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Open Letter to Army Chief from ex-Security Officer FBISE



New Recruit

Dec 3, 2018
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Dear Sir,

Prior to this, I have apprised the prime minister of Pakistan as well as minister education of these developments but they couldn't care less. Recently, when the shameless scandal of the illegal appointment of a cabinet minister's sister as director NACTA made headlines, that is when the values of this revolutionary team led by Prime Minister Imran Khan became clearer.

Sir, recently, army's top leadership has taken some bold decisions and unprecedented measures in the national interest. But are they enough?

I mean, here your instution is doing everything in its capacity, but what is going on in the public sector?

Sir, I would like to highlight series of epidemics across our public sector that directly threaten and compromise the national security and existence of our beloved Pakistan. These elements are responsible for causing the birth of almost every menace in this society, including terrorism that has cost the lives of so many honorable Pakistanis including worthy officers and jawans of our defense forces.

Sir, respectfully, we have been fighting only the end-effects of a debilitated and dysfunctional public sector rotting with out of merit officers. Why are the armed forces so professional? Because they adhere to system of merit in induction of its officers. It's not rocket science. If today, the armed forces start accepting letters from cabinet ministers for appointing brigadiers and major generals or even lieutenant colonels, then it's certainly a recipe for disaster.

Unless a blanket ban is applied on all out of merit officers in the public sector who do not have any proof of national examination and appointment through merit, we are only fooling ourselves.

If lieutenant general and brigadier with all of his training and character development can act against the interest of the country, then isn't Shabnam Gul who is appointed director in counter terrorism agency through nepotism and favoritism more likely to do the same? Dr. Ikram Ali Malik, Chairman FBISE and Muhammad Sarwar, Secretary FBISE have been appointed through sheer bootlicking to their posts, have no proof of competing in nationwide examination and have been identified by me during my tenure as security officer FBISE as threat to the institution and to the national security -- aren't they more likely to act against state's interest than the defense officers who were recently punished? Why not every single government of Pakistan officer appointed through bootlicking, nepotism and cronyism? Who knows whose interest he or she will serve? If not, why was the induction not done on merit?

Secondly, someone who has committed academic theft in the past (Shabnam Gul) is now being offered this post, why? Can we afford this? If these are NACTA's standards of appointment of directors, then do we even need this agency at all? Doesn't NACTA itself then post more threat to national security than benefits?

Sir, I was appointed security officer FBISE after competing in nationwide examination. I reported series of criminal negligences and inefficiencies committed by the same breed of officers in FBISE who again have no proof of appointment through merit. As result, I even had to lose my job. Sir, if an officer reports the wrongdoings of senior officers in the army who are engaged in criminal acts, is this how you react in your institution? I was made an example and sacked on baseless charges only for exposing criminals in FBISE, a federal examination body rotting with out of merit officers in very sensitive posts.

They are the only reason none of our public sector offices can compete against global players. Until these officers exist, the sacrifices of noble officers and jawans are going to waste. We need to set the same standards enjoyed by defense across every public office. That is the only option forward for Pakistan. All other options will fail and are a recipe for disaster. We are fooling ourselves if we believe that Pakistan can stand on its feet with out of merit officers in the public sector? Name one country in the world where this has happened. Let's stop fooling ourselves and address the real evils of this society, the shameless, corrupt and out of merit public officers.

By destroying examination and education bodies, they snatch every right children of common Pakistanis have at standing on their feet. Hate, extremism and terrorism cannot be quenched unless we fix our schools and hospitals, and what reforms are possible under out of merit public officers? Again, the same challenge, name one country where this has happened.

As a result of out of merit public officers, we have come to the point where our water is on the verge of running out. Today, the markets aren't regulated because of them. There is mafia in every sector because of these crooks. They are responsible for birth of every criminal, rapist, mafia and terrorist in the society, which is the natural aftermath of a dysfunctional education and health sector.

As Security Officer FBISE, I have done everything in my official capacity to highlight and report these criminals as threat to national security. In the process, I have lost my employment, but I consider it fair tradeoff for I can never be party to their evil plans and schemes. It is now for those who have vowed to defend the motherland to rise to the occasion and get rid of these implants appointed without merit across FBISE, NACTA, PEMRA, PTA, NADRA and every other public office on the face of the beloved motherland.

Actually, the army cannot afford to have dysfunctional education and health more than the rest of us because despite being the most professional and merit oriented institution, it will constantly be the victim of evil and false conspiracies by the likes of anti state factions including PTM, PMLN and PPP and every time such evil is planned, these out of merit public officers who came through bootlicking of their masters in PMLN and PPP will always act against the interests of the state.

They install out of merit public officers and destroy our health and education in order keep the people illiterate because that is the only chance they have at remaining in power in the country.

But army and all of the pro-Pakistan forces cannot afford that. The people of Pakistan cannot afford that. By destruction of education, health and our markets and denial of basic fundamental rights, they have put Pakistanis in fight for their personal struggle.

For instance, I am an ex-military officer who has topped in countless nationwide competitive examination, also a national foreign scholarship holder of this beloved motherland, but I am struggling to earn my bread and butter. Not many Pakistanis are willing to make these tradeoffs from lucrative and powerful government posts.

