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OpenAI creates DALL-E, an AI that can create art from basic descriptions

Hamartia Antidote

Nov 17, 2013
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United States
United States

AI drawing of a robot drawing a robotic hand.

An AI-generated image from DALL-E. Image: OpenAI

The AI system can make multiple versions of an image with different basic descriptions, using a process called diffusion.

Researchers at OpenAI have created a new AI system that can create realistic images and artworks from simple word descriptions.

OpenAI said the system – named DALL-E – is able to understand the relationship between an image and words used to describe it.

“It uses a process called ‘diffusion’, which starts with a pattern of random dots and gradually alters that pattern towards an image when it recognises specific aspects of that image,” the AI company said on its website.

OpenAI created the first version of DALL-E last year. But its newly unveiled second version “generates more realistic and accurate images with four times greater resolution”.

The website shows various examples of what DALL-E 2 is able to create, and how these creations can change through simple adjustments in the text.

Once a description is added, the AI system can create multiple images based on how it interprets the text, combining different concepts, attributes and styles.

One user shared a batch of images that were created by DALL-E on Twitter, including “teddy bears working on new AI research on the moon in the 1980s”.

The AI can take an original image and make realistic edits. Using a natural language caption, it can add or remove specific elements while taking factors such as shadows and textures into account.

It can also take an existing image and create multiple variations that are inspired by the original.

In an OpenAI study, the new version of DALL-E was preferred over the original by almost 89pc in terms of photorealism and around 71pc for caption matching.

Concerns of misuse

While the abilities of DALL-E are impressive, concerns have been raised that this sort of technology could help people spread disinformation online through the use of authentic-looking fake images.

“You could use it for good things, but certainly you could use it for all sorts of other crazy, worrying applications, and that includes deepfakes,” Arizona State University Prof Subbarao Kambhampati told The New York Times.

OpenAI said DALL-E 2 is not currently available to the public as it is currently testing the limitations and capabilities with select users, to “develop and deploy AI responsibly”.

Some of the safety mitigations OpenAI said it has worked on include preventing offensive images from being created by minimising exposure to explicit content in the training data for the system and by adding specific filters to identify text prompts and images that could violate its policies.

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I wonder , How AI would design educational books for kids and how much difference it makes compare to our classic designs?
I wonder , How AI would design educational books for kids and how much difference it makes compare to our classic designs?

Hopefully better than what happens when Liberals start writing textbook questions to push some ulterior agenda:


Hopefully better than what happens when Liberals start writing textbook questions to push some ulterior agenda:



It would be interesting to see a natural state do similar research with similar parents education and income level.

After all Florida is not known for love of liberals here :undecided:

Now anyone can create apps that use DALL-E 2 to create images • TechCrunch​

After long waiting, DALL-E 2OpenAI’s image generation system AI system is available as an API. This allows developers to integrate the system into their websites, apps, and services. OpenAI today announced that any developer can now leverage the power of DALLE 2 – which is used by more than three millions people to produce more the four million images per daily – as long as they create an OpenAI API account.

DALL-E2 API pricing varies according to resolution. The cost of 1024 x1024 images is $0.02 per photo; 512×512 photos are $0.018 each; and 256×256 images are $0.016 each. Companies who work with the OpenAI Foundation can get volume discounts.

As with the DALL-E 2 beta, the API will allow users to create new images from text prompts (for example, “A fluffy rabbit hopping across a field of flowers”) or edit existing images. Microsoft, an OpenAI partner, is working on it in Microsoft Edge and Bing. photo creatorThis allows users create images even when web results don’t provide the information they need. CALA, a fashion design app, uses the DALL-E 2 API to allow customers to refine design ideas using text descriptions and images. Mixtiles, a photo startup brings it into its artwork creation flow.

The API launch will not bring about any significant policy changes. This is likely to disappoint those who are concerned that generative AI systems such as DALL-E 2 won’t be launched with sufficient consideration of ethical and legal issues. OpenAI Terms of Services, which prohibit DALL-E 2 from being used to create hateful, violent, or sexual content, are still in force. OpenAI continues to prohibit users from uploading images without their consent or images over the which they do not own the rights. This is enforced using a combination automated and human monitoring systems.

