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Opinionated - How India can "checkmate" China in a week if war breaks out


Nov 15, 2021
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Yes you read that right. You are surprised?

China has a big weakness nobody seems to be talking about. Before we talk about that let us do a small military comparision.

Who would win in a war between India and China? Why? - Quora

As you can see China is superior to India in almost every category except tanks and artillery. But in this scenario China is attacking India. India only has to defend itself. Now we can talk about China's biggest weakness:


We are going to divide the war into land, sea and air theatres. We start with discussing a land war between Indian army and PLA. No need to mention manpower because its the same.

Land warfare- India vs China

The fact that China has 35000 armoured vehicles and India only 12000 does not mean anything considering the geograpgy. The border is spread out 100s of kilometers of rocky, inhospitable, monstrously huge himalayas with narrow bases.


The first thing we can do is to destroy bridges, turn all weather roads to ashes and block strategic mountain passes. When this done China has no hope of advancing.

Air warfare- India vs China

Fanboys will be talking about superior chinese quantity and quality, but what about logistics? Take a look:


PLAAF only has 5 large airbases in Tibet and 2 in Xinjiang. Meanwhile we have 20 bases with flight range of the LAC. The majority of the 3000 PLAAF aircraft are on the eastern side. 3500 km away from where the action will be happening.


This would mean mid-air refueling. It would longer time to respond to Indian attack. Should I also mention that we would be able to track them before they reach war theater?

There is yet another logistic problem. Cargo weight....

Indian airbases with the exception of a few are the on the plains.

The airbases in Tibet are at an altitude of 4000m above sea level.

The lower air density at such high altitudes hampers jet engines and limits the amount of Weapons and fuel military aircraft can carry while still being able to take off.

Meteorological conditions across the Tibetan Plateau, moreover, are unpredictable, making it difficult to plan high-intensity air campaigns.

In short, the PLAAF cannot hope to run a Sustained air campaign.

Sea warfare- India vs China

This one is very interesting. China has the largest navy in the world. We are massively outclasses in both quantity and quality. Look at the submarine ratio or destroyer ratio.

But again the poor chinese have a geography problem.

We are talking about the choke point in strait of malacca


If the Chinese navy entered the Indian ocean region with the goal of engaging the Indian navy, they would have to come through this strait. The channel is very narrow. Only 2 km at its narrowest point. It would be difficult for the Chinese to send naval assets since Indian navy is going to guard the entrance via Indira port.

What do fighter jets, tanks and warship run on? Oil.... 80% of China's oil is imported through the straict of malacca. A naval blockade would bring a oil crisis in China.

This is why i said that China can be checkmated in a week by India.

CCP can push all they want, but they will meet strong resistance and retaliation from the Indian Army, Airforce and Navy.

And then they will learn their lesson.

Jai Hind!
India Pakistan ko attack kar k kuch inches of territory le le pehlay. China k khwaab dekh raha hai.

If you can't invade and take territory from a 'failed state' like Pakistan (not my words), what chance do you have against a foe that is vastly superior in every relevant domain?! Please grow up.
Haha, this topic is ludicrous.

India cannot stand up to Pakistan let alone the might of China. lol. :lol:

Just like what another Pakistani said on this topic.

Please grow up.
@Joe Shearer - is this what spurred the hotheads or is the result of it?
I suspect it is a result. It all depends on the other identity of OP. Our discussion there has resonances, but it is difficult to link thoughts and expressions here with thoughts and expressions on another forum.

Meanwhile, the initial essays in a robust push-back against China has had interesting expressions.
China was militarily/economically weaker than India in 1962- Yet it gave India a pounding of epic proportions.

The moral to fight is what matters. Poorly trained, poorly equipped, and poorly fed indian scouts wouldnt have much of a fair chance.
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Yes you read that right. You are surprised?

And then they will learn their lesson.

Jai Hind!

Another cute cute entity that will enjoy the sun and moon shining on him.

His display of intelligence is mosterest refreshing and help me to enjoy my coffee and smelling of roses


Yes you read that right. You are surprised?

China has a big weakness nobody seems to be talking about. Before we talk about that let us do a small military comparision.

Who would win in a war between India and China? Why? - Quora

As you can see China is superior to India in almost every category except tanks and artillery. But in this scenario China is attacking India. India only has to defend itself. Now we can talk about China's biggest weakness:


We are going to divide the war into land, sea and air theatres. We start with discussing a land war between Indian army and PLA. No need to mention manpower because its the same.

Land warfare- India vs China

The fact that China has 35000 armoured vehicles and India only 12000 does not mean anything considering the geograpgy. The border is spread out 100s of kilometers of rocky, inhospitable, monstrously huge himalayas with narrow bases.