I recommended CCTV reforms and advised increasing CCTV backup from 10 days to 1 year minimum backup. Employees in FBISE at the tax payers' expense come and go from office premises as they like. Had there been CCTV backup, this inefficiency committed by Secretary FBISE or at least his failure to stop this when it was highlghted to him, would have been exposed. So instead Sarwar, Secretary FBISE denied reforms in CCTV for more than 2 years on one pretext or the other and further threatened the security of public office in the process. Recently, in the court, he publicly lies that he was never opposed to reforms. But his inaction in light of my pleas portrays completely different story.

The post of security officer FBISE was reserved for ex-military officer. However, when I highlighted the criminal inefficiencies of Muhammad Sarwar, Secretary FBISE and horde of other officers, they acted to remove me from my office and ordered my own staff not to allow me to enter my office. At the same time, they appointed an 18 grade officer as makeshift security officer even though he wasn't trained and qualified for the post which was explicitly reserved for ex-military officer. But who's to ask them?

Prior to this, for more than 2 years, they have used my staff for their personal and official errands, resulting in dire shortage of security staff and further compromising security of national institution like FBISE. Without my permission, this creed of shameful officers has directly ordered my staff to leave their official posts and guard their homes during Eid holidays. This was again reported to Sarwar, who again chose not to take action and instead, acted to remove me from service in connivance with Chairman. Such is the shameful mindset that they enjoy.

Sir, after performing national examination duty for 2 years, I proposed reforms to improve conduct of examination. These reforms were again ignored by this creed of officers.

I shared this saying by South African lecturer to them, but it made no sense to them:

"Destroying any nation does not require the use of atomic bombs or the use of long range missiles. It only requires lowering the quality of education and allowing cheating in the examinations by the students

Patients die at the hands of such doctors.

Buildings collapse at the hands of such engineers.

Money is lost at the hands of such economists & accountants.

Humanity dies at the hands of such religious scholars.

Justice is lost at the hands of such judges

The collapse of education is the collapse of the nation."

We blame so much on lack of funding. In history of FBISE, these officers didn't bother to give basic firing practice to their security staff. After coordination with local Islamabad police for more than 9 months and without incurring 1 rupee on national kitty barring the cost of ammunition and transport cost to firing range in H9 police lines Islamabad, the FBISE security squad underwent security training for the first time in history of the institution.

These are blackmailers who will deny every financial benefit including basic house hiring amounting to no more than Rs 2 lakh, to respectable officers who threaten their existence. As for their bootlickers, they bestow Rs 10 lakh and more in interest free loans from the same public kitty. Who's to ask them?

FBISE canteen serves the most pathetic food to its officers and officials. Why? Again, because secretary and dozens of officers around him haven't had to compete for anything in life including their posts. As result, they serve substandard food to their employees, because this is the only upbringing they have enjoyed. They jeopardize the health of entire workforce, making this another important security threat that I highlighted.

After 2 years of sustaining abuse of power, discrimination and denial of key security reforms in FBISE, I wrote to Chairman FBISE Dr. Ikram Ali Malik about the inefficiencies and abuses of power of Secretary FBISE and other FBISE officers. He didn't bother replying. Instead, Secretary FBISE wrote on his behalf that I can neither write to the Chairman nor meet him in his office. What is this nonsense? Despite working with DGs of NADRA and generals of the army, never have I found anyone with so much vanity that he cannot meet security officer of his own institution for official security reasons.

These facts are important, so the public knows what this system does to its honorable and conscientious public officers who try to perform their duty with full honesty and integrity.

I wrote to the minister and prime minister about the inefficiencies and criminal negligence of Secretary FBISE as well as hordes of other reports, and they didn't even both replying.

Instead, the senior FBISE officers that I was reporting against joined hands to remove me from FBISE on baseless pretexts. Chairman FBISE set up inquiry committee against me and appointed a colleague from his own university and two officers who were under the influence of Chairman and Secretary FBISE as the inquiry committee members. All I asked from FBISE top management, minister education and prime minister next was the constitution of impartial inquiry committee outside of influence of FBISE management that I had only recently reported against. Was this not my constitutional right?

I have accordingly submitted writ petition, which is pending adjudication in high court.

In their defense, they wrote that I attempted to defame FBISE top management. Sir, this is the first time, I'm going public about this. They will now find out what defamation is.

I am going public with this more than 8 months after sustaining grave mental, physical and financial hardships resulting from my unceremonious and illegal removal from my office. The system joined hands to set an example out of me for one reasona and one reason alone: I dared to stand up against these criminals in top management and threatened the existence of these traitors planted in our education sector with only one intent: to destroy the public sector of Pakistan and destabilize Pakistan in the process.

Why do we not realize that these out of merit criminals give birth to private mafias in education and thereby destroy the values and character building of our future generation.

Name one country in the world where such out of merit men and women are appointed without merit in public offices and that country has overcome its problems.

They're the source of problem, they will fall to any level to secure themselves because they have no grounds to hold these big offices. Anti state actors like PPP and PMLN will rush to their defense.

