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Open discussion about Kemal Atatürk

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Look at who is leading Turkey at its rise, A practicing Muslim.
Being Muslim and being successful are not mutually exclusive.
As much as the west likes to parrot this idea that Muslims are somehow backwards, it is simply not true.
If you look the root problems for the poverty and lack of progress in just about all the Muslims countries, you will notice an underlying theme.
The theme being that the countries are coming out brutal and inhumane slavery to the west.
When the Europeans colonized us they stunted our growth and destroyed out leadership. only now, a full generation later are we starting to see a few leaders emerge, and this process is only beginning so it will still take time.

In reality it is the Europeans who have prevented us from progressing, not Islam.

Come on, you can't blame the evil west for everything. Muslims kill Muslim. Not Americans. Unfortunately the biggest enemy of a Muslim is apparently a Muslim nowadays since most get killed by militant Muslims. The leaders of Saudi-Arabia are practicing Muslims too and probably all of those countries in North Africa and the Middle East. Once exception (the AKP) does not change the fact that in most cases those countries with religion and politics mixed fail.

I hope no one takes offence from what I say, just try to understand why I think that democracy and human rights are the only way for countries to develop. You don't have to be the dog of the west, but you can still be a country that threats its citizens good.
Just like to say that Atatürk prepared and layed the foundation to what is today a very successful country, we're still not as mature as a country as I would like it to be but still have the whole Middle East looking up on us and thats a fact.

Zulkarneyn, I'm not only talking about progress in science or economy but also in human rights and with all due respect we never have been so democratic and respected human rights as we do nowadays (we're still not even near to countries as Denmark or other Scandinavian countries), even if some people keep on jailing journalists.

In a Islamic country there would be stoning and lashing. I dont want my country to be like that. If a women wants to be a *****, let her be. Its upon her. She wants to convert to Judaism/Christainism? I dont care. So my wife wants to wear mini-skirts and high-heels? My problem.

People should be allowed to do what ever they want, as long as they don't bother other people with it.

What about if people want to follow and practice their religion? Why did Turkey for so long time ban women entering unviersities and other places with headscarf? What mentality restricted people in practicing this? Let me explain what did. It was secularism, that undermined our religious practices for decades. Our sisters could not fulfill their dreams because of a system which was more restrictive than even Chrisitan countries. No Muslim in his right mind should stand still against this kind of injustice. And let me ask you this. Where did these people, who accused many of being ultra-religious and forbid them in entering universities and other areas, get their ideas from?
If you want to give people freedom, you don't restrict the praciticing muslims, and give whatever right you wish to the non-practicing.
well Kemal has done what he thought was better , (i think) if he had made country a democracy in which arabia turk and other national units contributing towards prosperous country , if that would have happend that country could have done better then Europe.
as I said we're not perfect but we're working on that and Turkey will prove the world that Islam and democracy can coexist.
To RedBeard: i wont read or respond to a person who curses and threatens me and my family. Until you apologize.

Not that i want you to read or respond to me.
I never threatend you or your family, again, you are making things up! And btw dont forget you owe me an apology aswell. Even before that, You always tried to bash me and responded only in a disrespecting manners!

I will never apologize unless you did first!
Quaid-e-Azam was not very religious either but he is the father of Pakistan and Ataturk and him were of the same ilk. When you're Muslim, your Islam is between you and Allah swt. Sometimes you must take the wrong path to get to the right destination faster.

I like him for the fact that he changed the Turkish Alphabet, which in turn made it easier for Turks to excell in the age of science and technology.
This RedBeard is making me so uncomfortable. Every Turkish member here have seen the extreme curses you said to me and my family by threatening them with rape and murder. How can you come here and still have the guts to accuse? I am so much surprised by the mods that they can let such a person get unpinished and let him continue accusing me. I am really dissapointed...
This kind of thread would hurt peoples sentiments either way and I dont want the turkish brothers to think that this forum allows the blatant disrespect of their leader -- Too many reports are coming from these kind of threads and I request the members to post in english otherwise we dont know if the member is abusing some one or not

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