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Open letter to the people of Pakistan from Kashmir.


May 3, 2009
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The Kashmir issue and Pakistan
January 26, 2014


On the basis of partition plan, the Jammu and Kashmir was to be part of Pakistan. The global conspiracy proved to be a hindrance. The prejudice of Radcliffe Award, aggressive ambitions of Congress, anti-Muslim stance of Hari Singh and wrong thinking of Kashmiri leaders of the time all contributed to the crisis.

Even the leaders of nascent state of Pakistan were warned that they must fence the way leading to Jammu or they would lose Kashmir. Nawab Mamdot, the then Governor of Punjab’s indifference was disappointing.
Sixty six years have passed since then and throughout the period Kashmiris have given a lot of sacrifices. Pakistan has fought three wars. Pakistan’s government and leadership today seem eager to find a “solution” to the issue with India. Since 1953, more than 150 sessions of talks have been held in vain. India is adamant on maintaining that Jammu and Kashmir are its integral part.

Our stance on Jammu and Kashmir is very clear and firm. Six hundred thousand people sacrificed their lives while over 10,000 are missing, there are mass graves, 50 people have been sentenced to life imprisonment and many held have not been released even after two decades. This is nothing less than an asset for a nation, which is fighting for its freedom. The Kashmiris are not ready to surrender to India. We will never forget the sacrifices made by the Pakistanis for the cause of Kashmir. In the face of Indian aggression, we proudly proclaim that we are Pakistanis and Pakistan is ours.

The support of 180 million people of Pakistan is a source of inspiration. Pakistan should continue to support Kashmiris on all levels especially on diplomatic front and Pakistani media must highlight the atrocities committed by India in Kashmir. It is being felt that it is not highlighting the situation as it should be. India on the other hand is very actively painting the opposite picture, emphasising that the use of force in Kashmir is legitimate. Change can be brought if international community puts pressure on the Indian government.
Since the oppressed Kashmiris do not have the platform to attract international attention, therefore Pakistan must fill this gap.

It is the responsibility of our brethren in Pakistan and Azad Jammu Kashmir but they have not fulfilled it. Late Qazi Hussain Ahmed started the observance of Kashmir Day on February 5 in Pakistan. For some years it was observed with reverence but now it lacks the true spirit that it once had. Earlier in his letter to the Pakistani nation Syed Ali Geelani deplored the situation in Pakistan in general and Balochistan in particular. “There is separatist movement underway in Balochistan. People are openly demanding freedom. Mutilated bodies have been found.

People of Balochistan are worried. Young people are being arrested and killed. People staged a 27-day long march from Quetta to Karachi and now are marching from Karachi to Islamabad. The indifference of new government is not different from those in the past. “The situation in Karachi is turbulent. No government has been able to stop target killings. There is widespread weaponisation. Through media reports it has surfaced that the cases registered against the miscreants are not strong enough to bring them to justice.

“Sectarian violence has spread across Pakistan. The Rawalpindi sectarian tragedy shook the whole country. The ulema of Shia and Sunni sects should meet to resolve differences. Minorities are also being targeted. A Christian neighbourhood was burnt to ground. Why are such incidents happening? Pakistan was made in the name of Islam and nearly 2.5 million people sacrificed their lives for its freedom. Every citizen of Pakistan should have protection in this country but this has turned into a far-fetched dream.

“In the 66 years, why has Pakistan not moved in the direction on the basis of which it came into existence? The main reason is that the rulers’ thinking and ideals have been influenced by the Western culture. According to information reaching us Pakistani society is on decline. Alcohol, drugs, moral degradation and films imported from India are contributing to the nation’s decline. Racial, regional, provincial, and linguistic prejudices are damaging the national harmony. The difference between the haves and have nots is increasing. The feudal culture is gaining strength.

“Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan: Apparently working for promotion of Shariah and Islam. TTP is committing acts that can in no way be linked to Islam and humanity. Attacks on innocent civilians, Pakistan army personnel and people to administration are not Islamic and unforgivable crimes. We appeal to TTP to lay down weapons and start talks with Pakistan government so that their energies can be utilised in a positive way.”

The Kashmir issue and Pakistan
The Kashmir issue and Pakistan
January 26, 2014


“In the 66 years, why has Pakistan not moved in the direction on the basis of which it came into existence? The main reason is that the rulers’ thinking and ideals have been influenced by the Western culture. According to information reaching us Pakistani society is on decline. Alcohol, drugs, moral degradation and films imported from India are contributing to the nation’s decline. Racial, regional, provincial, and linguistic prejudices are damaging the national harmony. The difference between the haves and have nots is increasing. The feudal culture is gaining strength.

“Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan: Apparently working for promotion of Shariah and Islam. TTP is committing acts that can in no way be linked to Islam and humanity. Attacks on innocent civilians, Pakistan army personnel and people to administration are not Islamic and unforgivable crimes. We appeal to TTP to lay down weapons and start talks with Pakistan government so that their energies can be utilised in a positive way.”

The Kashmir issue and Pakistan

See. I can understand the letter writer's comments in the rubric of the issues as present now, and weaved in with historical facts/fiction (depends which side you believe)

The comment that I highlighted in Bold came out of left field.

Otherwise, the letter proves a summary of one of the viewpoints to the Kashmir dispute.
Pakistan will always stand with its Kashmiri brothers. No matter what govt comes to power, Pakistan's support to Kashmir will always be there. IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir will be free one day...Inshallah.
Had pakistan been serious kashmir would have got independence long back. See how India helped bengalis win freedom.
Pakistan has just been using kashmir to bleed india, nothing more nothing less
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