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ootage of two Azerbaijani IAI Harop kamikaze drone diving into reportedly two Armenian S-300 5P85

why not ? money buy every thing
That was kinda the point. Money is the biggest reason for all this senseless violence. Nations have been fighting over natural resources for millennia but these day a new kind of artificial resource is the prime mover. It's money. That's why the wars are created in the first place. So, arms manufacturers can sell their merchandise. You know, they create a demand and then provide the supply. Earlier, it was just finite natural resources. Ingenious but also sad at the same time. Humanity could have progressed so much if not for this crap.
no, I was referring more the the fact that these puny countries have access to such advanced weaponry. Makes you think about the global war machine.

I don't think it is appropriate to classify any country as Puny, or otherwise.

Some countries play it wise,
other countries have been, and still are traditionally stupid and ineffective
except off course making songs and stuff.
I don't think it is appropriate to classify any country as Puny, or otherwise.

Some countries play it wise,
other countries have been, and still are traditionally stupid and ineffective
except off course making songs and stuff.
I meant in terms of access to advanced weaponry. Obviously Azeris aren't making this cutting edge technology. That's all courtesy of the Turkish and Israeli arms industry
how fast are the drones moving ? I can see only the explosions

because its not HAROP kamikaze Drone , but Turkish MAM-L laser guided munition which dropped from TB-2 UCAV

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