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Oslo attacker Anders Breivik and Eur. right's hate-filled rhetoric

Some os us?? Even some Pakistanis were associating this attack on some deported Imam and their involvement in afghanistan. Open your mind !

Even I had my suspicions of Muslim extremists, but never really concluded anything before knowing it was some right wing douche who did it.
Title Change: Norway massacre terrorist aired anti-Muslim, pro-Israel views
he is a confirmed terrorist and identified by Police.
From west propoganda of islamic-terrorism to terrorism against islam..is it the rise of christian crusaders?

Excerpts from 1,500-page Norway terrorist's manifestoBy REUTERS

Published: Jul 24, 2011 15:53 Updated: Jul 24, 2011 15:53

A 1,500-page manifesto published on the Internet by Anders Behring Breivik, the Norwegian arrested for the killing of at least 93 people, sets out his reasons for Friday’s bomb and gun attacks.

Police confirmed that Breivik published the English language document on Friday only hours before the killings. Here are some excerpts from the document entitled “2083 — A European Declaration of Independence“:


• “As we all know, the root of Europe’s problems is the lack of cultural self-confidence (nationalism). Most people are still terrified of nationalistic political doctrines thinking that if we ever embrace these principles again, new “Hitler’s” will suddenly pop up and initiate global Armageddon ... This irrational fear of nationalistic doctrines is preventing us from stopping our own national/cultural suicide as the Islamic colonization is increasing annually ... You cannot defeat Islamization or halt/reverse the Islamic colonization of Western Europe without first removing the political doctrines manifested through multiculturalism/cultural Marxism.”

• “I don’t hate Muslims at all. I acknowledge that there are magnificent Muslim individuals in Europe. In fact, I have had several Muslim friends over the years, some of which I still respect. This does not mean however that I will accept an Islamic presence in Europe. Muslim individuals who do not assimilate 100% within 2020 will be deported as soon as we manage to seize power.”

• “Although I do admit that I am disgusted by the current development, I would rather say I’m driven by my love for Europe, European culture and all Europeans. This does not mean that I oppose diversity. But appreciating diversity does not mean that you support genocide of your own culture and people.”


• “For me, personally, it was my government’s involvement in the attacks on Serbia.”

• “It was completely unacceptable how the US and Western European regimes bombed our Serbian brothers. All they (the Serbs) wanted was to drive out Islam by deporting the Albanian Muslims back to Albania.”

• “I’ve spent a total of 9 years of my life working on this project.”

• Around year 2000 I realized that the democratic struggle against the Islamization of Europe, European multiculturalism was lost. It had gone too far ... 40 years of dialogue with the cultural Marxists/multiculturalists had ended up as a disaster. It would now only take 50-70 years before we, the Europeans are in a minority. As soon as I realized this I decided to explore alternative forms of opposition. Protesting is saying that you disagree. Resistance is saying you will put a stop to this. I decided I wanted to join the resistance movement.

• I came in contact with Serbian cultural conservatives through the Internet. This initial contact would eventually result in my contact with several key individuals all over Europe and the forming of the group who would later establish the military order and tribunal ... Knights Templar.”

• There have been several issues that have reaffirmed my beliefs since then. Among them; my governments cowardly handling of the Muhammad Cartoon issue and their decision to award the Nobel peace prize to an Islamic terrorist (Arafat) and appeasers of Islam. There have been tens of other issues.”


• “If you are unwilling or incapable of killing women due to the principles of chivalry you should probably steer away completely from the armed resistance movements and should probably consider creating yet another right wing blog instead.”

• “Once you decide to strike, it is better to kill too many than not enough, or you risk reducing the desired ideological impact of the strike. Explain what you have done (in an announcement distributed prior to operation) and make certain that everyone understands that we, the free peoples of Europe, are going to strike again and again.”

• “Do not apologize, make excuses or express regret for you are acting in self-defense or in a preemptive manner ... Some innocent will die in our operations as they are simply at the wrong place at the wrong time. Get used (to) the idea. The needs of the many will always surpass the needs of the few.

• “If you for some reason survive the operation you will be apprehended and arrested. This is the point where most heroic Knights would call it a day. However, this is not the case for a Justiciar Knight. Your arrest will mark the initiation of the propaganda phase.”

© 2010 Arab News
But the whole point is that this lunatic targeted common Norwegians rather than the ministers in Norwegian government who made all the liberal laws that he stands against. What did the clown gain from killing 80 oblivious innocent kids? Rather he reduced his country's population further, ironically pointing at the fact that he worries his country's natives would become minorities in the future.