One minor modification is that images generated with the API will not need to have a watermark. OpenAI introduced watermarking in the DALL-E 2 beta to identify images created from the system. However, the API made it optional.

“We encourage developers not to conceal that the images are AI-generated but don’t require the DALL-E 2 signature,” Luke Miller, a product manager at OpenAI, told TechCrunch via email. Miller is also responsible for overseeing the development and maintenance of DALL-E 2.

OpenAI also uses Quick and Image level filters with DALL-E 2 – although some customers have complained about these filters. overzealousThen there’s the inaccurate. The company has been focusing part of its research efforts to diversify the types of images DALL-E 2 produces. This is to combat the biases that AI systems that convert text-to-image are known to succumb to (for instance, creating images in predominantly white men when prompted). with text such as “Examples of CEOs”).

However, these steps didn’t satisfy every critic. Getty Images, August forbiddenDALL-E 2 and similar tools can be used to upload and sell illustrations. Similar resolutions are provided by sites like FurAffinity, PurplePort, and Newgrounds. Craig Peters, CEO of Getty Images, told The Verge that the ban was motivated by concerns about “the right undeaddressed problems” as training data sets for DALL-E 2 contain. Copyrighted imagesYou can find it on the internet.

Many critics claim that it is more than a violation of Trademarked businessThis raises concerns about DALL-E 2. They fear that the system could threaten artists’ livelihoods. Artists can now repeat their patterns with a few strings, they claim. This includes artists who have not agreed to allow their work to be used for DALLE 2 training. OpenAI must be fair. She hasHe licensed a portion from the training data set of DALL-E 2 images, which is more that can be said. some of its competitors.)
Getty Images competition Shutterstock recently was launched to try and find a compromise. announceIt will use DALL-E 2 for content creation, and at the same time, it will launch a contributor fund to compensate creators who sell work to train AI systems that can convert text into images. To reduce copyrighted work, it also blocks third-party uploads of AI art.

Technician Holly Herndon is leading an effort called “The Reboot”. Source +To allow people to refuse to have their work used for AI training purposes. But it is voluntary. OpenAI has yet to confirm whether it will be participating, nor whether it will offer a selfservice tool to rights holders to enable them to exclude their work from content creation or training.

Miller did not reveal much about the new mitigation measures. However, OpenAI was trying to improve its techniques to stop the system from creating biased or toxic content that customers might find objectionable. Open beta of the API was described by Miller as an “iterative” process that will involve working with “users” and “artists” over the next few month as OpenAI expands its infrastructure to run DALL-E 2.

If the beta DALL-E 2 is any indication the API will succeed, it is certain evolve over time. OpenAI initially disabled the ability to edit faces with DALL-E 2 at the time. However, this was removed later. maybeCapability after improvements to its safety system.

“We’ve done a lot of work on this aspect of things – with the images you upload and the claims you submit as far as our content policy fits and baking in various mitigations for filtering both on the spot and on the image level to make sure it complies with our content policy. So For example, if someone uploads an image that contains hate symbols or is gory — such as very, very violent content — that will be rejected,” Miller said. “We are always looking for ways to improve the system.”

OpenAI seems to be avoiding the controversy surrounding Stable Diffusion. It is the open-source version of DALL-E 2 which was used to create the OpenAI. ****And the injusticeThen there’s the Celebrity deepfakesIt is up to API users to decide where and how to deploy their technology. Microsoft, for example, will take a more calculated approach and slowly roll out DALL-E 2 powered products in order to gather feedback. Others will embrace both technology and the challenges ahead, diving headfirst. Ethical dilemmasIt comes with it.

One thing is certain, it is that there is a huge demand for generative AI. Developers were already publishing solutions to integrate DALL-E 2 in apps, services, websites, or even before the API was made available. Video games. The launch of the public beta of the software, which was fueled by the immense marketing power of OpenAI means that synthetic images are now poised to enter mainstream.
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