The first thing we can do is to destroy bridges, turn all weather roads to ashes and block strategic mountain passes. When this done China has no hope of advancing.

Air warfare- India vs China

Fanboys will be talking about superior chinese quantity and quality, but what about logistics? Take a look:


PLAAF only has 5 large airbases in Tibet and 2 in Xinjiang. Meanwhile we have 20 bases with flight range of the LAC. The majority of the 3000 PLAAF aircraft are on the eastern side. 3500 km away from where the action will be happening.


This would mean mid-air refueling. It would longer time to respond to Indian attack. Should I also mention that we would be able to track them before they reach war theater?

There is yet another logistic problem. Cargo weight....

Indian airbases with the exception of a few are the on the plains.

The airbases in Tibet are at an altitude of 4000m above sea level.

The lower air density at such high altitudes hampers jet engines and limits the amount of Weapons and fuel military aircraft can carry while still being able to take off.

Meteorological conditions across the Tibetan Plateau, moreover, are unpredictable, making it difficult to plan high-intensity air campaigns.

In short, the PLAAF cannot hope to run a Sustained air campaign.

Sea warfare- India vs China

This one is very interesting. China has the largest navy in the world. We are massively outclasses in both quantity and quality. Look at the submarine ratio or destroyer ratio.

But again the poor chinese have a geography problem.

We are talking about the choke point in strait of malacca


If the Chinese navy entered the Indian ocean region with the goal of engaging the Indian navy, they would have to come through this strait. The channel is very narrow. Only 2 km at its narrowest point. It would be difficult for the Chinese to send naval assets since Indian navy is going to guard the entrance via Indira port.

What do fighter jets, tanks and warship run on? Oil.... 80% of China's oil is imported through the straict of malacca. A naval blockade would bring a oil crisis in China.

This is why i said that China can be checkmated in a week by India.

CCP can push all they want, but they will meet strong resistance and retaliation from the Indian Army, Airforce and Navy.

And then they will learn their lesson.

Jai Hind!
Not only that: You will be supported by your friend Dolan once he returns to office in 2025:
Yes you read that right. You are surprised?

China has a big weakness nobody seems to be talking about. Before we talk about that let us do a small military comparision.

Who would win in a war between India and China? Why? - Quora

As you can see China is superior to India in almost every category except tanks and artillery. But in this scenario China is attacking India. India only has to defend itself. Now we can talk about China's biggest weakness:


We are going to divide the war into land, sea and air theatres. We start with discussing a land war between Indian army and PLA. No need to mention manpower because its the same.

Land warfare- India vs China

The fact that China has 35000 armoured vehicles and India only 12000 does not mean anything considering the geograpgy. The border is spread out 100s of kilometers of rocky, inhospitable, monstrously huge himalayas with narrow bases.


The first thing we can do is to destroy bridges, turn all weather roads to ashes and block strategic mountain passes. When this done China has no hope of advancing.

Air warfare- India vs China

Fanboys will be talking about superior chinese quantity and quality, but what about logistics? Take a look:


PLAAF only has 5 large airbases in Tibet and 2 in Xinjiang. Meanwhile we have 20 bases with flight range of the LAC. The majority of the 3000 PLAAF aircraft are on the eastern side. 3500 km away from where the action will be happening.


This would mean mid-air refueling. It would longer time to respond to Indian attack. Should I also mention that we would be able to track them before they reach war theater?

There is yet another logistic problem. Cargo weight....

Indian airbases with the exception of a few are the on the plains.

The airbases in Tibet are at an altitude of 4000m above sea level.

The lower air density at such high altitudes hampers jet engines and limits the amount of Weapons and fuel military aircraft can carry while still being able to take off.

Meteorological conditions across the Tibetan Plateau, moreover, are unpredictable, making it difficult to plan high-intensity air campaigns.

In short, the PLAAF cannot hope to run a Sustained air campaign.

Sea warfare- India vs China

This one is very interesting. China has the largest navy in the world. We are massively outclasses in both quantity and quality. Look at the submarine ratio or destroyer ratio.

But again the poor chinese have a geography problem.

We are talking about the choke point in strait of malacca


If the Chinese navy entered the Indian ocean region with the goal of engaging the Indian navy, they would have to come through this strait. The channel is very narrow. Only 2 km at its narrowest point. It would be difficult for the Chinese to send naval assets since Indian navy is going to guard the entrance via Indira port.

What do fighter jets, tanks and warship run on? Oil.... 80% of China's oil is imported through the straict of malacca. A naval blockade would bring a oil crisis in China.

