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Operation 'Decisive Storm' | Saudi lead coalition operations in Yemen - Updates & Discussions.

When millions of common Syrians are called called terrorists and being killed with no remorse in hundreds of thousands numbers by Iranians then you have no right of calling Houthi terrorists as legitimite...

I give the right to Syrian people and their moderate opposition but I'm not sure there is anything left of them .

All I see in most parts of Syria are non Syrian jihadist , even most of the job is done by those groups . Look at Idlib , there is no sign of moderate groups anymore but Al Qaeda and Ahrar .

People carry the body of a woman found under the rubble of a house destroyed by Saudi airstrikes. (AP Photo/Hani Mohammed)


People search for survivors under the rubble of houses destroyed by Saudi airstrikes near Sanaa Airport in Yemen. (AP Photo/Hani Mohammed)
Stability, economic growth, coexistence, reforms and progress.
Allow me to correct you then in that case. Lets just go with Sate of Saud Plz as it happens to be the biggest in gulf.

Economic growth, don't post the crap indicators of non-oil sector growth, while in fact the whole economic strength lies in Oil production which has Allah has bestowed this region with,

Reforms and Progress
Is the last thing you guys would want to work with, we all know what both ground realities are. Progress in terms of opening up new malls and car showroom and posh universities which most people can ill-afford is certainly a progress.

reforms in treating Third world country peoplke be it guests of Allah like garbage is just the norm there.

And lastly, dont post that State of Saud is Islamic example of state. It iscan be anything but not Islamic
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Good..These Iranian proxy terrorists and anarchists should be bombed hard..


When the same Iranian proxy Hamas & Hizbullah fight against Israel, you side with them.

Your intent surfaced, albeit you without knowing it.
As I said the GCC is a shining light and will remain as such.


The Arabian Peninsula has been blessed by Allah (swt) and his Prophets.
I give the right to Syrian people and their moderate opposition but I'm not sure there is anything left of them .

All I see in most parts of Syria are non Syrian jihadist , even most of the job is done by those groups . Look at Idlib , there is no sign of moderate groups anymore but Al Qaeda and Ahrar .

That foreign influx happened way after FSA was created, and honestly speaking these foreign fighters in the form ISIS have screwed the FSA and damaged their whole porgress,but then there is also Hizbulla and hazara's from Afghanistan fighting for Assad so it's screwed all the way..
In other words, this is Sunni vs Shia shik.

India would love it.
So will be rest of the world I reckon who are afraid of numbers game from the religion of peace.

When millions of common Syrians are called called terrorists and being killed with no remorse in hundreds of thousands numbers by Iranians then you have no right of calling Houthi terrorists as legitimite...

Hizbullah & Hamas?
Is it not Iranian backed?

Saudi & its GCC Sunni alliance, as well as Israel, all do not want Iranian nukes.

So what is Pakistan's stand on Iranian nukes?
you mean , Pakistan Army is belong to KSA from last 30 years ....
Yes, same way as Irani army belongs to Assad and Maliki.

we already knew Pakistan is nothing more than slave of Persian Gulf Arabs ... so there is no new message ... we just want to show some respect to them but , there is no room for it anymore ...
If someone doesn't respect us, we know how to earn it.

I think Pakistan should stay neutral in the conflict. The muslims have bled enough, this shia sunni conflict is tiresome.
Pakistan really should stand by KSA this time. Iranians have been messing with Pakistan of late and it's the right time to put them in their place.

that is simple , if you want a sectarin war against Iran and Shiia , we will give one in your home ... who is living in a glass house doesn't throw stone to others ...
Yes, same way as Irani army belongs to Assad and Maliki.

If someone doesn't respect us, we know how to earn it.

you can't gain respect by force ...
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