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Jakarta, 17 Juni 2021

Kondisi tenaga kesehatan (nakes) di Kudus, Jawa Tengah, yang sempat terpapar COVID-19 akibat menangani pasien di fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan kini telah berangsur pulih.

Hingga 12 Juni 2021, 308 nakes terkonfirmasi positif COVID-19, 277 tenaga kesehatan dalam perawatan isolasi mandiri, dan 193 lainnya sudah dinyatakan sembuh.

“Namun, hari ini (17/6), 90% nakes yang isolasi mandiri sudah bisa mulai masuk kerja dan kembali melayani masyarakat. Ini sebuah berita yang menggembirakan. Selain itu, hal ini juga menunjukkan bahwa vaksin yang diberikan kepada mereka benar-benar efektif melindungi dari kondisi terburuk,” ujar Kepala Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Kudus Badai Ismoyo.

Jumlah tenaga kesehatan di Kudus sendiri saat ini mencapai kurang lebih 6000 nakes. Dengan perlindungan yang diberikan melalui program vaksinasi bagi nakes yang dimulai periode Januari-Maret 2021 lalu, nakes di Kudus tidak terlalu banyak terpapar COVID-19.

“Hampir 100% nakes di Kudus yang berjumlah sekitar 6000 orang telah menerima vaksinasi dosis satu dan dua. Dari jumlah tersebut, hanya 308 nakes yang terpapar atau sekitar 5,13% dari jumlah keseluruhan nakes dan sebagian besar di antaranya sudah sembuh dan mulai bekerja kembali,” ujar Badai.

Direktur Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah dr. Loekmono Hadi, dr. Abdul Aziz Achyar menyampaikan data terbaru pada Kamis (17/6), bahwa dari total 153 nakes yang terkonfirmasi kasus positif COVID-19 di rumah sakit tersebut, hanya 11 orang (7,1%) yang dirawat inap, 86 (56%) sisanya melakukan isolasi mandiri. Kemudian dari 153 kasus konfirmasi COVID-19 tersebut 59 (38,5%) nakes RSUD dr. Loekmono Hadi sudah dinyatakan sembuh. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa vaksinasi COVID-19 bagi nakes efektif mengurangi gejala kesakitan dan risiko kematian.

Hingga Kamis (17/6), nakes dan tenaga penunjang kesehatan di Kudus yang telah divaksinasi dosis pertama mencapai 6.085 orang dan yang telah mendapatkan dosis kedua sebanyak 5.888 orang.

Untuk mengantisipasi dan melakukan intervensi kesehatan di Kudus, Kementerian Kesehatan telah mengalokasikan vaksin COVID-19 sejumlah 50 ribu dosis khusus guna mempercepat cakupan vaksinasi di Kudus. Hal ini merupakan upaya melindungi masyarakat Kudus dari COVID-19 karena terbukti vaksinasi memberikan perlindungan bagi tenaga kesehatan yang sudah mendapatkannya lebih dahulu.

“Untuk saat ini kita sudah menggencarkan vaksinasi secara masal di Kudus, supaya nanti bisa melandaikan penularan COVID-19,” ujar H.M Hartopo, Bupati Kudus, Kamis (10/6) lalu.

Diakui Hartopo, lonjakan kasus COVID-19 berawal dari pemudik yang pulang ke Kudus. “Perlu kita informasikan bahwa masyarakat jangan abai dengan protokol kesehatan meski sudah divaksinasi. Vaksinasi sendiri sebetulnya hanya sarana meningkatkan imunitas. Supaya seandainya terpapar COVID-19 tidak bergejala berat,” terangnya.

Berita ini disiarkan oleh Biro Komunikasi dan Pelayanan Masyarakat, Kementerian Kesehatan RI. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi nomor hotline Halo Kemenkes melalui nomor hotline 1500-567, SMS 081281562620, faksimili (021) 5223002, 52921669, dan alamat email kontak@kemkes.go.id

Kepala Biro Komunikasi dan Pelayanan Masyarakat

drg. Widyawati, MKM



Jakarta, June 17, 2021

The condition of health workers (nakes) in Kudus, Central Java, who had been exposed to COVID-19 due to handling patients in health care facilities have now gradually recovered.

As of June 12, 2021, 308 health workers have been confirmed positive for COVID-19, 277 health workers are in self-isolation treatment, and 193 others have recovered.

“However, today (17/6), 90% of health workers who are self-isolating can start to work and return to serving the community. This is encouraging news. In addition, this also shows that the vaccine given to them is really effective in protecting against the worst conditions," said Head of the Kudus District Health Office, Badai Ismoyo.

The number of health workers in Kudus currently reaches approximately 6000 health workers. With the protection provided through a vaccination program for health workers starting from January-March 2021, health workers in Kudus are less exposed to COVID-19.