They're burden on tax payer, they shamefully abuse the authority of their office and need to be dealt with in accordance with law.

That's the only chance we have at solving Pakistan's biggest problems. Accepting them puts our children's future at risk. It means giving in to criminals, rapists and mafias. It means to have separate rules of law in this country. It means harboring terrorism, hate and extremism for so long as this state exists. It means to disregard the sacrifices of our fellow Pakistanis who lost their lives to sectarian hate, extremism, thefts and robberies, terrorism and many other problems. It means to let go of the only chance Pakistan has at standing on its feet. It means to disregard and put to waste the strict accountability faced by senior most officers of defense and top judiciary, including the recent sentencing to death of brigadier and life sentence to lieutenant general. On the other end of the spectrum, these criminals continue to hold public offices, debilitate public education and health, give rise to mafias in every sector, destroy our children's future, enslave our coming generation, earn army bad name through the likes of PTM and fuel hate and extremism in society, and they do this AT THE POOR TAXPAYERS' EXPENSE.

I can never be party to these crimes, this is not on my head, I'll do everything it takes to expose these criminals and make them accountable under the law. I'll also appeal to the public, create further awareness. If attempts are made on my life during these proceeds, know that Dr. Ikram Ali Malik Chairman FBISE and Muhammad Sarwar Secretary FBISE are the criminals responsible for the same.

Pakistan is not at risk from external foes, but these internal elements who weaken our state and deny our people their fundamental rights of education and health and thereby make the society polarized and promote hate, extremism, crime and terrorism.

You don't have too many options here, either fix the schools and hospitals by ridding them of these traitors in public office or stop this one-sided accountability of senior defense officers and judiciary.

In the end, I would like to make note of PM Imran Khan's hypocritical stances. He vowed to depoliticize the police prior to elections. He vowed to impose emergency in health and education prior to elections. Today, the hypocrite is on the mission to turn Pakistan into madina ki riyasat with the same public officers in education and health that he promised to fight against. Can those who have destroyed public institutions by being 'planted' into our prestigious public offices without any proof of appointment on merit ever make a riyasat e Madina? Has that ever happened? We are still fooling ourselves. It is time we nip the evil in the bud.

In the name of national security, I urge the security agencies and the defense sector to take serious note of these elements who post direct and most severe threat to the existence of Pakistan. If you understand where I'm coming from and if you follow the South African lecturer's quote, dropping a nuclear bomb on Pakistan or selling Pakistan's nuclear secrets is lesser evil but destruction of Pakistani's education and allowing students to cheat in the examination is the greater evil. It is time, our defense sector rises to these challenges and addresses them once and for good. Or we're only fooling ourselves.

If these reports are baseless, then I accept whatever penalty is awarded to me by the state of Pakistan. But let there be impartial inquiry into my allegations. Is it fair to reject me a fair hearing simply by alleging that I'm attempting to defame public institution when in fact I'm trying to safeguard it from criminals by exposing them?

It's time that the state wages war against officers appointed without proof of merit in public offices. There is no bigger threat to our existence than this creed that I'm highlighting for the authorities. If I am martyred in the process, then know that it is only because I fought the state's hardest battle and because I fought it alone. I didn't have an army with me. I didn't have the government on my side. Even my security squad caved in to the pressure tactics of these criminals in FBISE and elsewhere in our rotten education sector. But I'm proud to have chalked my own destiny and not followed the mob because the mob is headed towards self-destruction and destruction of the great state of Pakistan.

People of Pakistan, everything I am going through, it is only because these people deny your fundamental rights of education and health. Please rise against this injustice. If today, your children are robbed of good health and education, it's not because we're poor but because criminals and mafias exist in education and health and other public offices who couldn't care less about you. They're very incompetent men, the dirtiest among us, lowest of the low have risen to important slots in this country. This is how your future and your children's future has been robbed by PMLN, PPP and their likes. They want to turn you into monsters like PTM who claim that their central committee comprises Ph.Ds, but they hurl baseless allegations at the most merit-oriented institution of this country. They never speak against the monsters and criminals in educations, health and police, because their interests are aligned. They want to make army just like another public institution.

To counter their attempts, the army must take the fight forward in the name of national security against every out of merit public officer and make them as professional and merit oriented as the army.

One Nation, One Standard: Make Defense the Standard of Appointment, Performance and Accountability in Public Offices, esp. for Officers in BPS - 17 and above

The interests of Pakistan Army and every merit oriented defense institution are jeopardized by their presence. Leave PMLN and PPP to their fate, first address those who are paid by taxpayer, have no proof of appointment through merit, commit inefficiencies in public offices and act contrary to the interests of the state. These officers are bitterly exposed and are the tools of every evil scheme of PPP and PMLN. It's these elements who pose greatest threat and must be dealt with on war footing.

Pakistan Zindabad!

This post was first published here.
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Recently, when the shameless scandal of the illegal appointment of a cabinet minister's sister as director NACTA made headlines, that is when the values of this revolutionary team led by Prime Minister Imran Khan became clearer.
Did said person miss latest news?


If you arent updated and only wish to blame, I see no reason to continue reading further than the blame complex!
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