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华力微:年底量产28nm HKC+,明年量产14nm FinFET-电子工程专辑
华力微:年底量产28nm HKC+,明年量产14nm FinFET
时间:2019-03-21 作者:网络整理

3月21日,在SEMICON China 2019的先进制造论坛上,上海微电子华力微电子研发副总裁邵华发表演讲时表示,华力微电子今年年底将量产28nm HKC+工艺,明年年底则将量产14nm FinFET工艺。


另外,他还提到,在今年的MWC 2019上可以看到,5G已经变为现实,5G时代的到来不可阻挡,世界即将进入万物互联的状态。

邵华强调,各种新技术的诞生都离不开半导体产业。华力微电子是一个器件和工艺的大平台,目前有两个工厂,其中华虹5厂目前的月产能在35000片左右,工艺节点覆盖55nm-28nm;华虹6厂的目标产能则能够达到每月40000片,今年年底将达到每月20000片,并于2021年底达产,工艺节点更是覆盖到28nm-14nm FinFET。

据邵华透露,华力微电子计划在今年年底量产28nm HKC+工艺,而14nm FinFET的量产时间,预计将落在明年年底。

On March 21, at the SEMICON China 2019 Advanced Manufacturing Forum, Shao Hua, vice president of R&D at Shanghai Huali Microelectronics (HLMC), said in a speech that Huali Microelectronics will mass produce 28nm HKC+ technology by the end of this year and 14nm FinFET process will be mass produced by the end of next year.
Tsinghua Uni's XUANWU X01 Reconfigurable RRAM PUF chip :enjoy:


近日,微纳电子系钱鹤、吴华强教授团队在第66届国际固态电路会议(ISSCC 2019)上以“基于阻变存储器的具有6×10-6原始比特错误率的可重构物理不可克隆函数芯片(A Reconfigurable RRAM PUF Utilizing Post-Process Randomness Source with <6×10-6 N-BER)”为题,报道了国际首个基于阻变存储器(RRAM)的物理不可克隆函数(PUF)芯片设计,该芯片在可靠性、均匀性上相对于之前工作都有明显提升,且具有独特的可重构能力,能够实现高效硬件安全防护。该芯片代号取名为XUANWU,意为具有超凡防御能力的中国古代四大神兽之一“玄武”。


物理不可克隆函数芯片(XUANWU X01)

这项工作得到了《自然·电子》(Nature Electronics)的关注。3月15日,在其最新发布的刊物中以研究亮点(Research Highlight)的方式给予了重点报道,认为具备可重构一个全新的PUF芯片的能力是一种独特特点,大大降低了密钥过度使用以及更改硬件所有权的风险。文章中还指出:“清华大学研制出了一种基于阻变存储器的PUF芯片,通过了美国国家标准与技术研究院的随机测试……采用差分阻值的方法,实现了原始位误码率低于<6×10-6,验证了该PUF芯片优异的抗环境变化的稳定性。”



针对传统集成电路PUF的不足,利用RRAM的优势,清华大学微纳电子系博士研究生庞亚川在ISSCC2019上首次介绍了一种基于RRAM电阻随机性的可重构物理不可克隆函数芯片设计。该报告提出了一种电阻差分方法用于产生PUF输出以消除工艺固有偏差以及电压降(IR drop)的不利影响。为了在电路层次实现该方法,该团队设计了一款高精度的灵敏放大器电路以精确比较两个RRAM器件的电阻。大量的测试数据显示所设计的RRAM PUF与之前的工作相比,具有最低的原始比特错误率、最小的单元面积、最好的均匀性以及独特的可重构能力,能够有效抵抗物理攻击,具有很好的发展潜力。


XUANWU X01技术指标情况

IEEE ISSCC(International Solid-State Circuits Conference 国际固态电路会议)始于1953年,是集成电路设计领域最高级别的学术会议,素有“集成电路领域的奥林匹克”之称。




近年来,微纳电子系钱鹤、吴华强团队围绕阻变存储器的关键科学问题,从材料器件优化、架构设计到系统集成、芯片应用等方面开展了系统研究,在国际期刊如《自然·通讯》《先进材料》《纳米快报》及领域顶级学术会议如国际电子器件会议(IEDM)、超大规模集成电路会议 (VLSI)、国际固态电路会议(ISSCC)等发表多篇学术论文,为阻变存储器芯片的产业化打下技术基础。




