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RI Kok Nggak Kepincut dengan Vaksin Pfizer? Ini Jawabannya
Trio Hamdani - detikFinance
Jumat, 20 Nov 2020 23:27 WIB
16 komentar

Inggris Pesan Jutaan Vaksin Corona Eksperimental BioNTech dan Pfizer

Ilustrasi/Foto: DW (News)

Perusahaan farmasi asal Amerika Serikat (AS), Pfizer, yang bekerja sama dengan BioNTech mengklaim vaksin mereka sudah efektif 95% untuk mencegah virus Corona (COVID-19). Kenapa Indonesia tak memilih vaksin tersebut?

Direktur Utama Bio Farma Honesti Basyir menerangkan vaksin ini erat kaitannya dengan masalah distribusi. Indonesia tidak mau vaksin yang pada uji klinis bagus, tapi karena proses distribusinya tidak bagus mengakibatkan kerusakan.
Untuk itu, Indonesia turut mempertimbangkan kemampuan untuk distribusi setiap kandidat vaksin yang dipilih.

"Sebagai contoh yang Pfizer itu memang dia baru rilis ya hasil uji klinis dia, mengatakan efektivitasnya di atas 96%, tapi kondisi storage-nya itu minus 70 derajat Celcius. Itu Indonesia belum memiliki kemampuan seperti itu, dan bahaya sekali kalau vaksin ini tidak disimpan di suhu yang sebenarnya, dia akan rusak sehingga nantinya pada saat diberikan kepada masyarakat ini akan berbahaya," katanya dalam acara bertajuk Indonesia Townhall di salah satu stasiun televisi nasional, Jumat (20/11/2020).

Sejauh ini, kandidat vaksin yang dipilih Indonesia dapat disimpan pada temperatur antara 2 sampai 8 derajat Celcius. Secara kemampuan, Indonesia sanggup menanganinya.
"Kalau kita harus menggunakan Pfizer sebagai contoh ataupun Moderna, kita harus membikin serangkaian pengadaan lagi untuk storage-storage yang kemampuannya ekstrem, minus 70 atau minus 20 (derajat Celcius)," jelas Honesti.

"Kita dalam hal ini dengan pemerintah juga makanya ditetapkan oleh Perpres bahwa untuk jenis (vaksin) itu ditetapkan oleh Kementerian Kesehatan. Tentunya sudah ada kriteria tertentu yang membuat nanti Indonesia bisa deliver vaksin itu lebih cepat, mulai dari pengembangannya ataupun pengadaannya, sampai nanti distribusi dan program vaksinasinya ke masyarakat," tambahnya.

English Translation from Original News
Why INDONESIA isn't Prefer Pfizer Vaccine? This is the answer
Trio Hamdani - detikFinance
Friday, 20 Nov 2020 23:27 WIB

Inggris Pesan Jutaan Vaksin Corona Eksperimental BioNTech dan Pfizer

Ilustrasi/Foto: DW (News)

Jakarta-The pharmaceutical company from the United States (US), Pfizer, in collaboration with BioNTech, claims their vaccine is 95% effective in preventing the Corona virus (COVID-19). Why didn't Indonesia choose the vaccine?

Director of Bio Farma Honesti Basyir explained that this vaccine is closely related to distribution problems. Indonesia does not want a vaccine that is in good clinical trials, but because the distribution process is not good it causes damage.

For this reason, Indonesia also considers the ability to distribute each selected vaccine candidate.

"For example, Pfizer has just released the results of his clinical trial, saying that the effectiveness is above 96%, but the storage conditions are minus 70 degrees Celsius. That is Indonesia does not have such capabilities, and it is very dangerous if this vaccine is not stored at the actual temperature, it will be damaged so that later when it is given to the public it will be dangerous, "he said in an event titled Indonesia Townhall on a national television station, Friday (20/11/2020).

So far, the vaccine candidates chosen from China (Sinovac and Sinopharm) by Indonesia can be stored at temperatures between 2 to 8 degrees Celsius. In terms of ability, Indonesia is able to handle it.

"If we have to use Pfizer as an example or Moderna, we have to make another series of procurement for storage with extreme capabilities, minus 70 or minus 20 (degrees Celsius)," Honesti explained.

"In this matter we and the government also stipulate by the Presidential Decree that the type (vaccine) is determined by the Ministry of Health. Of course there are certain criteria that will make Indonesia able to deliver the vaccine faster, starting from its development or procurement, until later distribution and distribution. vaccination program to the community, "he added.

