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Opinion: Hindutva-Western threat to China Part 2


Nov 25, 2012
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Part 1 ventured to explicate the magnitude of threats emanating from Hindutva controlled India to China and Pakistan. It also drew parallel between the fascist Empire of Japan and today’s Hindu supremacist India and how both these vicious monsters of history have had similar aims and a common target namely China. Furthermore, it was discussed that India now has meticulously selected 3 fronts to target China with complete western support. Economic (One Belt and Road Initiative), Territorial (insurgencies in Tibet and Xinjiang) and Cultural/Media. All three are intrinsically linked.

However, the battle space has been augmented and has morphed into a Grey Zone Conflict and no longer remains tactically limited in nature. Especially, after the Sino-Indian clash, US has opened multiple fronts. This type of conflict according to Dani Belo and David Carment of Carleton University, encompasses a long term strategic dimension in the international arena. Even though the previous part does humbly adumbrate some solutions, this part will exclusively be focused on possible options for a Chinese counter stratagem.

Hindutva – Western Nexus

It is vital to truly comprehend the adversary’s mindset. The Western alliance has never forgotten the “Loss of China” at the hands of the Chinese revolution under Mao. Any regime which the western establishment sees as a beacon of a rival world order is with firm certitude considered a pariah, an uncouth uncivilized barbaric cabal that needs to be eradicated. It is in this context, this alliance sees China. Undoubtedly, the Western alliance has created tremendously prosperous societies within their countries, they simply refuse to appreciate China’s ascent. While China suffered tremendously at the hands of the Western alliance, whether it was the opium wars or the outright invasion by the Eight Nation Alliance, it is China that is referred to as the ruthless “Red Dragon”. This is where Hindutva India allies itself with the Western alliance. Hindutva India graciously presents itself as an alternative power of a peaceful, serene and spiritual dharmic land victimized by “The Red Dragon” and its extremist Muslim ally Pakistan. Hindutva India while crafting a peaceful outlook, emulates US in military aggression. While the Western alliance consciously filters out India’s absolute fascist past be it multiple invasions of smaller kingdoms or large scale massacres of minorities, it has trained its conscious to recognize China as an evil empire regardless of facts. Hence, China must unapologetically unearth skeletons in their closet. It must see India-US and other players as veritable extensions of the other. However, they should be dealt with comprehensive strategic policies, tailored made to exploit their unique vulnerabilities.

Grey Zone Conflict

Western alliance and India has long accused China of following a policy of “Unrestricted Warfare” and developing special weapon platforms they collectively call an “Assassin’s Mace. In reality it is China which is facing Unrestricted Warfare across all spectrums. Led by the Indo-US alliance, the “Quad” has launched what Dani Belo and David Carment of Carleton University describe as a “Grey-Zone Conflict” in which the Hybrid element is included as a subset. A Grey Zone conflict is more holistic and strategic which seeks to revise the global order of alliances or to obliterate the adversary while operating below the threshold of an all-out military conflict. Even though they accuse China and Russia, in the prevalent environment it is reasonable to surmise that US and India have decided to fully engage China in a Grey Zone conflict. At present and in future, whether it is weaponization of trade, internationalization of Hong Kong, militarization of Taiwan, radicalization of Tibet and Xinjiang, demonization of Chinese society, defamation of its mega conglomerates or consolidation of the Anti-China military coalition -led by Hindutva India- the chessboard of perhaps one of the largest strategic confrontations is set. China must now reply in kind.

Revision of Alliances

Against the Western Alliance, the ultimate strategic goal of China’s Grey Zone Conflict should be the revision of global alliance with degradation of economic power, military power and international repute as its tactical objectives by virtue of hybrid warfare.

