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Origins of SL war

You simply wanted to prove Tamilians are well off in SL. I proved contrary. Now stop bluffing.
where did i say Tamils are well off in SL? How can you prove something i did not say?
Please improve your comprehension and then read again. That will help both of us not waste our time.
@Lux de Veritas

This is from the wiki page you yourself copied down.

This is mentioned in the above infor I mentioned, but more details are given.

There is no mention about 1939 Sinhala-Tamil riot following GG Ponnambalam's speech. You can google it if you want.

I told you before there is a dominant narrative specially spread by separatists. And at the sametime there is more information deliberately hidden. That is what i mentioned first in the article...

University entrance or langauge were not real issue. The real issue or the origin of SL war is history which is my point.

Any Tamils want to comment about Sara's opinion that SL war is about Tamil racial awareness and a punde by the name GGP, and very little due to Sinhalese racism.
Any Tamils want to comment about Sara's opinion that SL war is about Tamil racial awareness and a punde by the name GGP, and very little due to Sinhalese racism.

History interpretation to put it rightly...and yes GGP was the first to start it and then sinhala racism followed with Tamil racism.
where did i say Tamils are well off in SL? How can you prove something i did not say?
Please improve your comprehension and then read again. That will help both of us not waste our time.
So basically, Tamils are not well off in SL. Despite Sinhalas being rich and whole SL having more GDP Per Capita than India, tamils are not well off. This shows how much discriminating those Sinhalese are and how much Tamils are lagging behind in SL.
@Lux de Veritas , This is from HistoryToday website. This is how they identified SL issue.

"William Clarance explores the origins and complexities of the Sri Lankan Civil War.

The Sinhalese-Tamil controversy over who arrived first in Sri Lanka and so has the better claim to be its ‘founding race’ has done much to contribute to the bitterness of intercommunal tensions which, in July 1983, erupted into the present civil war in the north-east of the island between the Sinhalese-dominated forces of the central government and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). - See more at: Conflict and Community in Sri Lanka | History Today"

So basically, Tamils are not well off in SL. Despite Sinhalas being rich and whole SL having more GDP Per Capita than India, tamils are not well off. This shows how much discriminating those Sinhalese are and how much Tamils are lagging behind in SL.

when IPKF were in North and seeing the standard of life in Jaffna, seeing electricity and electronic appliances in a normal tamil house hold in Jaffna, some IPKF officers had asked what they were fighting for.

SL has better living standards than India and TN and it is shared by all people of all races in SL. Tamils in SL do have every right and do enjoy everything people of other ethnicities do. If you doubt, just go to SL and see. We dont assault tourists like in TN
@Lux de Veritas , This is from HistoryToday website. This is how they identified SL issue.

"William Clarance explores the origins and complexities of the Sri Lankan Civil War.

The Sinhalese-Tamil controversy over who arrived first in Sri Lanka and so has the better claim to be its ‘founding race’ has done much to contribute to the bitterness of intercommunal tensions which, in July 1983, erupted into the present civil war in the north-east of the island between the Sinhalese-dominated forces of the central government and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). - See more at: Conflict and Community in Sri Lanka | History Today"

when IPKF were in North and seeing the standard of life in Jaffna, seeing electricity and electronic appliances in a normal tamil house hold in Jaffna, some IPKF officers had asked what they were fighting for.

SL has better living standards than India and TN and it is shared by all people of all races in SL. Tamils in SL do have every right and do enjoy everything people of other ethnicities do. If you doubt, just go to SL and see. We dont assault tourists like in TN

Root causes of the ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka

Q&A: Sri Lanka's civil war - Al Jazeera English

Then why since Tamil jingoism and Punde Ponnambalam is largely responsible for the war, why there are so many people adding reasons like racist Sinhalese among the main culprit.
Because that is not acknowledged in the dominant narrative about SL conflict. The issue is who built the dominant narrative?
I understand neutral people like youre concerns as any minority can be the under dog. They are. Tamils faced a lot of problems due to war. But the origins of SL war is a separate issue. As information about these are not part of dominant narrative...it is not surprising avg people does not know these details...

The reason I put this is, if we dont understand the real root cause, this issue can never be solved.
Because that is not acknowledged in the dominant narrative about SL conflict. The issue is who built the dominant narrative?
I understand neutral people like youre concerns as any minority can be the under dog. They are. Tamils faced a lot of problems due to war. But the origins of SL war is a separate issue. As information about these are not part of dominant narrative...it is not surprising avg people does not know these details...

The reason I put this is, if we dont understand the real root cause, this issue can never be solved.
Sri Lanka is Sinhalese land. Those Tamils were lucky that we weren't racist like Malays.

I would say it is unfortunate that Tamil came under Sinhalese. Meanwhile it is fortunate they they are minority under Singaporean Chinese. We allowed them to insult us and we Chinese masochist ourselves.

If Tamil is the majority here, they will pay us back with caste system.
I would say it is unfortunate that Tamil came under Sinhalese. Meanwhile it is fortunate they they are minority under Singaporean Chinese. We allowed them to insult us and we Chinese masochist ourselves.

If Tamil is the majority here, they will pay us back with caste system.

It is really unfortunate that they forgot their history. That is why this whole ethnic crisis started. They still do not acknowledge that they are wrong. Be aware of Tamils they might ask for a separate state in Singapore too.
It is really unfortunate that they forgot their history. That is why this whole ethnic crisis started. They still do not acknowledge that they are wrong. Be aware of Tamils they might ask for a separate state in Singapore too.

I understand these people very well. And be assured I believe Sinhalese is better people.

If Tamil hold on to civil service and elite position in Singapore as a dominant minority, I believe they will keep promoting their own tribe and brag they are talent.

Others will just piss and this time, they run out of luck when they meet Sinhalese who are willing to redress the situation with drastic measures.
I understand these people very well. And be assured I believe Sinhalese is better people.

If Tamil hold on to civil service and elite position in Singapore as a dominant minority, I believe they will keep promoting their own tribe and brag they are talent.

Others will just piss and this time, they run out of luck when they meet Sinhalese who are willing to redress the situation with drastic measures.

I dunno the only place it seems that Tamils didn't want a separate state is Tamilnadu which actually is their home country. They might pick on the weak people just to put the first step.

And also the promoting their own tribe is actually true and very annoying.
I dunno the only place it seems that Tamils didn't want a separate state is Tamilnadu which actually is their home country. They might pick on the weak people just to put the first step.

And also the promoting their own tribe is actually true and very annoying.

The Tamil problem would not blown up without someone fanning the fire -- India. Basically India is the worst imperialist and she has screwed up the relationship with all her neighbors, even with Indo-Aryan race -- reason being she want to be regional numero uno.

Lucky thing is India found that Sri Lanka fire burn her by killing Rajiv, and 2nd Tiger actually fan Tamil Nadu secession inspiration. Then She quickly stop helping Tiger.
@Lux de Veritas You cannot compare chinese tamil situation in S'pore with sinhala tamil in SL. SL's ethnic situation is totally different from S'pores.

Between for @HeinzG and you, I did not create this thread as an anti Tamil thread but more to give the origin of history of SL war and how interpretations of history has caused issues in SL.
@Lux de Veritas
Between for @HeinzG and you, I did not create this thread as an anti Tamil thread but more to give the origin of history of SL war and how interpretations of history has caused issues in SL.

Righto. I will not derail the thread on above matter further. Sorry.
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