AiRiA's Watt A1 QNPU chip for edge computing :enjoy:


3月21日,中国科学院自动化研究所南京人工智能芯片创新研究院(下简称“AiRiA研究院”)“普惠AI,芯向边缘”战略发布会在北京举行。会上,AiRiA研究院常务副院长程健透露,该团队自主设计的量化神经处理器(QNPU)即将于今年底流片,定名为“Watt A1”。在回应《中国科学报》提问时,程健表示,这将是世界上首款主打低比特量化技术的人工智能芯片。

在现场展示台上的宣传页显示,Watt A1将采用台积电28nm制程工艺,峰值算力达24Tops(表征每秒整数操作次数,单位为万亿次每秒),支持1080P四路实时监测,帧效比可达6Tops/W。








Tsinghua Uni's XUANWU X01 Reconfigurable RRAM PUF chip :enjoy:

Tsinghua Micro-Electronics Department Qian He and Wu Huaqiang team made important progress in the field of physical unclonable function chips

Tsinghua News Network, March 22nd,
recently, the team of Professor Qian He and Professor Wu Huaqiang of the Micro-Nano Electronics Department at the 66th International Solid State Circuits Conference (ISSCC 2019) with "resistance memory-based with 6 × 10-6 raw bit errors The title of Reconfigurable RRAM PUF Utilizing Post-Process Randomness Source with <6×10-6 N-BER), reports the world's first resistive memory (RRAM) based physics The non-cloning function (PUF) chip design, the chip has a significant improvement in reliability and uniformity compared to the previous work, and has a unique reconfigurable ability to achieve efficient hardware security protection. The chip code name is XUANWU, which means "Xuanwu", one of the four ancient Chinese beasts with extraordinary defensive capabilities.


Physical unclonable function chip (XUANWU X01)

This work has received the attention of Nature Electronics . On March 15th, in its latest publication, Research Highlights gave a key report, arguing that the ability to reconfigure a brand new PUF chip is a unique feature that greatly reduces key over-keying. Use and change the risk of hardware ownership. The article also pointed out: "Tsinghua University has developed a PUF chip based on resistive memory, which has passed the random test of the National Institute of Standards and Technology of the United States. Using the differential resistance method, the original bit error rate is low. At <6×10-6, the stability of the PUF chip against environmental changes was verified.”

With the widespread use of intelligent hardware and the increasing security threats in the semiconductor supply chain, hardware security has become more and more important, and software-only security protection has been unable to meet the demand. In recent years, physical unclonable functions have become a new means of hardware security protection. The integrated circuit PUF can exploit the inherent randomness of the device (such as the randomness of the process) to produce an unpredictable response under specific excitations, thereby acting as a hardware "fingerprint" that uniquely identifies the chip. However, the conventional integrated circuit PUF has two obvious disadvantages: First, there is a certain inherent paranoia in the deviation of the process, resulting in insufficient randomness of the PUF output. Secondly, since the process deviation is directly generated in the integrated circuit manufacturing process, once it is generated, it cannot be changed, and the output of the PUF cannot be reconstructed. In this case, when the PUF encounters multiple attacks or runs out of life, the PUF-protected hardware will again encounter hardware security threats.

As a new type of memory, RRAM uses the resistance value of the device to store information. Compared with traditional flash (flash) and dynamic random access memory (DRAM), RRAM has many advantages such as high speed, low power consumption and small area, and is one of the important candidates for a new generation of high performance memory. In addition, RRAM is widely used in brain-like computing because of its unique neuron-like properties. Since the working principle of RRAM is based on the fracture and growth of conductive filaments, this process has strong randomness, so that the resistance of RRAM exists between device-to-device (D2D) and the randomness between cycle and cycle (C2C). These random features also make it suitable for hardware security protection.

