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Opinion: Providing Firepower to Palestinian Resistance

There has to be a joint coalition. No single country could do it alone. Everyone should contribute their fair share of resources and wipe that scourge off the face of the earth.
We have to provide help. Also Israel several times tried to attack our nuclear plants. These people think that Israel won't come after us or won't pressure USA to attack us. We have to get rid of this cancer soon.

Fk Israel, we have humbled super powers , USSR and now USA through our proxies, where is that puny Israel stands?

I repeat, it's not an issue of intent but lack of understanding as to what is at stake here. Every Pakistani including its forces, will draw its weapons if it ever comes to the protection of Mecca and Medina. Yet Al Aqsa Mosque, the third most holiest place in Islam is treated as a step child. There is ZERO affiliation with it among majority of Pakistani, and unfortunately, the "establishment" comes from within. Al Aqsa should have been the red line for the state of Pakistan just like Mecca and Madina is.
Fk Israel, we have humbled super powers , USSR and now USA through our proxies, where is that puny Israel stands?

I repeat, it's not an issue of intent but lack of understanding as to what is at stake here. Every Pakistani including its forces, will draw its weapons if it ever comes to the protection of Mecca and Medina. Yet Al Aqsa Mosque, the third most holiest place in Islam is treated as a step child. There is ZERO affiliation with it among majority of Pakistani, and unfortunately, the "establishment" comes from within. Al Aqsa should have been the red line for the state of Pakistan just like Mecca and Madina is.
Should have been a red line for all Muslims and not just Pakistanis.
EXACTLY! We can't even look after Pakistan effectively yet some Pakistanis want us to be cannon-fodder and sacrificial lambs for non-Pakistanis............ :disagree:

Pakistanis should help the Palestinians when they worship and venerate modi........ :disagree::


I agree with you that Pakistan should look after itself first as narrated in Sheikh Bukhari:
"The best charity is that which is practiced by a wealthy person. And start giving first to your dependents." (Bukhari V2B24N507)​

The Islamic Republic of Pakistan is first responsible for the welfare of our own Muslims.

However, should we be ignoring the fact that this evil Zionist cult is arming and abetting the Hindu cultists in India to murder and maim our people?

Would you not consider it imperative for us to find like minded allies, like Palestinians, in our war against radical Jewish terror?

It wasn't Yehiya Sinwar who awarded Modi with Palestine's highest state honor it was Mahmoud Abbas. If you're upset by that fact, like how Yasir Arafat before him did not support Pakistan on Kashmir, then why have our governments recognized the muppets of the PLO instead of Hamas?

Our state continues to make this mistake of taking its direction from despotic Arab dictators and the US at our own expense.
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We are not preparing for Kashmir cause and you think we will go to Palestine?

If the govt was soo pro-active, we would see NCC courses or similar to train us for future conflict which I believe is not too far.

Without any training, we can't even volunteer optimally when the time comes if not already here.

raise ans train 20 div sized heavily armed infantry force, equip them with LMG, HMG, mortars 85mm and take over kashmir. There is so much youth in Pakistan. Kaahmir can never been taken peacefully, do something about it, its been 2 years they are in lockdown..
It's time Pakistani establishment and government grows balls and show guts and demand Egypt and Jordan to give us route to supply Palestinians with weapons with which they can unleash hell on Israel. It's very clear that Israel will use every chance to attack us through use of our neighbor India. It's time to return the favor and it's time to defend Qibla e Awwal.

Pakistan needs to equip the resistance with cruise missiles and other weapons and also help them improve their rockets and their speeds. Plus provide them with latest Anti Tank and other weapons. We have to face ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW have some shame. I wonder with which face we are going to face ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW

Pakistan is not in a situation to make more blunders. Even China is having a good relationship with Israel and if Pakistan takes such a decision then it will be a disaster for you.

Israel is a reality and no one can be denied.
It's time Pakistani establishment and government grows balls and show guts and demand Egypt and Jordan to give us route to supply Palestinians with weapons with which they can unleash hell on Israel. It's very clear that Israel will use every chance to attack us through use of our neighbor India. It's time to return the favor and it's time to defend Qibla e Awwal.

Pakistan needs to equip the resistance with cruise missiles and other weapons and also help them improve their rockets and their speeds. Plus provide them with latest Anti Tank and other weapons. We have to face ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW have some shame. I wonder with which face we are going to face ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW
What you see happening in Gaza/WestBank right now is due to the Saudi-Iran peace talks. Its their way to show anxiety and resentment with US administration of them collectively losing the region that they controlled very well until now..
So this is nothing..palestenians should brace up for much harder time coming unless the peace talks are sabotaged..Palestenians and other arab countries may see more blood as isarel loses grip in the region..Ask your self is it better to sacrifice for a long term peace or sabotage the whole thing by emotions.
Pakistan along with Iraq and other countries should make sure the process continues..This is the only way Palestinians and Al-Aqsa can be serviced.
I would live to see you giving these pathetic excuses in front of ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW. I really dare you to make these pathetic excuses in front of RASOOL SAW when Palestinians grab you by your collar. And you really need to study Islam. War is on you. It's on since Palestine and Kashmir got in enemies control. So please bother to learn Islam first.
I can and will gladly know he will understand. Because he knows when Hudaybia was needed and when muslims were actually in strength both in numbers , armament and character. The current 1 billion are just that, a number best suited to killing or threatening each other and nothing more.
I'm sure Palestinians read and watch the news as Pakistanis do. I'm sure they are asking the following question: if they can't help Kashmiris, how can they help us?

Besides Iran supports Hamas in Gaza because no Arab country does, including Egypt and Jordan.
One wonders where even these weapons will arrive? Lebanon is in tatters - Egypt and Jordan have no interest in conflict, Iraq is still monitored by US military and Syria is a Russian Vassal now.

Unfortunately, all these emotionally charged Pakistanis are going to let their hot air out or vent their frustration on fellow Pakistanis either through verbal or worse physical abuse and destruction of their own Pakistani property.
We would welcome the Palestinians in Egypt .. in the End Egypt is a place for any Muslims , (those muslims) who helped the shitty hindus to bury their dead and send them oxygen .. India the supapowa
Your response doesn't remotely make sense to my post...what exactly is your point other than your blind hatred for non-muslims!!
Pakistan cannot afford to stand up to whole west whether economically or politically or militarily.

Islamic countries, the ones that care about Palestine, should send their representatives to Jordan and pressure them into opening the borders on Palestinians. Leave Iran the rest.
Let Allah's Plan take its course, let the oppressors do their thing as they are powerful, even EU countries can not do jack to Israel as long as PAPA America is standing behind them with their entire Democratic spreading Military with 600+ Billion dollar budget.
I would live to see you giving these pathetic excuses in front of ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW. I really dare you to make these pathetic excuses in front of RASOOL SAW when Palestinians grab you by your collar. And you really need to study Islam. War is on you. It's on since Palestine and Kashmir got in enemies control. So please bother to learn Islam first.

What you suggested will kill more Palestinian women and kids, this kind of thing that some Israeli likes since they can use it as pretext to kill more Palestinian civilians, damage their infrastructure, and destroy their home.

Neither Hamas nor Lebanase can withstand against Israel. What you suggested is similar like some Neocons in US feel happy with the destruction of WTC by fool and stupid Alqaeda because they can use it as pretext to invade both Afghan and Iraq.
This thread clearly proves that only Iran is brave enough to arm the Palestinians, as it has done so for decades. The rest of the Muslim world are corrupt and cowards.

This rocket will bring more harm to Palestinian than to Israeli, and anyway Islam forbid killing civillan.
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