  • China’s Assassin’s Mace
As part of its own Grey Zone Conflict stratagem, China has the clout to revise a part of the global order of alliances set by the US and allies in the previous century. Objectives of this revision should be distinct from BRI. An alignment of Anti-Western interests is what should be sought. The ideal candidates are former CENTO members-Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Pakistan. These states are not engaged in any direct military conflict with each other, barring irritants, and have certain commonalities namely- high degree of Anti Americanism, need for high-tech military equipment, investment requirements for economic issues and untapped resources. These states are also looking to consolidate their authorities on US backed elements in restive regions. China will also get to collectively influence world’s 2nd largest oil reserves and two strategic choke points. This strategic edge will create a bulwark to contain or disrupt US operations in West Asia, Eastern Europe and Northern Africa simultaneously. As a consequence US will need further resources leading to their depletion. This template was used against USSR. Regional Hybridism in this theater as a subset of a wider Grey Zone Conflict in the Western Asian theater is an option to consider. Already stretched military and economic resources of the US due to domestic economic issues will be further stretched, in an area which is Anti American, but necessary to control. This is in reality could prove to be the real assassin’s mace.

  • Third Front
Internal dynamics inside the US present another interesting opportunity. While US is engaged with China and Russia a possible third front can be opened. Recent racist incidents could be dragged into the UN. As a permanent member, China can for instance bring about Black Lives Matter groups under the banner of oppressed nations organizations with a well-funded and organized structure serving as a diplomatic arm of the Black minority in US. An American Black Congress like the World Jewish Congress is something to be considered. Similarly, a World Aborigines Congress to tame the Australians can be used. Same with the French oppression of Algerians and so on. Thus targeting their diplomatic integrity is an objective.


For the extremist Hindu threat, China needs to initiate a Grey Zone Conflict custom made to exploit India’s national vulnerabilities. The strategic goal should be to balkanize by orchestrating a systematic collapse of India’s state power through hybrid/nonlinear tactics.

  • Systematic collapse – Degrading economic and military potential
Simply put, eventual balkanization of the Indian peninsula is an appropriate option. This is in contrast to goals set in relation to US as Indian state power is far less robust and easier to dismantle. Chinese think tanks might draw the same conclusion that India’s military and economic modernization is singularly focused on China. As only China has the capability to dynamically alter the status quo in Asia, it is an obstacle to India’s rule over Asia. As long as the Indian polity survives, it will become a bigger threat each day. In order to achieve a methodical collapse, gradual degradation of India’s economic and war fighting capability should be a logical conclusion. For this purpose, its forces must be isolated and targeted on various fronts. We have seen this partially during the current China-India crisis at the Galwan valley. Permanent presence of troops in isolated fronts is an expensive affair in both men and material. Exhaustion of resources is the objective. Seizing and holding very limited territories here and there could also be employed. China can also explore the concept of BTGs (Battalion Tactical Groups) offering more tactical flexibility. This will eventually introduce vacillation and strategic paralysis in the political military leadership leading to misallocation of resources. India’s recent panic buying of equipment can be attributed to tactical concept. On the economic front, informal trade from porous borders could be encouraged. Various organizations and political groups could be encouraged to impede reforms. Export destinations mainly in Africa and Europe should be targeted by assisting other countries or local Chinese companies in capturing India’s established markets. Remittances from the diaspora, particularly the Middle East can be decreased by either providing cheaper labor or creating suspicions within the host country’s population.

North Eastern Theater

By directly interfering in Hong Kong, Tibet and Xinjiang, India has opened the door for Chinese intervention in India’s North Eastern wing. Without going into history as to how these states were coerced into becoming a part of present India, it is pertinent to mention that dissent here is quite active. Promoting societal divisions on various grounds is an option. A coordinated hybrid effort comprising a combination of conventional muscle, non-kinetic measures, and lucrative trade deals with surrounding countries is needed. This entire theater is landlocked and needs either the nearest port in Chittagong or Sittwe. Realizing the implications of Chinese influence in Bangladesh, India developed Sittwe. China must deny this access by generous trade deals with Myanmar. Political subversion via trade unions and NGOs in Indian funded projects is an option. The objective is to make this theater indefensible by compartmentalizing Indian defenses and keeping them engaged within.


