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Opinion: Who allowed TTP to enter Swat, Pakistan?

A US drone strike targeted a house in Kabul on 31st July, 2022.

Taliban Chief Spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said "Such actions are a repetition of the failed experiences of the past 20 years and are against the interests of the US, Afghanistan and the region."

But US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Taliban had broken the Doha Agreement by hosting Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri.

Few days later, TTP intelligence Chief Abdul Rashid alias Uqabi Bajauri was killed in a landmine in Kunar, Afghanistan.

The next day, on 8th August, multiple TTP leaders were taken out in Paktika, Afghanistan.

Then a convoy of Pakistan Army was targeted by a TTP suicide bomber, in North Waziristan.

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A day later on 9th August came the news of the abduction of a DSP and Army personnel in Swat, who were then released through local Jirga.

On 10th August, TTP were engaged while crossing the border

TTP influx increased in Swat

The way events have played out, I personally think nobody from the PTI, PML-N or Army has allowed or invited TTP inside. It`s the repercussion of letting US use Pakistan airspace to carry out a drone attack inside Afghanistan which has hurt the sovereignty of Afghanistan and Afghan Taliban have taken it as a stab in the back. Therefore, in retaliation, they have allowed TTP to flow into Swat, Pakistan. Because tit for tat. But before the TTP could mobilize its terrorists, Pakistan tried taking out the main leaders on Afghanistan soil so as to paralyze their invasion.
When local pathan jirga has to secure release of soldiers because your gernails are touring England and on an international begging tour.

Then army boys report my posts and and label me anti army and anti Pakistani.

Lanat on Army boys and all the actual traitors.
This is a huge deal and requires writ of the gov to be enforced. Us and our brothers in the army have paid in precious sacred blood for this peace. Needs a combined effort. I agree with your conclusion that its not the army doing this, no one could be so mad to consider such a thing whatever the potential benefits. Its obviously not PTI - the most popular party by far especially in KP and probably Pakistan. It seems to be a natural extension of events which we all need to address immediately.
On 10th August, TTP were engaged while crossing the border

TTP influx increased in Swat
HGB group killed
The ttp check posts in swat are fake news

My opinion:
I think this is last leg for ttp and Pakistan is playing a master stroke against them.
Why I say this? Because anti peace elements in ttp getting eliminated and their allies getting eliminated while ttp it self is fracturing.
When Noor Wali Mehsud took over ttp it was completely destroyed because Fazlullah caused ttp to split into many groups fighting each other. Noor Wali shifted ttp from total Islamists into Islamists + etho nationalism and formed alliances with baloch groups to strengthen ttp. He united many groups under his leadership and made peace between many groups. Even iskp avoided targeting ttp while having ties and alliances with some factions. Noor Wali shifted ttp strategy as well to fight an insurgency while having many fighters in Afghanistan to do cross border raids. Noor Wali banned beheadings and suicide bombings in civilians areas to make their propaganda more effective. He brought a complete revolution in ttp while selling the narrative he’s part of IEA. After IEA victory and his new strategy + alliances he had a lot of power. Estimates are ttp was and is numbering more then 35 000 troops while many Afghan Taliban factions and fighters were loyal to ttp. Afghan Taliban it self had many groups whos origins were from Pakistani tribal areas which hadn’t fought Pakistan yet but were loyal to ttp. Noor Wali managed to recruit many baloch into ttp and recently a Baloch Afghan Taliban commander joined ttp with his faction.
But all these alliances had a major weakness. The weakness was they were all loosely united against Pakistan. Iskp propaganda already strong and they have ties with many ttp factions. When we started peace negotiations we divided ttp. Ttp tried to avoid this division by putting Abdul Wali on forefront of negotiations but Abdul Wali was killed by markhors with help if Siraj Haqqani. Zawahiri who was also against IEA making ttp negotiate with us was set up and killed by Siraj. Now ttp is fracturing. The hardcore extremist salafi factions are likely to join iskp and already had ties with iskp. This will serve Pakistan because it will directly make them an open enemy of IEA too so they will be sandwiched between pak army and IEA. The hardcore extremist deobandi factions have already created their new group called IMAM which already claimed the recent suicide bombing in Mir Ali. This will destroy their narrative of being part of IEA and also sandwich them between IEA and Pakistan. The ttp which wants peace is allowed back into Pakistan because this also serves our interests because we divided our enemy. Also these peace negotiations have poured cold water on ttp alliances with baloch groups or other terrorists in Pakistan. With peace negotiations we’ve essentially destroyed a 35 000 strong army and made them like 15 000 strong only while making them an enemy of both IEA and Pakistan. Also rn IEA is desperate for international recognition. IEA wants no outside powers in IEA. The northern afghan provinces bordering Pakistan’s tribal areas are mostly Haqqani controlled ones. Siraj Haqqani has already set up and got many outside forces killed like zawahiri and the ttp commanders. Siraj doesn’t want any outsiders in his areas anymore so he’ll cooperate against ttp.
These peace talks have made a 35 000 strong enemy just a few thousand now and enemies of both IEA and Pakistan.
My take on it all
This is a huge deal and requires writ of the gov to be enforced. Us and our brothers in the army have paid in precious sacred blood for this peace. Needs a combined effort. I agree with your conclusion that its not the army doing this, no one could be so mad to consider such a thing whatever the potential benefits. Its obviously not PTI - the most popular party by far especially in KP and probably Pakistan. It seems to be a natural extension of events which we all need to address immediately.

