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Osama Dead. Obama Confirms.

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why are the US people so happy about....it is a happy news but not this much....someone else will take his place and they will intensify their operations.pakistani forces cordoned off the area and then 2 helis started pounding the compound with rockets.....americans planted 4 bombs that went off simultaneously adn then they conducted the operation.PA was not completely out in the sun on this.

Why are US people so Happy ????????????????????????

This Bastard Killed Thousand's Of Americans In 9/11 , An you are saying why are they so Happy.........
Report his post massively to the admins/mods because posting fake pics that too from a ratshate forum is damaging for all.

all can see its a photoshoped pic

Your super duper media and Geo TV is also beaming the same photo. Dont mess up your "honour and dignity" (and credibility) by just spewing out useless BS crap all the time. :lol:
Yesterday there was a thread going on about a heli crash in abbottabab then a massive inferno and army cordoning off the whole area,. Was that live coverage of tjis operation on PDF?
Anyone know which special operations branch was involved ?

It is the begining of the end game-----OBL is dead---news reports are stating that pakistan was not involved and neither it was told about the operation. Oh well----

The will be a slight upsurge in attacks and then they would die down----. An al Qaeda without OBL is nothing---it does not have a name---it doesnot have a recognition----people don't have to look upto someone to seek permnission for their misdeeds----no one to get a pat on the back from----all insurgencies have died after a certain time once the leader wass killed----.

The way OBL was executed---bullet through the head by a spec forces man---says volumes about the revenge is a dish served cold----. It also sends a mesage to all others as well----
is there any news on how has pakistani govt reacted to the news. obviously it is worrying that he was caught in pakistan where as pakistan kept denying that osama was in pakistan.

Sir they knew it already for the operation was done by us along with CIA. the only shyty thing is that Govt is under pressure from all sides (US and terrorists) to issue a statement (the truth not the one dictated by US).

as far as OBL is concerned the information media persons here we are getting is he was killed few days back and his dead body was brought to that compound for retrieving which this operation was conducted last night
I am more worried about how this will affect the US-Pakistan future relations. I for one feel quite embarrassed & shocked living here in the US as a Pakistani American, talking to my American friends, that OBL has been killed in Abbottabad, a place I've been to quite a few times in my life.
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