There are plenty of troops with related light, medium and heavy equipment assigned to Regular forces.
In terms of Training and exposure to combat :
Tier 1 - Regular Infantry, Armor, Artillery etc of PA.
Tier 2 - NG (Janbaz and Mujahid Force)
Tier 3 - Rangers, FC and Scouts.
Tier 4 - Levies, Constabulary and Police.
The tribals or lashkars that you want to create will get decimated against regular IA and BSF in combat. The 1948 example is not invalid since when IA regulars started to fly into the valley, the tables turned on tribals and other rag tag forces.
There are more useful ways to depute human resources and man power. Fight crime by making neighborhood watch personnel. Most cities of Pakistan have pollution and cleanliness issues even in presence of Municipal committees, allocate human resources for effective cleaning of all cities. These are just basic points.