistan

Prime Minister Shahid Khakan Abbasi has granted approval for inclusion of a dozen fresh projects as part of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), including much-awaited Karachi Circular Railway (KCR) with an estimated cost of $ 2.07 billion.

List of energy projects would be revised with the expectations that more power projects would be made part of the CPEC after getting approval of JCC meeting, including two projects of 100 MW and 80 MW at Gilgit as well as Taunsa Hydropower Project of 800 MW.

He said that Karachi Circular Railway (KCR) and Mainline-1 (ML-1) were strategic projects and finalisation of implementation plan for dualisation/ up-gradation of rail line from Peshawar to Karachi (ML-1)

The ML-1, he said, has been envisaged with estimated cost of $8.130 billion and first phase will be kick-started in 2018.

He said that it was decided in principle to focus upon increasing cooperation on industrial zones as four feasibility studies related to each one in Punjab, Sindh, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and GilgitBaltistan was so far finalised and would be submitted for Chinese comments out of total nine Special Economic Zones (SEZs). “The sharing of feasibility studies will be done and future roadmap will be finalised,” he added. Currently, he said that there were total 22 projects under construction with the help of CPEC initiative with total cost of $ 27 billion of which 15 projects having cost of $22 billion were related to energy projects. In shape of Early Harvest Programme (EHP), he said that around 11,110 MW related projects were under construction, expected to be completed in 2018.

He said that the design framework agreement for construction of Gwadar International Airport with cost of $ 260 million grant money signed during this JCC meeting. The letter of expression (LOE) for Vocational Training and Friendship Hospital at Gwadar also be finalised. The groundbreaking of Eastbay Expressway was done on November 24, 2017, by Prime Minister Shahid Khakan Abbasi alongwith visiting Chinese leaders. For desalination of water of 5 million gallon in Gwadar, he said that this important project would be discussed and would be completed in one and half year period.
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