Instead of a bomb blast against innocent commoners, if he had say made some political assassinations, that would have been much more appealing to the conservatives' objective. This is going to further make a country known for its peace go into fear.
Even the Nazis were at least smarter than that wack-job. Not to mention their military and scientific ingenuity :D But that's all history now. And so would be this tragic terrorist act.
@ Tsering
You are right. This is not even collateral damage. He selectively targeted Norwegian civillians. Here is one terrorist who is unlikely to have any sympathisers
@ Tsering
You are right. This is not even collateral damage. He selectively targeted Norwegian civillians
He targeted members of ruling party and Govt offices.
Here is one terrorist who is unlikely to have any sympathisers

Are you sure about that? Hitler's biggest fans now reside in countries that he attacked. There were a lot of support for Timothy McVay in US after he blew up the Federal Bldg. Even in India there are sympathizers like Arundathi Roy supporting terrorist activists of Naxals.
The End of Innocence
July 24, 2011 - 12:39 am - by Richard Fernandez

The truth shall set you free and the apparent truth is that Anders Behring Breivik, the man who planted the car bomb in Oslo and massacred scores of young people, had no apparent relationship to any Islamic organization. On the contrary, he wrote a manifesto (warning the authenticity has not been verified) emblazoned with a cross, declaring his intention to start a European Civil War. And he did it in the name of ideas which many persons who have accounted themselves reasonable might have agreed with in parts.

This “civil war” would come in three phases, he predicts. The first runs through 2030 and includes “open source warfare, military shock attacks by clandestine cell systems (and) further consolidation of conservative forces.”

Between 2030 and 2070, he calls for “more advanced forms of resistance groups (and the) preparation of pan-European coup d’etats.” The final stage features the deposition of Europe’s leaders and “implementation of a cultural conservative political agenda.” …

“The situation is just chaotic,” he writes, noting that “thousands of Muslims” are coming into his country annually. “These suicidal traitors must be stopped.”​

It contains an extensive preliminary section detailing the historical path of the conflict between Islam and Christendom, going so far as to remind us why the Knights Templar, Hospitallers and the Teutonic Knights were founded and recasts his movement as reincarnation of that effort. In order to describe why it is needed he turns to Robert Spencer, Bat Ye’or, Bruce Bawer, Timothy Garton Ash, Walid Shoebat and various other commentators on the current War on Terror to say that a toxic mix of multiculturalism, Marxism and Islam are the reasons why today’s Europe “is burning”.

Q: Some will claim that you are Christian fanatics, just as hateful and intolerant as Al Qaeda. How would you react to accusations like that?
A: The PCCTS, Knights Templar is a European indigenous rights movement and a Crusader movement (anti-Jihad movement), a part of the pan-European and national resistance movement. In a way it is a conservative revolutionary movement. By propagating and defending Christendom we simply mean that we want to halt the cultural Marxist/multiculturalist attacks and systematic deconstruction on our Christian cultures and the Church itself and to reverse the de-Christianisation of Europe. The biggest threat to Europe is the cultural Marxist/multiculturalist political doctrine of ”extreme egalitarian emotionalism”. This type of political stance involves destroying Christendom, the Church, our European cultures and identities and opening up our borders to Islamic colonisation. The Islamisation of Europe is merely a ”secondary infection”. Western Europe has grown weak and decadent and will be completely annihilated culturally unless we succeed to implement a second European renaissance and reverse the damage done. History has shown again and again that you cannot co-exist peacefully with Islam. The only thing you can do is to isolate it as our forefathers have done for the last 1400 years.​

Burning. And he wants to bring it on. In short, if his manifesto is authentic, Breivik believes a twisted version of what many people who have opposed the Marxist and Islamic tendencies of recent years have argued to be true. He goes further than most by declaring his willingness to work with European neo-Nazis.

Q: Considering the fact that you may be willing to fight alongside so called neo- Nazis against cultural Marxists under extreme circumstances, doesnt that make you a neo-Nazi or a neo-Nazi sympathiser?