Power centers in Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Myanmar and Thailand should be oriented towards China both in military and economic aspects. The objective is to deny India strategic space by enacting strategic claustrophobia .With US support, India already demonizes Chinese influence in these countries. Fifth columnists are used for disseminating disinformation and striking at China’s moral, diplomatic and economic integrity. China should encourage centralization of authority in these countries with economic incentives and military to military contacts and to deny openings to India via opposition groups. India, like always, will play the Hindu/Buddhist card to claim entitlement in Southeastern Asia, precise Chinese economic policies of assistance to centralized regimes under various sanctions will triumph.


Point is China is a victim of a colossal offensive. Why is that the most horrendous of colonial powers describe China as an evil empire? It is simply astonishing how an absolutely reprehensible history of maltreatment of Chinese civilians is callously erased and China is depicted as evil incarnate. Whether it is US offensive or Indian propaganda, China is being dragged out and compelled into an open conflict. China must now fully embrace it and fiercely defend itself and its allies. As the world is heading towards more authoritarianism, and major players are operating in a grey zone, China must do the same on a larger scale. Particularly in South Asia, China should nip the evil in the bud. The fascist virus being spread by India with US support needs a permanent cure and China is ideally placed to provide one.

@waz @PaklovesTurkiye @rott @vi-va @beijingwalker @shi12jun @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @Psychic @Hakikat ve Hikmet @Starlord @PAKISTANFOREVER @Beast

@Char @Dalit @masterchief_mirza @FOOLS_NIGHTMARE @Beefeatergin
Part 1 ventured to explicate the magnitude of threats emanating from Hindutva controlled India to China and Pakistan. It also drew parallel between the fascist Empire of Japan and today’s Hindu supremacist India and how both these vicious monsters of history have had similar aims and a common target namely China. Furthermore, it was discussed that India now has meticulously selected 3 fronts to target China with complete western support. Economic (One Belt and Road Initiative), Territorial (insurgencies in Tibet and Xinjiang) and Cultural/Media. All three are intrinsically linked.

However, the battle space has been augmented and has morphed into a Grey Zone Conflict and no longer remains tactically limited in nature. Especially, after the Sino-Indian clash, US has opened multiple fronts. This type of conflict according to Dani Belo and David Carment of Carleton University, encompasses a long term strategic dimension in the international arena. Even though the previous part does humbly adumbrate some solutions, this part will exclusively be focused on possible options for a Chinese counter stratagem.

Hindutva – Western Nexus

It is vital to truly comprehend the adversary’s mindset. The Western alliance has never forgotten the “Loss of China” at the hands of the Chinese revolution under Mao. Any regime which the western establishment sees as a beacon of a rival world order is with firm certitude considered a pariah, an uncouth uncivilized barbaric cabal that needs to be eradicated. It is in this context, this alliance sees China. Undoubtedly, the Western alliance has created tremendously prosperous societies within their countries, they simply refuse to appreciate China’s ascent. While China suffered tremendously at the hands of the Western alliance, whether it was the opium wars or the outright invasion by the Eight Nation Alliance, it is China that is referred to as the ruthless “Red Dragon”. This is where Hindutva India allies itself with the Western alliance. Hindutva India graciously presents itself as an alternative power of a peaceful, serene and spiritual dharmic land victimized by “The Red Dragon” and its extremist Muslim ally Pakistan. Hindutva India while crafting a peaceful outlook, emulates US in military aggression. While the Western alliance consciously filters out India’s absolute fascist past be it multiple invasions of smaller kingdoms or large scale massacres of minorities, it has trained its conscious to recognize China as an evil empire regardless of facts. Hence, China must unapologetically unearth skeletons in their closet. It must see India-US and other players as veritable extensions of the other. However, they should be dealt with comprehensive strategic policies, tailored made to exploit their unique vulnerabilities.