In view of the shortcomings of traditional integrated circuit PUF, taking advantage of RRAM, Pang Yachuan, a Ph.D. student at Tsinghua University's micro-nanoelectronics department, first introduced a reconfigurable physical unclonable function chip based on randomness of RRAM resistors on ISSCC2019. The report proposes a resistive differential method for generating PUF outputs to eliminate the inherent effects of process variations and voltage drops (IR drops). To implement this method at the circuit level, the team designed a high-precision sense amplifier circuit to accurately compare the resistance of two RRAM devices. A large amount of test data shows that the designed RRAM PUF has the lowest original bit error rate, the smallest unit area, the best uniformity and the unique reconfigurability compared with the previous work, which can effectively resist physical attacks. Very good development potential.


XUANWU X01 technical indicators

IEEE ISSCC(International Solid-State Circuits Conference 国际固态电路会议)始于1953年,是集成电路设计领域最高级别的学术会议,素有“集成电路领域的奥林匹克”之称。




近年来,微纳电子系钱鹤、吴华强团队围绕阻变存储器的关键科学问题,从材料器件优化、架构设计到系统集成、芯片应用等方面开展了系统研究,在国际期刊如《自然·通讯》《先进材料》《纳米快报》及领域顶级学术会议如国际电子器件会议(IEDM)、超大规模集成电路会议 (VLSI)、国际固态电路会议(ISSCC)等发表多篇学术论文,为阻变存储器芯片的产业化打下技术基础。




AiRiA's Watt A1 QNPU chip for edge computing :enjoy:


3月21日,中国科学院自动化研究所南京人工智能芯片创新研究院(下简称“AiRiA研究院”)“普惠AI,芯向边缘”战略发布会在北京举行。会上,AiRiA研究院常务副院长程健透露,该团队自主设计的量化神经处理器(QNPU)即将于今年底流片,定名为“Watt A1”。在回应《中国科学报》提问时,程健表示,这将是世界上首款主打低比特量化技术的人工智能芯片。

In the on-site display page, the Watt A1 will use TSMC's 28nm process technology with a peak power of 24Tops (characterizing the number of integer operations per second, in teraflops per second), supporting 1080P four-way real-time monitoring, and frame efficiency. The ratio is up to 6Tops/W.

Like the AiRiA Institute's "core to edge" theme, Watt's positioning is the AI chip for edge computing. "Quantitative neural processor is very suitable for the edge, it can maintain high performance under the limited power consumption, cost, etc." Cheng Jian told the Chinese Journal of Science, the QNPU developed by the team can even be processed on-chip A very large-scale neural network, which avoids the "memory wall" problem that has attracted much attention in the field of chip computing.

"Memory Wall" refers to the performance of memory performance is not as good as the performance of the processor, and severely limits the performance of the processor. Cheng Jian told reporters: "Data calculations are processed on-chip. There is no need to access the external memory repeatedly. There is no problem with the 'memory wall', which can greatly reduce the power consumption of the chip itself and greatly improve the speed of reasoning."

As a result, Cheng Jian said that power consumption and cost are kept low, and computing power remains high. Therefore, QNPU is very suitable for edge computing for "low power, low latency" computing scenarios.

Lian Cong, deputy dean of the AiRiA Research Institute, added to the Journal of the Chinese Academy of Sciences that the quantitative technology is not unique to the AiRiA Institute, but achieving a quantization accuracy of 3 bits or less is an advantage that other teams have unmatched. Very good, but we can do 3 bits, 2 bits or even 1 bit."

With the prosperity of the Internet of Things and the imminence of 5G commercialization, edge computing has become more and more popular, and it is quite similar to central computing (cloud computing). Major computing vendors and cloud service providers are also facing the edge computing layout.

"We are the latecomers of the AI chip, but we combine our own advantages and choices to develop the best edge calculation direction. From here, on the one hand, we are based on our judgment on the market. On the one hand, we have more than 10 years of technical accumulation. Support our judgment." Cheng Jian said to the Journal of Chinese Academy of Sciences.

AiRiA Research Institute was established in September 2017 in Qilin High-tech Zone, Jiangning District, Nanjing. It relies on the Institute of Automation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, focusing on the research and development and technology promotion of artificial intelligence and chip key technologies.


What is going on about Chinese DRAM manufacturer Fujian Jinhua?

Last I heard it was planning to shut down because it was blocked access to US semiconductor equipment.