A: First of all, I don’t consider 70-80% of so called neo-Nazis to be actual Nazis, but rather misguided individuals. I believe many of these youngsters have made an unfortunate mistake by being drawn to the Nazi symbols due to lack of alternatives and because it is the strongest and most well known anti-Marxist banner. But I don’t believe the majority of so called neo-Nazis really support the slaughtering and genocide of all Jews, a one party state and an imperialistic policy of conquest. I believe they are just bewildered nationalists in search for uniting factors. In their frustration they have chosen the most despicable banner available as a way of saying a big “f-ck you” to the current establishment. But I am well aware that 20-30% of them really hates Jews and support most aspects of national-socialism. This shouldn’t be tolerated and we shouldn’t sympathise with them whatsoever. Driven by their Jew hate, these Nazis are willing to take side with Muslims in order to accomplish their goals. They are absolutely blinded by this hate.
Breivik is the mirror product of an increasingly rising tension in the world today. Under the seemingly placid exterior of Western Europe, the old devils lurk. And from those memetic caverns the Jihad has spawned an antithesis whose elements are sometimes rational and some not entirely so. Or perhaps the fires simply the Jihad to come out again. Whatever the case, they’re here. There will be many calls in the following days to clamp down on “hate speech” as if by doing so it could bank the fires which Breiviks tapped to justify his criminal behavior. Except that the fires a real and not the less so for having criminals like Breivik act upon them.Now both the Jihad and the West must admit that they have militants in their ranks. The age of innocence in the anti-Jihad movement is at an end. As with Islam, the West must now acknowledge that it harbors the fires that burn no less hot than al-Qaedas. Will it be Harper’s Ferry moment or another Oklahoma City bombing incident. Whichever it turns out to be, the sadness has just begun.
You mean on the face of some indians & americans? Do i need to exemplify.......? :azn:

Indians think muslims are terrorists? Mate, out of the WHOLE muslim world we only have problems with Pakistan. Rest of the muslim world [from Mauritania to all the till Indonesia] has really friendly relations with India. India is the most religiously tolerant non-muslim majority country when it comes to Islam. Don't get it twisted. :disagree:
Well this was bound to happen! only islamic extremist do not have the right to plant a bomb in a christian country or similar. i feel this is just a beginning before we find christians or jews terrorist organization of similar caliber as Al qaida carrying out bomb attacks on muslim nations to spread fear.We don't wanna see another world war in the name of religion it would be a shame. I guess china is insulated and the best nation to be religiously safe (conditions applied though).

If people ask me what I think should be the solution I'd say homogeneity like dividing people on basis of religion and placing them in different continents where oceans separate them:

1. Christians can have North America
2. Muslims can have asia
3. Hindus can have australia and new zealand
4. Jews can have great britain and ireland, greenland, ,madagascar.
5. Africans can have africa although their religion varies from sun worship to lion worship.
6. Agnostics or Aethists can take Europe and baltic nations like norway and sweden.
7. Sikhs can have japan
8. Buddhists can take South America
and the rest may live in Central America
Russia remains uninhabited

and the world oil fields are controlled by UN and IMF

BTW i'm quite surprised to see this idea coming out of my head. Its hilarious. :rofl: Anyways do you guys agree?
Islamophobia is on the rise here in the west. Mainly because of their media, which is mostly controlled by zionists. I know that Americans are very gullible people, they will buy anything their media tells them.
Well this was bound to happen! only islamic extremist do not have the right to plant a bomb in a christian country or similar. i feel this is just a beginning before we find christians or jews terrorist organization of similar caliber as Al qaida carrying out bomb attacks on muslim nations to spread fear.We don't wanna see another world war in the name of religion it would be a shame. I guess china is insulated and the best nation to be religiously safe (conditions applied though).

If people ask me what I think should be the solution I'd say homogeneity like dividing people on basis of religion and placing them in different continents where oceans separate them:

1. Christians can have North America
2. Muslims can have asia
3. Hindus can have australia and new zealand
4. Jews can have great britain and ireland, greenland, ,madagascar.
5. Africans can have africa although their religion varies from sun worship to lion worship.
6. Agnostics or Aethists can take Europe and baltic nations like norway and sweden.
7. Sikhs can have japan
8. Buddhists can take South America
and the rest may live in Central America
Russia remains uninhabited

and the world oil fields are controlled by UN and IMF

BTW i'm quite surprised to see this idea coming out of my head. Its hilarious. :rofl: Anyways do you guys agree?

(sarcasm On) Why do Jews get so much land? There are only about 15 mio of them. Denmark should be enough for the whole Jewish population. We should place the people according to population size and land fertility. That could be much more appropriate. Anyway it is a nice and fun initiative, maybe we could consider something in these lines:cheesy:. (sarcasm off)
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