This is why i said that China can be checkmated in a week by India.

CCP can push all they want, but they will meet strong resistance and retaliation from the Indian Army, Airforce and Navy.

And then they will learn their lesson.

Jai Hind!
2020 article:

Yes you read that right. You are surprised?

China has a big weakness nobody seems to be talking about. Before we talk about that let us do a small military comparision.

Who would win in a war between India and China? Why? - Quora

As you can see China is superior to India in almost every category except tanks and artillery. But in this scenario China is attacking India. India only has to defend itself. Now we can talk about China's biggest weakness:


We are going to divide the war into land, sea and air theatres. We start with discussing a land war between Indian army and PLA. No need to mention manpower because its the same.

Land warfare- India vs China

The fact that China has 35000 armoured vehicles and India only 12000 does not mean anything considering the geograpgy. The border is spread out 100s of kilometers of rocky, inhospitable, monstrously huge himalayas with narrow bases.


The first thing we can do is to destroy bridges, turn all weather roads to ashes and block strategic mountain passes. When this done China has no hope of advancing.

Air warfare- India vs China

Fanboys will be talking about superior chinese quantity and quality, but what about logistics? Take a look:


PLAAF only has 5 large airbases in Tibet and 2 in Xinjiang. Meanwhile we have 20 bases with flight range of the LAC. The majority of the 3000 PLAAF aircraft are on the eastern side. 3500 km away from where the action will be happening.


This would mean mid-air refueling. It would longer time to respond to Indian attack. Should I also mention that we would be able to track them before they reach war theater?

There is yet another logistic problem. Cargo weight....

Indian airbases with the exception of a few are the on the plains.

The airbases in Tibet are at an altitude of 4000m above sea level.

The lower air density at such high altitudes hampers jet engines and limits the amount of Weapons and fuel military aircraft can carry while still being able to take off.

Meteorological conditions across the Tibetan Plateau, moreover, are unpredictable, making it difficult to plan high-intensity air campaigns.

In short, the PLAAF cannot hope to run a Sustained air campaign.

Sea warfare- India vs China

This one is very interesting. China has the largest navy in the world. We are massively outclasses in both quantity and quality. Look at the submarine ratio or destroyer ratio.

But again the poor chinese have a geography problem.

We are talking about the choke point in strait of malacca


If the Chinese navy entered the Indian ocean region with the goal of engaging the Indian navy, they would have to come through this strait. The channel is very narrow. Only 2 km at its narrowest point. It would be difficult for the Chinese to send naval assets since Indian navy is going to guard the entrance via Indira port.

What do fighter jets, tanks and warship run on? Oil.... 80% of China's oil is imported through the straict of malacca. A naval blockade would bring a oil crisis in China.

This is why i said that China can be checkmated in a week by India.

CCP can push all they want, but they will meet strong resistance and retaliation from the Indian Army, Airforce and Navy.

And then they will learn their lesson.

Jai Hind!
For countering China we have INS Baaz, the naval air station at Andaman and Nicobar islands. Tiger Shark squadron of Su 30 MKI with Brahmos would be enough to complement other naval assets which would choke the Chinese Navy at Strait of Malacca, in case of any conflict

P15 & P15 B destroyers of Indian Navy carries 16 BrahMos missiles. Thats 48 tons of Anti-ship Firepower. In comparison ships of this size(8000 tons) carry 8 x Harpoons or 8 x Exocet. Thats just 6.2 tons of Anti-ship Firepower. BrahMos is bigger, heavier and WAAAY more capable than Exocet/Harpoon or any similar subsonic missile. 2. It carries 533mm HEAVY Torpedo like the Varunastra Torpedo. It has a much more powerful warhead and a higher range of 40 kms. In comparision, other Destroyers carry 324mm light torpedo tubes. Less firepower and ranges of only around 10 kms. Vishakapatnam Class has accomodation for 2 fully armed Helicopters . Many destroyers can accommodate only 1 helicopter. Barak 8 is an excellent missile, but i would have been happy if it had 16-24 additional Barak 8.
The design of our warships ensures a fantastic broadside coverage.
LRSAM has a higher hit probability than enemy missiles. In terms of protection, our destroyers and frigates are top class. Don't forget the EW capability of the MFstar and the DRDO Shakti EWs. Now coming to offensive weapons: 16 brahmos is excellent and can effectively sink as much as 12 enemy ships including enemy aircraft carrier. I would have preferred atleast 4 of the newly developed SMART missile (similar to ASROC) to scare and target enemy submarine, but i believe this missile is around 2m longer than Brahmos!!
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