Grey Zone Conflict

Western alliance and India has long accused China of following a policy of “Unrestricted Warfare” and developing special weapon platforms they collectively call an “Assassin’s Mace. In reality it is China which is facing Unrestricted Warfare across all spectrums. Led by the Indo-US alliance, the “Quad” has launched what Dani Belo and David Carment of Carleton University describe as a “Grey-Zone Conflict” in which the Hybrid element is included as a subset. A Grey Zone conflict is more holistic and strategic which seeks to revise the global order of alliances or to obliterate the adversary while operating below the threshold of an all-out military conflict. Even though they accuse China and Russia, in the prevalent environment it is reasonable to surmise that US and India have decided to fully engage China in a Grey Zone conflict. At present and in future, whether it is weaponization of trade, internationalization of Hong Kong, militarization of Taiwan, radicalization of Tibet and Xinjiang, demonization of Chinese society, defamation of its mega conglomerates or consolidation of the Anti-China military coalition -led by Hindutva India- the chessboard of perhaps one of the largest strategic confrontations is set. China must now reply in kind.

Revision of Alliances

Against the Western Alliance, the ultimate strategic goal of China’s Grey Zone Conflict should be the revision of global alliance with degradation of economic power, military power and international repute as its tactical objectives by virtue of hybrid warfare.

  • China’s Assassin’s Mace
As part of its own Grey Zone Conflict stratagem, China has the clout to revise a part of the global order of alliances set by the US and allies in the previous century. Objectives of this revision should be distinct from BRI. An alignment of Anti-Western interests is what should be sought. The ideal candidates are former CENTO members-Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Pakistan. These states are not engaged in any direct military conflict with each other, barring irritants, and have certain commonalities namely- high degree of Anti Americanism, need for high-tech military equipment, investment requirements for economic issues and untapped resources. These states are also looking to consolidate their authorities on US backed elements in restive regions. China will also get to collectively influence world’s 2nd largest oil reserves and two strategic choke points. This strategic edge will create a bulwark to contain or disrupt US operations in West Asia, Eastern Europe and Northern Africa simultaneously. As a consequence US will need further resources leading to their depletion. This template was used against USSR. Regional Hybridism in this theater as a subset of a wider Grey Zone Conflict in the Western Asian theater is an option to consider. Already stretched military and economic resources of the US due to domestic economic issues will be further stretched, in an area which is Anti American, but necessary to control. This is in reality could prove to be the real assassin’s mace.

  • Third Front
Internal dynamics inside the US present another interesting opportunity. While US is engaged with China and Russia a possible third front can be opened. Recent racist incidents could be dragged into the UN. As a permanent member, China can for instance bring about Black Lives Matter groups under the banner of oppressed nations organizations with a well-funded and organized structure serving as a diplomatic arm of the Black minority in US. An American Black Congress like the World Jewish Congress is something to be considered. Similarly, a World Aborigines Congress to tame the Australians can be used. Same with the French oppression of Algerians and so on. Thus targeting their diplomatic integrity is an objective.


For the extremist Hindu threat, China needs to initiate a Grey Zone Conflict custom made to exploit India’s national vulnerabilities. The strategic goal should be to balkanize by orchestrating a systematic collapse of India’s state power through hybrid/nonlinear tactics.

