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Our Model Of The Solar System Has Been Wrong This Entire Time!


Sep 16, 2013
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United Arab Emirates
Our Model Of The Solar System Has Been Wrong This Entire Time!

Written by Amateo Ra|

If you walk into any classroom today, and likely ever since you were a kid yourself , there is one model being taught regarding the structure of our Solar System. It’s the model that looks like this:


It’s the traditional orbiting model of the Solar System, or the Heliocentric Model, where our planets rotate around the sun.

While this isn’t entirely wrong, it’s omitting one very important fact. The sun isn’t stationary. The sun is actually travelling at extremely fast speeds, upward of 828,000 km/hr, or 514,000 miles an hour.

Our whole Solar System is orbiting the Milky Way Galaxy. In fact it takes 220-Million Years for the Sun to orbit our Galaxy.


Knowing this to be true, our visual model of the Solar System needs to change, and has been inaccurate this whole time. In fact, our planets are barreling through space with the sun, and literally creating a giant Cosmic DNA Helix, and a vortex similar to our Milky Way Galaxy.

Like this but in space, creating a never ending Sine Wave.


This entails that our Sun & the Planets of our Solar System are never in the same place. When we make one rotation around the sun, we have already traveled millions of miles through space, meaning these Cosmic Cycles are far grander than we might have previously imagined.

Here are two video examples of the Helical Model of our Solar System:

This is one by Physicist Nassim Haramein, which clarifies the difference:

Here is a beautiful digital representation of how our solar system is actually a vortex.

- See more at: Our Model Of The Solar System Has Been Wrong This Entire Time! | Spirit Science and Metaphysics
In classroom we are always taught standalone model of solar system leaving out complexity of milky way galaxy or black hole. Way I see it adding any more components to standard model thought at early stage will create more problems.
Maybe they can add the other components of universe later in the teaching stages not at first.
In classroom we are always taught standalone model of solar system leaving out complexity of milky way galaxy or black hole. Way I see it adding any more components to standard model thought at early stage will create more problems.
Maybe they can add the other components of universe later in the teaching stages not at first.
Everything is relative.Standalone model is approximately correct if the observer is standing at sun and yeah it is easier to look at things that way.
A planetoid like Pluto five billion kms away is being pulled along by the Sun due to its gravitational pull, which must be enormous! That's what I find incredible!!
in classrooms

we are generally taught a model of solar system - not of universe - which is correct

this is nothing new

it has been already explained thousands of years earlier
in classrooms

we are generally taught a model of solar system - not of universe - which is correct

this is nothing new

it has been already explained thousands of years earlier
Unfortunately in the classrooms we were always taught the One-dinensional models.
Frankly I was never taught about the helix the solar system makes not even in my engg classes.
So what's new about this??? We all know we are in one of the spiraling arms of the milky way galaxy which may be a black hole and which itself is moving.
It was not about our solar system being in the spiralling arms of milky way,instead it was about how a helix is created as the planets revolve around the sun in 3 dimensions.
I suggest you to watch the video.

Everything is relative.Standalone model is approximately correct if the observer is standing at sun and yeah it is easier to look at things that way.
The top view of our solar system indeed looks as if the planets are going around the sun in circles.
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A planetoid like Pluto five billion kms away is being pulled along by the Sun due to its gravitational pull, which must be enormous! That's what I find incredible!!

and yet gravity is the weakest force in physics. I wish we learn more about it. Things just doesn't add up.
In classroom we are always taught standalone model of solar system leaving out complexity of milky way galaxy or black hole. Way I see it adding any more components to standard model thought at early stage will create more problems.
Maybe they can add the other components of universe later in the teaching stages not at first.
And this "later"never happened atleast in my case.So i believe atleast at the high school level when the youngsters learn about the helix shape, they should be taught this fact about our solar system.

Excellent Post!
Thank you!!
and yet gravity is the weakest force in physics. I wish we learn more about it. Things just doesn't add up.
Even to this day, gravitational force is a mystery. No one knows what it really is!
Never did we learn much about some other stars either other than our own ,something like this :(

A planetoid like Pluto five billion kms away is being pulled along by the Sun due to its gravitational pull, which must be enormous! That's what I find incredible!!
Now sir,jus imagine the gravitational pull of those stars above. :D
And this "later"never happened atleast in my case.So i believe atleast at the high school level when the youngsters learn about the helix shape, they should be taught this fact about our solar system.
It applies to the engg classes aswell if not in the high school. They should use our solar syastem as an example when teaching about sine Wave and stuffs. Cos its so boring the way they teach it now. :(
Even to this day, gravitational force is a mystery. No one knows what it really is!

For that, we need better tech to study sub-atomic particles. That's where mystery starts unraveling. This new science we call quantum mechanic is so amazing. once you kinda get sense of quantum physics, classical seems boring.
For that, we need better tech to study sub-atomic particles. That's where mystery starts unraveling. This new science we call quantum mechanic is so amazing. once you kinda get sense of quantum physics, classical seems boring.
Albert Einstein thought that gravity is what happens when space itself is curved or warped around a mass, such as a star or a planet. Thus, a star or planet would cause kind of a dip in space so that any other object that came too near would tend to fall into the dip - a gravity well of sorts.

Interesting! But confusing!
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