On that note, how are Chinese semiconductor equipment companies doing? AMEC, Naura etc.

America has a big gun in the terms of a total monopoly on semiconductor equipment. It can at will shut down any Chinese fab right now.

YMTC 64-layer 3D NAND flash production may fuel further market consolidation | DIGITIMES
Siu Han, Taipei; Willis Ke, DIGITIMES
Tuesday 26 March 2019

China's Yangtze Memory Technology (YMTC) is set to kick off volume production of 64-layer 3D NAND flash chips by the end of 2019 as scheduled, despite prices for such memory products continuing sliding down. The move will help YMTC narrow its technology gap with global leaders to two years, and may also usher in a new wave of market consolidation amid fiercer price competition.

Micron executive vice president Sumit Sadana recently noted that his company is closely watching the 3D NAND flash production progress of China makers. But he said that China makers still have much room for improvement in quality and yield rates and it will take some time for their products to meet requirements and standards set by clients.

Industry sources said that no matter what quality level YMTC's 3D NAND flash chips may reach initially, the company will surely secure a certain purchase support by China brand vendors and enjoy robust financial support from the Chinese government, imposing pressure on existing major players and prompting them to funnel more R&D resources into the NAND flash segment.

But Sada opined that leading NAND flash makers in the world will not be wiped out of the market, but whether the NAND flash industry will experience a new round of consolidation remains to be seen.

As Samsung has initiated a price-reduction move to further accelerate price falls for NAND in the first quarter of 2019, industry sources said that Samsung may continue its pricing strategy to price competitors out of the market faster.

The sources indicated that Samsung, SK Hynix and Micron now dominate 95% of the global DRAM market and they have managed to maintain profitability from selling DRAM products with high gross margins. The top-three makers will have more financial resources to meet low-price NAND flash competitions in the year, the sources said.
YMTC 64-layer 3D NAND flash production may fuel further market consolidation | DIGITIMES
Siu Han, Taipei; Willis Ke, DIGITIMES
Tuesday 26 March 2019

China's Yangtze Memory Technology (YMTC) is set to kick off volume production of 64-layer 3D NAND flash chips by the end of 2019 as scheduled, despite prices for such memory products continuing sliding down. The move will help YMTC narrow its technology gap with Global leaders to two years, and may also usher in a new wave of market consolidation amid fiercer price competition.

Micro n n n n n n n n To meet requirements and standards set by clients.

Industry sources said that no matter what quality level YMTC's 3D NAND flash chips may reach initially, the company will surely secure a certain purchase support by China brand vendors and enjoy robust financial support from the Chinese government, imposing pressure on existing major players and prompting them To funnel more R&D resources into the NAND flash segment.

But Sada opined that leading NAND flash makers in the world will not be wiped out of the market, but whether the NAND flash industry will experience a new round of consolidation remains to be seen.

As Samsung has initiated a price-reduction move to further accelerate price falls for NAND in the first quarter of 2019, industry sources said that Samsung may continue its pricing strategy to price competitors out of the market faster.

The sources indicated that Samsung, SK Hynix and Micron now dominate 95% of the global DRAM market and they have managed to maintain profitability from selling DRAM products with high gross margins. The top-three makers will have more financial resources to meet low-price NAND flash competitions in the year, the sources said.

Unless China heads straight with force into semiconductor equipment, the US has a kill switch for companies like YMTC, which is their reliance on American semi equipment companies like Applied Materials, Lam Research, KLA Tencor.

YMTC 64-layer 3D NAND flash production may fuel further market consolidation | DIGITIMES
Siu Han, Taipei; Willis Ke, DIGITIMES
Tuesday 26 March 2019

China's Yangtze Memory Technology (YMTC) is set to kick off volume production of 64-layer 3D NAND flash chips by the end of 2019 as scheduled, despite prices for such memory products continuing sliding down. The move will help YMTC narrow its technology gap with Global leaders to two years, and may also usher in a new wave of market consolidation amid fiercer price competition.

Micro n n n n n n n n To meet requirements and standards set by clients.