So Indonesian Health Ministry prefer Chinese Vaccine from (Sinovac and Sinopharm) because they don't need Huge Massive Investment to provide Cooling system for such Extreme Cold Temperature ( - 70 degree celcius) for US Vaccine to distribute it across the islands.

Meanwhile Chinese Vaccine from Sinovac & Sinopharm only need
2 to 8 degree celcius for storing and distribution across the islands. It much easier and can use normal refrigerator for distribution.

Anyway Indonesian KALBE FARMA already have a Cooperation Project with SINOVAC and SINOPHARM for National Vaccination Program. Good luck for cooperation of both countries :cheers:

Advantages of Chinese Covid-19 Vaccines compared to other countries vaccine

Chinese people is famous to make an Efficient but also effective products.

Part of the practicality of Chinese culture
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English Translation from Original News


So Indonesian Health Ministry prefer Chinese Vaccine from (Sinovac and Sinopharm) because they don't need Huge Massive Investment to provide Cooling system for such Extreme Cold Temperature ( - 70 degree celcius) for US Vaccine to distribute it across the islands.

Meanwhile Chinese Vaccine from Sinovac & Sinopharm only need
2 to 8 degree celcius for storing and distribution across the islands. It much easier and can use normal refrigerator for distribution.

Anyway Indonesian KALBE FARMA already have a Cooperation Project with SINOVAC and SINOPHARM for National Vaccination Program. Good luck for cooperation of both countries :cheers:

Advantages of Chinese Covid-19 Vaccines compared to other countries vaccine
View attachment 689804

Chinese people is famous to make an Efficient but also effective products.

Part of the practicality of Chinese culture
You compare women shoes vs men shoes.
Chinese vaccines such as from Sinovac are made of inactive virus. Basically they grow virus in labor, then kill the virus, clean the virus thru a dangerous process, at the end make it into a dose. Expensive.
Modern vaccines such as from Pfizer and Maderna are made by producing artificial protein of virus spike. Such proteins are very unstable in warm temperature thus a need to keep the vaccine in deep freeze. But it’s easy to make it’s cheaper to make.
You compare women shoes vs men shoes.
Chinese vaccines such as from Sinovac are made of inactive virus. Basically they grow virus in labor, then kill the virus, clean the virus thru a dangerous process, at the end make it into a dose. Expensive.
Modern vaccines such as from Pfizer and Maderna are made by producing artificial protein of virus spike. Such proteins are very unstable in warm temperature thus a need to keep the vaccine in deep freeze. But it’s easy to make it’s cheaper to make.

WTF ! Viet logic always amusing me :D

Since when using INACTIVATED VIRUS is not safe



That's why Chinese Inactivated Vaccines are much safer even for people with weak immune system :tup: than Living Virus Vaccine
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WTF ! Viet logic always amusing me :D

Since when using LIVING VIRUS is much safer than using INACTIVATED VIRUS

View attachment 689824

That's why Chinese Inactivated Vaccines are much safer even for people with weak immune system :tup: than Living Virus US Vaccine
You seem to ot have read his comment properly. I suggest reading it again, before excitedly replying.

All you seem to have done is read "inactive" and based your entire reply on that.
You compare women shoes vs men shoes.
Chinese vaccines such as from Sinovac are made of inactive virus. Basically they grow virus in labor, then kill the virus, clean the virus thru a dangerous process, at the end make it into a dose. Expensive.
Modern vaccines such as from Pfizer and Maderna are made by producing artificial protein of virus spike. Such proteins are very unstable in warm temperature thus a need to keep the vaccine in deep freeze. But it’s easy to make it’s cheaper to make.
RNA vaccine is generic engineering mate. It's even more dangerous and I think its the first time being used. Inactivated vaccines are the most basic and proven types of vaccines, wither way we have 3 options including the RNA ones but personally I prefer the safer option.
You seem to ot have read his comment properly. I suggest reading it again, before excitedly replying.

All you seem to have done is read "inactive" and based your entire reply on that.

My post is to enlight him, that Inactivated vaccine is much safer than ordinary living virus vaccine :D

Mrna vaccine is much more UNSTABLE because of Genetic engineering product, that's why they need extreme cold and much more complicated storing.

If not, it will be dangerous to human being
RNA vaccine is generic engineering mate. It's even more dangerous and I think its the first time being used. Inactivated vaccines are the most basic and proven types of vaccines, wither way we have 3 options including the RNA ones but personally I prefer the safer option.

Yes, I have same opinion with you too.

I will prefer a PROVEN SAFE WAY for my family safety.
I would never let NEW UNPROVEN Genetic Engginering product vaccine (Mrna Vaccine, like US Vaccine) to my lovely one.