The longer your provide US & partners air space to conduct sorties you will be considered target No. 1. It’s this country’s own spineless posture that will cause it more self inflicted arm. Demanding action isn’t the solution as they’ll come back and kill more of your boys riding in rusted technical, while we in the west don’t suffer. I don’t know what it is about Pakistan Fauj and others that causes a natural bending of knees and *** up its like an auto pilot mechanism.
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The longer your provide US & partners air space to conduct sorties you will be considered target No. 1. It’s this country’s own spineless posture that will cause it more self inflected arm. Demanding action isn’t the solution as they’ll come back and kill more of your boys riding in rusted technicals, while we in the west don’t suffer. I don’t know what it is about Pakistan Fauj and others that causes a natural bending of knees and *** up its like an auto pilot mechanism.
I agree but giving airspace to take out Al Qaeda is something we all agreed to. Seems the Afghan taliban agreed, Pak people agreed, PTI agreed, PPP agreed, PML N agreed, JI agreed, Pak army AGREEEEEEEED.

Only thing is killing of own citizens through drone attacks any another country for dollars and allowing US bases which only PTI in the group has disagreed with - and quite strongly. No other actor in that group can claim that no drone strikes took place on Pak soil other than PTI. The fact that they had to convince the Pak army of this is a credit to PTI more than the army.
I agree but giving airspace to take out Al Qaeda is something we all agreed to. Seems the Afghan taliban agreed, Pak people agreed, PTI agreed, PPP agreed, PML N agreed, JI agreed, Pak army AGREEEEEEEED.

Only thing is killing of own citizens through drone attacks any another country for dollars and allowing US bases which only PTI in the group has disagreed with - and quite strongly. No other actor in that group can claim that no drone strikes took place on Pak soil other than PTI. The fact that they had to convince the Pak army of this is a credit to PTI more than the army.

In all honesty, we don't even know what's agreed and not agreed because from my past experience and talking to people its mostly handshake agreements, etc., and nothing on paper hence fingers are always flying towards others down the road.

All in all, Pakistan will continue to bleed sadly.
A US drone strike targeted a house in Kabul on 31st July, 2022.

Taliban Chief Spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said "Such actions are a repetition of the failed experiences of the past 20 years and are against the interests of the US, Afghanistan and the region."

But US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Taliban had broken the Doha Agreement by hosting Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri.

Few days later, TTP intelligence Chief Abdul Rashid alias Uqabi Bajauri was killed in a landmine in Kunar, Afghanistan.

The next day, on 8th August, multiple TTP leaders were taken out in Paktika, Afghanistan.

Then a convoy of Pakistan Army was targeted by a TTP suicide bomber, in North Waziristan.

Semi permeable membrane
Got to be non other then the great General Bajwa. Under this magnificent General security has declined rapidly in Balochestan, seems as though KPK is following in the same footpath.
The longer your provide US & partners air space to conduct sorties you will be considered target No. 1. It’s this country’s own spineless posture that will cause it more self inflicted arm. Demanding action isn’t the solution as they’ll come back and kill more of your boys riding in rusted technical, while we in the west don’t suffer. I don’t know what it is about Pakistan Fauj and others that causes a natural bending of knees and *** up its like an auto pilot mechanism.

Mir Bajwa not only does he drop his kakkis and bend over, he makes sure he has lube ready beforehand for his Daddy uncle Sam. Why isn't he being called out openly for being the spineless begairat he turned out to be.
Army bring TTP back, given the fact that they lose all the respect from Pakistani's over the past few months, they now bring TTP back so they will launch attacks on Army and we are suppose to feel sympathy for the Army, this is how Army keep fooling the nation for years, they could've easily finish off TTP but they keep them alive so they can be used to consolidate power and hold on Pakistan. I have a strong believe that behind the recent citing of TTP and Army brushing it off so lightly there is something fishy. In America they take Terrorism so seriously that they proactively remove their enemies while we lost 80K people and there are reports of TTP coming back and Army is like Meh whatever.
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