Industry sources said that no matter what quality level YMTC's 3D NAND flash chips may reach initially, the company will surely secure a certain purchase support by China brand vendors and enjoy robust financial support from the Chinese government, imposing pressure on existing major players and prompting them To funnel more R&D resources into the NAND flash segment.

But Sada opined that leading NAND flash makers in the world will not be wiped out of the market, but whether the NAND flash industry will experience a new round of consolidation remains to be seen.

As Samsung has initiated a price-reduction move to further accelerate price falls for NAND in the first quarter of 2019, industry sources said that Samsung may continue its pricing strategy to price competitors out of the market faster.

The sources indicated that Samsung, SK Hynix and Micron now dominate 95% of the global DRAM market and they have managed to maintain profitability from selling DRAM products with high gross margins. The top-three makers will have more financial resources to meet low-price NAND flash competitions in the year, the sources said.

Also, do you have access to Digitimes?

There are other articles that I want to read which aren't public yet.
Unless China heads straight with force into semiconductor equipment, the US has a kill switch for companies like YMTC, which is their reliance on American semi equipment companies like Applied Materials, Lam Research, KLA Tencor.

Also, do you have access to Digitimes?

There are other articles that I want to read which aren't public yet.
I told you Buss hoping for China to fail is not a strategy. You can deny us, you think we will sit still? We will develop those equipment, we are not Indians. We work hard and we learn fast. Remember before this you told us YMTC is gonna fail because China has not tech for NAND, now we have a new architecture for NAND, then now you say we don't make those equipment ourselves. We make some, but some major ones are still imported, the same reason US don't make all equipment, Japanese and DUtch makes the rwst.
I told you Buss hoping for China to fail is not a strategy. You can deny us, you think we will sit still? We will develop those equipment, we are not Indians. We work hard and we learn fast. Remember before this you told us YMTC is gonna fail because China has not tech for NAND, now we have a new architecture for NAND, then now you say we don't make those equipment ourselves. We make some, but some major ones are still imported, the same reason US don't make all equipment, Japanese and DUtch makes the rwst.

When did I ever say that YMTC can't do this? Go back and look and I have always said that I will wait and watch. But at least China was trying in this memory space.

In semiconductor equipment it seems that China is not even trying since there are no large funds for the current chinese companies or new companies being established.

I told you Buss hoping for China to fail is not a strategy. You can deny us, you think we will sit still? We will develop those equipment, we are Not Indians. We work hard and we learn fast. Remember before this you told us YMTC is gonna fail because China has not tech for NAND, now we have a new architecture for NAND, then now you say we don't make those equipment ourselves We make some, but some major ones are quite imported, the same reason US don't make all equipment, Japanese and DUtch makes the rwst.

Also, almost all of the semiconductor equipment is used from American suppliers. Chinese companies have negligible market share.
When did I ever say that YMTC can't do this? Go back and look and I have always said that I will wait and watch. But at least China was trying in this memory space.

In semiconductor equipment it seems that China is not even trying since there are no large funds for the current chinese companies or new companies being established.

Also, almost all of the semiconductor equipment is used from American suppliers. Chinese companies have negligible market share.
Wonder whether you have a BRAIN.
American suppliers do business to make money, NOT operate KILL SWITCH to kill off their CUSTOMERS.
With less sales, they will need to LAY OFF US workers.

You must be thinking the US helped ZTE out of Charity and NOT BECAUSE they fear losing a BIG CHUNK of business.
ZTE played it correctly by threatening to STOP all production, so both sides will lose.

I waited so long for India to impose retaliatory tariffs on the US.
Wonder whether you have a BRAIN.
American suppliers do business to make money, NOT operate KILL SWITCH to kill off their CUSTOMERS.
With less sales, they will need to LAY OFF US workers.

You must be thinking the US helped ZTE out of Charity and NOT BECAUSE they fear losing a BIG CHUNK of business.
ZTE played it correctly by threatening to STOP all production, so both sides will lose.

I waited so long for India to impose retaliatory tariffs on the US.

Then why explain me did the US Government just cut Fujian Jinhua from semi equipment supply? It was because Fujian was threatening Micron.

US has already done it, and if it sees that its interests are served by stopped semi equipment supply, it will do so again, hence the kill switch.

