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Opinionated - Will Putin be hanged like Saddam or commit suicide like Hitler?

Will Putin be hanged like Saddam or commit suicide like Hitler?

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Putin's father died at the age of 88 and his mother died at the age of 87. Putin has good genes and he will live long and rule until 2036 (2024 elections and 2030 elections) when he will be only 82 years old.

This will make him the longest ruling leader in the entire history of Russia.

Putin's decision to invade Ukraine resulted in a total disaster:

1) His military is decimated by some third rate power which is ruled by a Jewish clown who was brought to power by Jewish Oligarch Igor Kolomoyski.

2) Finland and Sweden joined NATO and these countries can now threaten St.Petersburg and Russian Baltic Sea Fleet.

3) Poland and Romania are arming themselves to teeth with 1000 K-2 tanks, tens of F-35s and other weapons.

4) Soon Ukraine will recieve 41 F-18 from Australia, and probably tens if not hundreds of F-16s from the West together with many other types of Western weapons. This will turn 700K Ukrainian military into a permanent threat to Russia located only 400kms away from Moscow- the hand of NATO and USA near the Russian border.

5) In addition Russia is losing influence in Central Asia to China, in the Caucasus to Turkey and in the Eastern Europe to USA

6) In addition Russia has demographic problems and will lose 25% of its labor force by the year 2050. Today they have 78mln people in the age group 20-60 and by 2050 they will have only 58mln people in that age group. As a consequence of this Russian economy, at best, will be in stagnation for the next 50 years.

^^ The consequence of all this is that Russia will lose its sphere of influence in Eastern Europe, Central Asia and the Caucasus, its population and labor force will decline, its economy will be in stagnation, while security situation in Eastern Europe will remain complex for the next 20 years with heavily armed Ukrainian military (allied to US) being located near the Russian cities of Belgorod and Bryansk

Over the next 10 years Russia will descend from a Rank of Superpower during the Cold War and a Rank of World Power during the 2010s, to a Rank of a declining Regional power by 2030 incapable of influencing even its near abroad.

But despite all these things nothing threatens Vladimir Putin and his regime and he will rule until 2036.

Two things can threaten Putin's regime: 1) Military Coup 2) Popular Revolution

Military Coup is impossible in Russia because Putin relies on multiple security services for his power and he can easily play one service against the other if necessary.
These security services include:
1) FSO- intelligence service created for protection of Russian leaders with 50.000 servicemen
2) FSB- the most powerful intelligence service in Russia
3) National Guard of Russia with 340.000 troops
4) Wagner Group with 20.000 troops
5) Ramzan Kadyrov's 20.000 troops
6) Military
7) Police

The heads of all these services are personal friends of Putin who are beneficiaries of his regime because they were allowed by Putin to enrich themselves through corruption. They hate and compete with each other, they know that they are under 24/7 FSB surveillance and they know that if Putin will lose power they will go to jail for their corruption. As financial beneficiaries of Putin's regime the heads of all those security services have deep interest in survival of his regime and because of this there will be no any Military Coup.

Popular Revolution is also impossible in Russia for several reasons:
1) Opposition leaders who could organize and lead the Revolution are either killed, discredited or imprisoned (Nemtsov, Kasyanov, Navalny)
2) Mass Media brainwashes Russian people 24/7 and as a result Putin's approval rating is 90% despite the disaster Russia experienced in Ukraine and in the international arena
3) Russian population is shrinking and Russian people is old with median age of 42 years - these are not the kind of people who can make a Popular Revolution
4) FSB monitors and controls Russian population and after the start of this war Russia represses and neutralizes all opposition activists.

So if Military Coup and Popular Revolution is impossible in Russia and Mass Media brainwashes the ageing and declining population of Russia and Opposition leaders and activists are neutralized, while sources of power are diversified------Putin will remain in power until 2036 despite all the failures he experienced and the next Presidential elections will be in 2024 and 2030 and Putin will win
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Ukraine has been hitting Moscow consistently in the recents days.

Ukraine has 100s of Storm Shadow missiles from UK and are now getting latest F-16s.

Russian T-55 are no match to NATO tank
You are saying that as if Nato has provided Ukraine with hundreds of tanks, bro look at their recent counter attack RuAF are having a great Zapharozhya turkey shoot
2) Germany was captured by Soviets

Yes because of the alliance against them. Germany single-handedly took down France & Britain and was also was on it's way to the Soviet capital while killing over 25 million people in the process.

But a joint military effort on two main fronts defeated them.

Not to mention the previous winter war in Finland before that. Granted Finland had international support plus an unusually cold winter.

It still allowed a small country to defeat a superpower of the time as well.
Ukraine is having great success in their summer offensive.

Will Putin be hanged like Saddam or commit suicide like Hitler?

Official Statement: Putin Has Fired the Russian Defense Minister! Sergei Shoigu Great Mayhem in the Kremlin

Putin will not survive if the Ukraine war is lost. Russia’s nationalists and facists will not forgive this national humiliation. Putin will hide in the bunker until the bitter end. Shoigu and Gerassimov will offer him the way to hell.
Putin will not survive if the Ukraine war is lost. Russia’s nationalists and facists will not forgive this national humiliation. Putin will hide in the bunker until the bitter end. Shoigu and Gerassimov will offer him the way to hell.

So you are saying Putin will face the firing squad.
So you are saying Putin will face the firing squad.
Putin is a ex Kgp agent. He is not even a Russia generalissimo unlike Stalin. Firing squad is traditionally reserved for Russia military officers and generals.

most likely Putin will face the same end like other ex agents. That’s the rule in Moscow.
Ukraine is having great success in their summer offensive.

Will Putin be hanged like Saddam or commit suicide like Hitler?

Official Statement: Putin Has Fired the Russian Defense Minister! Sergei Shoigu Great Mayhem in the Kremlin

You forget the Gadafi "solution" from the Western backed rebels.
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