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Opinionated - World gone to shit under Biden

Is the world going to the shitter under Biden's rule?

  • Yes

    Votes: 8 80.0%
  • No

    Votes: 2 20.0%

  • Total voters


Jul 16, 2021
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Viet Nam
Viet Nam
Just asking my international bros, but do you feel the world has gone to shit under Biden terms? Like much worse than Trump?
Like American politics have an influence over all the world, even as a Vietnamese, I'm starting to notice the influence of LGBT shit and ESG in my society due to foreign companies in Vietnam.

Vietnam's economy is also not doing so good lately due to US - China competition and Biden closing some loopholes left behind by Trump. And of course the Ukraine war meaning Russia will have less armanents to sell to Vietnam.

Still I think there are some good movements like more China - Russia cooperation and BRICS growing larger, perhaps it's good to have a bad US president to show how sh*tty the US world order is to the rest of the word.
You forgot to mention following:

1. COVID-19 pandemic has affected the world in profound ways.

2. Russian invasion of Ukraine has affected the world in profound ways.
The only thing that the Biden administration succeeded was further dividing the conservative and liberal Americans.
You forgot to mention following:

1. COVID-19 pandemic has affected the world in profound ways.

2. Russian invasion of Ukraine has affected the world in profound ways.
Things weren't this bad under Trump's Covid years.

Trump talked a lot but he did nothing.
Biden actually do things. Bad things.
Corpsy wears adult diapers, he can't do shite to the world.
Biden is a good president on many fronts, minus immigration policy. Thank you Biden, these parasites can continue to parasitize and feed on the United States.

- Immigration: Biden has taken some steps to address immigration. He has ended the Trump administration's policy of separating families at the border and has made it easier for asylum seekers to come to the United States.

Note: Biden changed immigration policy under Trump, but he did not impose American ideology on other countries. That means immigration issues in European and Asian countries, it has nothing to do with Biden. The same is true of LGBTQ.
You can't be serious.
Just asking my international bros, but do you feel the world has gone to shit under Biden terms? Like much worse than Trump?
Like American politics have an influence over all the world, even as a Vietnamese, I'm starting to notice the influence of LGBT shit and ESG in my society due to foreign companies in Vietnam.

Vietnam's economy is also not doing so good lately due to US - China competition and Biden closing some loopholes left behind by Trump. And of course the Ukraine war meaning Russia will have less armanents to sell to Vietnam.

Still I think there are some good movements like more China - Russia cooperation and BRICS growing larger, perhaps it's good to have a bad US president to show how sh*tty the US world order is to the rest of the word.
I think plan A was Covid 19 to slow down China and not the rest of the world but it spread quickly entirely and globally hence the effecting all major economies.
Plan B is to spread this nonsense LGBT across the world so that the new generation will not act like a man or women which means less human production.
Any how whichever the plan in making it’s going to fail.
USA is a global terror state.

It was USA that used nuclear bombs on civilians of Japan and never apologized for it, it was them who bombed Vietnamese citizens and their freedom fighters with agent orange. It was USA that supported ISIS and Al-Qaeda networks consequently ruined west of Asia (middle east) and other extremist groups in different occasions. It was USA that turned into biggest supporter of a cancerous tumor in middle east, so called Israel, which is famous for terrorism and barabaric ways of occupation and displacing innocent people. It was USA that did unimaginable crimes agaisnt civilians of Cambodia.

It is USA spreads war and terror in Europe, they still try to harrass Russia in every possible way.

It is USA that still annoys China and challenges its territorial integrity using different tactics.

It doesn't have much to do with Biden or other terrorist presidents of USA. USA is a natural terrorist supporting state and you cannot change it by changing their president. Terrorism is in their blood. This terror state is literally built upon natives' blood. How can you change this very fact?

The saddest part is that main stream media has portrayed this savage global terrorist state as the beacon of freedom and democracy. It has enabled them to wear the mask of freedom and attack other states under different excuses. Take Iraq as an example, they invaded Iraq under the fake excuse of WMDs without UNSC approval.

As i said, you cannot change their savage nature. That is what they are and will be so.

Biden doesn't point his gun at someone's head and force them to be LGBTQ.

What I mean is that Biden always speaks from his personal perspective, and doesn't impose ideology from a national point of view. For example, "The US requires Vietnam to accept LGBTQ"

Specifically, Biden has asked the following countries to support LGBTQ rights:

  • Vietnam: In a meeting with Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh in July 2021, Biden raised the issue of LGBTQ rights and expressed his hope that Vietnam would take steps to improve the situation for LGBTQ people in the country.
  • Indonesia: In a meeting with Indonesian President Joko Widodo in November 2021, Biden also raised the issue of LGBTQ rights and expressed his hope that Indonesia would take steps to improve the situation for LGBTQ people in the country.
  • Saudi Arabia: In a meeting with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in February 2022, Biden did not raise the issue of LGBTQ rights. However, he did say that he would "speak out against human rights abuses wherever they occur" and that he would "stand up for the rights of all people, including LGBTQ people."
That's interfering in internal affairs, my boy.

Imagine if Indonesia or Saudi Arabia say to Biden that they HOPE that the US will improve treatments of muslims in America.
When you touch my country's politics and want it to be infuenced by yours (in this case, LGBT culture).

It is interference in domestic affairs.
Some of the above is indeed Biden's fault.

Bro, why are you defending him?
BL dramas are not to encouraged, but those are for women and immature girls.

These women don't go advocate for muh gay marriage because they watch those shows. But they will do that once the stupid western companies or western universities told them to.
Yeah, current Vietnam leader doesn't fancy the West much.
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