Wonder whether you have a BRAIN.
American suppliers do business to make money, NOT operate KILL SWITCH to kill off their CUSTOMERS.
With less sales, they will need to LAY OFF US workers.

You must be thinking the US helped ZTE out of Charity and NOT BECAUSE they fear losing a BIG CHUNK of business.
ZTE played it correctly by threatening to STOP all production, so both sides will lose.

I waited so long for India to impose retaliatory tariffs on the US.

Fujian Jinhua infact was an equal or even larger customer than YMTC for fab equipment.
. .
When did I ever say that YMTC can't do this? Go back and look and I have always said that I will wait and watch. But at least China was Trying in this memory space.

In semiconductor equipment it seems that China is not even trying since there are no large funds for the current chinese companies or new companies being established.

Also, almost all of the semiconductor equipment is used from American suppliers. Chinese companies have negligible market share.
And you think TSMC and Samsung makes any equipment? Don't be so critical and cynical, we are not God, we are already moving quite fast and doing alot. We are negligible in the equipment market not because we can't make some, because other established players have brand recognition. If you are really interested in our industry please do some analysis, what are the equipments we make and what we lack. I have a clear idea of it...you seems to be more interested to see China always remain behind. I admit we are behind but underestimating our ability to compete is a mistake. We have proven alot of people wrong for many decades, even the cynical and envious Indians.

Then why explain me did the US Government just cut Fujian Jinhua from semi equipment supply? It was because Fujian was threatening Micron.

US has already done it, and if it sees that its interests are served by stopped semi equipment supply, it will do so again, hence the kill switch.

Fujian Jinhua infact was an equal or even larger customer than YMTC for fab equipment.
Do you even know the scale of YMTC? What equipment it uses? Tell me the scale and investment of both plants and then tell me suppliers
Then why explain me did the US Government just cut Fujian Jinhua from semi equipment supply? It was because Fujian was threatening Micron.

US has already done it, and if it sees that its interests are served by stopped semi equipment supply, it will do so again, hence the kill switch.

Fujian Jinhua infact was an equal or even larger customer than YMTC for fab equipment.
Fujian Jinhua isn't DEAD YET.
Just as how TRUMP keeps postponing more tariffs since Jan and March deadlines passed.
It all depends on how much it can hurt the US.

One aspect often overlooked is that major equipment manufacturers likely have many valid patents in China, too. Chinese equipment makers can't violate those patents without making royalty agreements first. Anyway a common feature in patent laws is that if the patent holder is unwilling or unable to sell the covered equipment at reasonable terms then the patent can be invalidated. Say, during WW2 lots of German patents were declared invalid in other countries. If US government makes it impossible for Western companies to sell such equipment then this opens the field for Chinese companies to freely make anything as long as those systems are not sold to other countries where the patents still hold.
Last edited:
And you think TSMC and Samsung makes any equipment? Don't be so critical and cynical, we are not God, we are already moving quite fast and doing alot. We are negligible in the equipment market not because we can't make some, I have a clear idea of it...you seem to be more interested to see I always remain behind. I admit we are behind but underestimating our ability to compete is a mistake. we have proven alot of people wrong for many decades, even the cynical and envious Indians.

TSMC and Samsung don't face pressure from US. Nor do Taiwan and South Korea have dreams of being a global power some day.

Do you even know the scale of YMTC? What equipment it uses? Tell me the scale and investment of both plants and then tell me suppliers

All of this easily available online.

Fujian Jinhua isn't DEAD YET.
Just as how TRUMP keeps postponing more tariffs since Jan and March deadlines passed.
It all depends on how much it can hurt the US.


It's almost dead. There doesn't seem to be any sign that US is relenting.
TSMC and Samsung don't face pressure from US. Nor do Taiwan and South Korea have dreams of being a global power some day.

All of this easily available online.

It's almost dead. There doesn't seem to be any sign that US is relenting.
That's what they say about ZTE.
I respect the Chinese courage to face up to the SOLE Military and Financial world superpower.

Indians are JUST LOUDMOUTH COWARDS, threatening to impose tariffs on the US for months now but NO BALLS to execute.
Indians are Cheerleaders for the STRONG to OPPRESS the WEAK.

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