“Almost 100% of health workers in Kudus, totaling around 6000 people, have received vaccinations of doses one and two. Of this number, only 308 health workers were exposed or around 5.13% of the total number of health workers and most of them have recovered and have started working again, "Badai said.

Director of Regional General Hospital dr. Loekmono Hadi, dr. Abdul Aziz Achyar conveyed the latest data on Thursday (17/6), that of a total of 153 health workers who were confirmed positive cases of COVID-19 at the hospital, only 11 people (7.1%) were hospitalized, 86 (56%) were hospitalized. self-isolate. Then from the 153 confirmed cases of COVID-19, 59 (38.5%) health workers at RSUD dr. Loekmono Hadi has been declared cured. This shows that COVID-19 vaccination for health workers is effective in reducing symptoms of illness and risk of death.

As of Thursday (17/6), 6,085 health workers and health support personnel in Kudus had been vaccinated with the first dose and 5,888 people had received the second dose.

To anticipate and carry out health interventions in Kudus, the Ministry of Health has allocated 50 thousand special doses of COVID-19 vaccine to accelerate vaccination coverage in Kudus. This is an effort to protect the Kudus community from COVID-19 because it is proven that vaccination provides protection for health workers who have received it first.

"For now, we have intensified mass vaccination in Kudus, so that later it can slow down the transmission of COVID-19," said H.M Hartopo, Regent of Kudus, last Thursday (10/6).

Hartopo admitted, the spike in COVID-19 cases started with homecomers returning to Kudus. "We need to inform people that people should not ignore health protocols even though they have been vaccinated. Vaccination itself is actually only a means of increasing immunity. So that if exposed to COVID-19 there are no severe symptoms," he explained.

This news was broadcast by the Bureau of Communications and Community Services, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia. For further information, please contact the Halo Ministry of Health hotline number via hotline 1500-567, SMS 081281562620, facsimile (021) 5223002, 52921669, and email address contact@kemkes.go.id

Head of Bureau of Communication and Community Service
drg. Widyawati, MKM

FYI : All Indonesian healtcare workers get Sinovac jab.
Contrary to what Western propaganda media & their CIA dogs tell.

Indonesian Health Ministry give proof that Chinese Sinovac Vaccine really Powerful against Covid-19 😍

Thank you SINOVAC LIFE SCIENCES CO, LTD. for your Vaccine, Saving the Lives of Indonesian healthcare hero 👍
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unfortunately it's no use against the Delta variant, chinese dogs will never tell :lol:

but don worry, the new Pfizer-az will be effective against delta variant:lol::lol:

@waz @LeGenD @krash

Look at this member language. He is asking for ban, I believed
@waz @WebMaster @Horus

I think someone is trying to challenge the administration team here. Perhaps a permanent ban is the only solution.

Clearly he has no intention to obey any rules here or change his behavior to suit this forum.
avoid feeding the trolls, simply report them... you carry on with the trolling for 2 pages... hes banned from thread and an infraction given
Meanwhile in Canada :enjoy:
View attachment 754443

My friend in Toronto also show concern about her 2nd dose of Astrazeneca vaccine, hopefully everything goes well 🙏
What i find funny is that all these countries banned use of AZ yet are asking international travelers to must have been innoculated with 1 of the 4 approved vaccines. AZ happened to be on that list...

For-example UK, Saudi Arabia, Canada have set guidlines that all international travelers entering these countries should have been vaccinated with AZ, Pfizer, J&J or Moderna....
avoid feeding the trolls, simply report them... you carry on with the trolling for 2 pages... hes banned from thread and an infraction given

What i find funny is that all these countries banned use of AZ yet are asking international travelers to must have been innoculated with 1 of the 4 approved vaccines. AZ happened to be on that list...

For-example UK, Saudi Arabia, Canada have set guidlines that all international travelers entering these countries should have been vaccinated with AZ, Pfizer, J&J or Moderna....

Yep, the irony of international politic nowadays.

Even in their own homeland (UK), they didn't fully trust AZ vaccine

when chinese troll brigades lost debate they asking mod's help :victory::victory::victory:

What i found interesting in here :enjoy:

You and your troll brigade trying to get attention of Chinese members so much, even with racist trolling and spreading fake news about their country if Chinese members ignored you guys.

Meanwhile, Chinese members doesn't care or even rarely mention yours

Lol pathetic inferiority :lol:
Yep, the irony of international politic nowadays.

Even in their own homeland (UK), they didn't fully trust AZ vaccine
View attachment 754604

What i found interesting in here :enjoy:

You and your troll brigade trying to get attention of Chinese members so much, even with racist trolling and spreading fake news about their country if Chinese members ignored you guys.

Meanwhile, Chinese members doesn't care or even rarely mention yours

Lol pathetic inferiority :lol:
They lose the debate and can only resort to trolling and insult. When mod called in to moderate and they claim we are cheating. :rofl:
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