  • Systematic collapse – Degrading economic and military potential
Simply put, eventual balkanization of the Indian peninsula is an appropriate option. This is in contrast to goals set in relation to US as Indian state power is far less robust and easier to dismantle. Chinese think tanks might draw the same conclusion that India’s military and economic modernization is singularly focused on China. As only China has the capability to dynamically alter the status quo in Asia, it is an obstacle to India’s rule over Asia. As long as the Indian polity survives, it will become a bigger threat each day. In order to achieve a methodical collapse, gradual degradation of India’s economic and war fighting capability should be a logical conclusion. For this purpose, its forces must be isolated and targeted on various fronts. We have seen this partially during the current China-India crisis at the Galwan valley. Permanent presence of troops in isolated fronts is an expensive affair in both men and material. Exhaustion of resources is the objective. Seizing and holding very limited territories here and there could also be employed. China can also explore the concept of BTGs (Battalion Tactical Groups) offering more tactical flexibility. This will eventually introduce vacillation and strategic paralysis in the political military leadership leading to misallocation of resources. India’s recent panic buying of equipment can be attributed to tactical concept. On the economic front, informal trade from porous borders could be encouraged. Various organizations and political groups could be encouraged to impede reforms. Export destinations mainly in Africa and Europe should be targeted by assisting other countries or local Chinese companies in capturing India’s established markets. Remittances from the diaspora, particularly the Middle East can be decreased by either providing cheaper labor or creating suspicions within the host country’s population.

North Eastern Theater

By directly interfering in Hong Kong, Tibet and Xinjiang, India has opened the door for Chinese intervention in India’s North Eastern wing. Without going into history as to how these states were coerced into becoming a part of present India, it is pertinent to mention that dissent here is quite active. Promoting societal divisions on various grounds is an option. A coordinated hybrid effort comprising a combination of conventional muscle, non-kinetic measures, and lucrative trade deals with surrounding countries is needed. This entire theater is landlocked and needs either the nearest port in Chittagong or Sittwe. Realizing the implications of Chinese influence in Bangladesh, India developed Sittwe. China must deny this access by generous trade deals with Myanmar. Political subversion via trade unions and NGOs in Indian funded projects is an option. The objective is to make this theater indefensible by compartmentalizing Indian defenses and keeping them engaged within.


Power centers in Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Myanmar and Thailand should be oriented towards China both in military and economic aspects. The objective is to deny India strategic space by enacting strategic claustrophobia .With US support, India already demonizes Chinese influence in these countries. Fifth columnists are used for disseminating disinformation and striking at China’s moral, diplomatic and economic integrity. China should encourage centralization of authority in these countries with economic incentives and military to military contacts and to deny openings to India via opposition groups. India, like always, will play the Hindu/Buddhist card to claim entitlement in Southeastern Asia, precise Chinese economic policies of assistance to centralized regimes under various sanctions will triumph.


Point is China is a victim of a colossal offensive. Why is that the most horrendous of colonial powers describe China as an evil empire? It is simply astonishing how an absolutely reprehensible history of maltreatment of Chinese civilians is callously erased and China is depicted as evil incarnate. Whether it is US offensive or Indian propaganda, China is being dragged out and compelled into an open conflict. China must now fully embrace it and fiercely defend itself and its allies. As the world is heading towards more authoritarianism, and major players are operating in a grey zone, China must do the same on a larger scale. Particularly in South Asia, China should nip the evil in the bud. The fascist virus being spread by India with US support needs a permanent cure and China is ideally placed to provide one.

@waz @PaklovesTurkiye @rott @vi-va @beijingwalker @shi12jun @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @Psychic @Hakikat ve Hikmet @Starlord @PAKISTANFOREVER @Beast

@Char @Dalit @masterchief_mirza @FOOLS_NIGHTMARE @Beefeatergin

Well according to indians on pdf, india has nothing to worry about. They claim that due to quad, Japan, america and Australia will all come to the aid of and send their troops to fight for india.
A very well written article, i agree to all its contents.
Particularly in South Asia, China should nip the evil in the bud.
Believe me brother the work is in full swing.
By directly interfering in Hong Kong, Tibet and Xinjiang, India has opened the door for Chinese intervention
Even Khalistan is getting their full support.
balkanization of the Indian peninsula is an appropriate option.
It should have been done long time ago. The good news is ,it is being done as we speak.
China can for instance bring about Black Lives Matter groups under the banner of oppressed nations organizations
Brother they are already doing it thats why Consulates in Houston and New York are under US watch.

Let China sleep*, when she wakes up the world** will cry - Napoleon Bonaporte

*Opium from India was traded by the British to put China into sleep

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