China also have MRna Vaccine from Fosun Pharma.
But I still prefer more proven way of Inactivated Vaccine from Sinovac or Sinopharm
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You compare women shoes vs men shoes.
Chinese vaccines such as from Sinovac are made of inactive virus. Basically they grow virus in labor, then kill the virus, clean the virus thru a dangerous process, at the end make it into a dose. Expensive.
Modern vaccines such as from Pfizer and Maderna are made by producing artificial protein of virus spike. Such proteins are very unstable in warm temperature thus a need to keep the vaccine in deep freeze. But it’s easy to make it’s cheaper to make.
Deactivated or inactive virus vaccines are so far most reliable, safest and can trigger highest anti-body concentration in blood.

Compared to that, Pfizer Vaccine requires very low temperature, which challenges the current global logistics systems. This vaccine was actually co-developed by a German company and a Chinese company. So half of the doses could be made in China. As reported that Chinese company is planning to build some deep freeze storage stations in major airports around China. That will create some buffers to keep the vaccine active when shipped to other countries which can not have deep freeze facilities economically.

Say Vietnam just places an order for this Pfizer Vaccine. So the vaccines will be shipped to a Vietnam airport and put to containers which can maintain -25 degree inside. Then the distribution network in Vietnam will be required to get all those doses consumed in 5 days.
CEO of US vaccine dump their own company stock right after vaccine news come out.
lol, that's how stock investment is. dummy. He dumps it to the next suckers when it goes up due to the good news to take his profit. When the stock drops in the next few sessions due to massive selling from investors who capitalize on their gain, he would jump in and buy it at the lower price..and the cycle continue.

As for the vaccines, the chinese created this virus to kill millions around the world, then they produce the vaccines to sell it to the Indon to make a fortune, nice
My post is to enlight him, that Inactivated vaccine is much safer than ordinary living virus vaccine :D

Mrna vaccine is much more UNSTABLE because of Genetic engineering product, that's why they need extreme cold and much more complicated storing.

If not, it will be dangerous to human being

Yes, I have same opinion with you too.

I will prefer a PROVEN SAFE WAY for my family safety.
I would never let NEW UNPROVEN Genetic Engginering product vaccine (Mrna Vaccine, like US Vaccine) to my lovely one.

China also have MRna Vaccine from Fosun Pharma.
But I still prefer more proven way of Inactivated Vaccine from Sinovac or Sinopharm
Let me ask you something? Why are you so excited about this?

The fact we have multiple vaccines should be a cause for celebration, why are you trying to turn this into a competition?

What is it that you get out of trying to needlessly create drama?
Let me ask you something? Why are you so excited about this?

The fact we have multiple vaccines should be a cause for celebration, why are you trying to turn this into a competition?

What is it that you get out of trying to needlessly create drama?

I'm excited about the vaccine, of course.

But the one that prioritize his hatred toward China and spreading False Information in order to fulfill their hatred is your Anti-China friend, viet

I remind him and you to erase your hatred and work for humanity
WTF ! Viet logic always amusing me :D

Since when using INACTIVATED VIRUS is not safe

View attachment 689824

That's why Chinese Inactivated Vaccines are much safer even for people with weak immune system :tup: than Living Virus Vaccine
Ok I agree If you ride on bicycle then you are safer than driving a car. Keep going.
RNA vaccine is generic engineering mate. It's even more dangerous and I think its the first time being used. Inactivated vaccines are the most basic and proven types of vaccines, wither way we have 3 options including the RNA ones but personally I prefer the safer option.
It’s safe. This rNA copies the protein of virus spike. Not the entire Dna virus structure. Plus because it is unstable it can’t penetrate human DNA.
Ok I agree If you ride on bicycle then you are safer than driving a car. Keep going.

Your comparison is not apple to apple.

Ride on bicycle and driving a car, both already PROVEN

Its like, which one you choose?
Natural Organic Tomato (Chinese Inactivated Vaccine) vs Genetic Engineering Tomato with Aritificial vitamin injection (US Mrna vaccine)

Your comparison is not apple to apple.

Ride on bicycle and driving a car, both already PROVEN

Its like, which one you choose?
Natural Organic Tomato (Chinese Inactivated Vaccine) vs Genetic Engineering Tomato with Aritificial vitamin injection (US Mrna vaccine)

When car was invented people said that too.
When car was invented people said that too.

We are in 2020s right now, not in 1800s.

So the more proper comparison for 2020s are :
Natural Organic Tomato (Chinese Inactivated Vaccine) vs Genetic Engineering Tomato with Aritificial vitamin injection (US Mrna vaccine)

Which one you choose for safety of your lovely one
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