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Osama Dead. Obama Confirms.

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Historic day!

Good job ISI, Pak Army and US armed forces. :pakistan::usflag::pakistan::usflag:
Is there a reason why Pakistani forces didn't conduct the operation after the ISI intelligence? May be they dont want the after effects of this killing (in terms of suicide bombing) to hurt them...
Good news, the Devil is dead!!!

This is what President Obama said in his speech:

“It's important to note our counter terrorism cooperation with Pakistan helped lead us to bin Laden and the compound where he had been hiding.”

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All US embassies around the world on high alert fearing a retaliation. We should be prepared for retaliatory strikes.

Party time!

GWU students, I bet.

But my Point is that OBL was found and killed in Pakistan.

Why did the Pak govt. made tall claims earlier that OBL is not in Pakistan..

Dont you remember Pervez Musharraf went ga ga over it!..

Get your head out of the sand. Pakistan said that they have no intelligence that he is in Pakistan. That's not the same as Pakistan saying he's not in Pakistan.
99.999 % Muslims were against him . No reaction expected from muslim world.
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New Record!
Abbotabad is only 50km from Islamabad. Google Earth tells me.

Well no it's not. It's 150 KM. Secondly, it's in more remote regions. Mountainous/hilly terrain.
If I had a Pakistani mango I'd be toasting Pakistan with my lassi!

I can make sure that some of our mangos are shipped out to you. Tis the season.

or just go to 'Ravi Kebab' in Ballston Virginia, 20 minutes from your location. This does call for a celebration :)
Get your head out of the sand. Pakistan said that they have no intelligence that he is in Pakistan. That's not the same as Pakistan saying he's not in Pakistan.

No use, they just love trolling against Pakistan
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