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Operation "Cast Lead": Israeli Air Force strike followed months of planning

It is uncomfortable but true that the national pride in Muslims world is rarely derived from economic productivity, tech innovation or intellectual creativity…Those factors seemed to have been part of Persian, Mughal and Ottoman empires but NOT present day Muslims…Unfortunately, todays Muslim pride is derived from negative notions such as destroy the enemy, kill the infidels, and making nation invulnerable to external assault…Our energies and resources are spent in a very wrong direction..

Such toxic rhetoric’s only set the stage for the clash instead of reconciliation or peaceful existence…It also serves as an opiate that we remain angry against external enemies and pay little attention to the internal causes of economic and intellectual decline…. :tsk:

Right, but why we are not in list of developed nations, due to lack of ethics,integrity,responsibilities,respect to law and rules ,respect to rights of other citizen,work loving,strive for saving and investment,will for super action,puntuality because all these are just words no meaning for us.

In fact muslim forget what they forget.

No nation in the world can compete with us if we start practing basic principles of islam ,qalma,salah,knowledge of halal and haram,zikar,respect and fullfill right of other muslims,dawat(Amir marouf nahi munkir)
No nation in the world can compete with us if we start practing basic principles of islam ,qalma,salah,knowledge of halal and haram,zikar,respect and fullfill right of other muslims,dawat(Amir marouf nahi munkir)

Why Muslims only? What about non-Muslims, aren’t their rights important too? When it comes to rights and respect of humans, it should be above their religion or caste or class or social standing…..The same has been stressed in teachings of Islam at number of times….sadly another thing we have forgotten…
Why Muslims only? What about non-Muslims, aren’t their rights important too? When it comes to rights and respect of humans, it should be above their religion or caste or class or social standing…..The same has been stressed in teachings of Islam at number of times….sadly another thing we have forgotten…

Yes,not only non-muslims but also animals. thanks for correction .

God made us human being ( best of all creatures) but majority is acting worst then harmfull and non harmfull animals.

At this stage God closed all doors of mercy and blessing and punishment will start then no body could save us from complete distruction..
I have gone through all the posts, and i see mostly passions, passions are good for the morale, but they don't work in war. Hamas brought a window of opportunity for Abbas to negotiate a deal, but he is unable to do it, reasons, i don't know, only i can speculate, may he is weak, may be he is only for himself and saving his seat, i don't know. But listen to this American lady journalist and see the facts and how they should be negotiated.

The Real News Network - Historical amnesia and Gaza
I have gone through all the posts, and i see mostly passions, passions are good for the morale, but they don't work in war. Hamas brought a window of opportunity for Abbas to negotiate a deal, but he is unable to do it, reasons, i don't know, only i can speculate, may he is weak, may be he is only for himself and saving his seat, i don't know. But listen to this American lady journalist and see the facts and how they should be negotiated.

The Real News Network - Historical amnesia and Gaza

Morality actually determine strength of any nation.Presently muslim nation dont have value in family of nations.

What israel is donig in Gaza is violation of international laws and crime against humanity and innocent killing of childrens and citizens can be listed under genocide.

UN should take notice of these killing and investigation should be done against israeli government .

I think israel nation is also against this killing of innocent civilians.
I am here to get some infromation about the Pakistani defense like how they trained themselves and how they behave to the others.

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