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Option to delete/retire an account

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what if i told you you are wrong here ? 1000s of posts of members hided already

Khair whatever the posts users delete that is soft delete,they are visible to the admin and they can repost them. I have a frnd who has remained a mod on other forums ,she used to tell me lolzzzzzzzzzz
What should happen to the content posted here that was associated with a profile that is deleted, including quotes?
One of two things, the comment would stay, but user would be replaced by the word (deleted) similar to reddit, or both the user a d comment would be deleted.
One of two things, the comment would stay, but user would be replaced by the word (deleted) similar to reddit, or both the user a d comment would be deleted.

That would totally destroy threads and their continuity, wouldn't it?
That would totally destroy threads and their continuity, wouldn't it?
Not really. Discussions would continue on, as they always have. Unless there is a mass exodus, which I doubt, nothing would change.
Not really. Discussions would continue on, as they always have. Unless there is a mass exodus, which I doubt, nothing would change.

I can see discussions becoming disjointed very easily if posts drop out, although they would carry on in some fashion.
I can see discussions becoming disjointed very easily if posts drop out, although they would carry on in some fashion.
Most people don't bother going to the middle pages of a thread. The first and last page are mostly what matter.
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