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Drone attacks.17 drone attacks during 9 year rule of Musharraf.333 drone attacks during 5 year rule of Zardari.Please do justice.
If Musharraf hadn't allowed those initial 17, there wouldn't had been 333 in Zardari's rule. He gave the go ahead so he is at fault.

As for increase in drone attacks, Bush wasn't fan of drone attacks but Obama always thought it to be a very effective system. So he increased it.
This is what I have been saying since morning. Just because he defended PA on an Indian TV show, everyone forgot his detrimental policies against Pakistan itself.

Well done Pakistan. Welcome him back with open hearts and arms. :enjoy:

Our current government has mainly been on the defensive when India is concerned. At times like this, Musharraf's charisma and his attack-mode on foreign affairs is a breath of fresh air for most.

True, he did get the drone-campaign into Pakistan, but it pales in comparison to how much attacks have increased since the PPP came into power.

If Musharraf hadn't allowed those initial 17, there wouldn't had been 333 in Zardari's rule. He gave the go ahead so he is at fault.

As for increase in drone attacks, Bush wasn't fan odf drone attacks but Obama always thought it to be a very effective system. So he increased it.

PPP could have refused, but they didn't

During Musharraf's era, they were more targetted than today's.
Our current government has mainly been on the defensive when India is concerned. At times like this, Musharraf's charisma and his attack-mode on foreign affairs is a breath of fresh air for most.
True, he did get the drone-campaign into Pakistan, but it pales in comparison to how much attacks have increased since the PPP came into power.
Just explained the reason for increase in drone attacks. Musharraf didn't have guts to stand against US but it was PPP who blocked supply lines for 6 months after Salala incident and asked for apology. Doesn't matter they got it or not but Zardari showed more resistance to US than Musharraf. You should also consider this too.
why is everyone looking at Musharraf's political era! good or bad that is not the issue here.
why is everyone looking at Musharraf's political era! good or bad that is not the issue here.
Because one needs to understand the credibility of the speaker as he lied blatantly to his own people and shoved his own country in despair and destruction.
If Musharraf hadn't allowed those initial 17, there wouldn't had been 333 in Zardari's rule. He gave the go ahead so he is at fault.

As for increase in drone attacks, Bush wasn't fan of drone attacks but Obama always thought it to be a very effective system. So he increased it.

Musharraff didn't allowed it Zardari allowed it.
Just explained the reason for increase in drone attacks. Musharraf didn't have guts to stand against US but it was PPP who blocked supply lines for 6 months after Salala incident and asked for apology. Doesn't matter they got it or not but Zardari showed more resistance to US than Musharraf. You should also consider this too.

PA did that, not the government.

Zardari's tenure started with a pointless comment to people in India (via a giant TV screen) about his vision for no-first-use policy. Aired on NDTV in the early days of his presidency.

Just shows his carelessness in important matters. Next interview on NDTV was Barkha Dutt or maybe Prannoy Roy questioning ex-PM Gilani. Most of his answers consisted of ummmmms and ab ba bbaa baaaba.

I'm not going to defend Musharraf, but he's clearly more appealing to the masses. At the very least, he can speak to the media without stuttering.

His policies, on the other hand, have been questionable. But hey, you don't question the Chief, do you?
Because one needs to understand the credibility of the speaker as he lied blatantly to his own people and shoved his own country in despair and destruction.

credibilty? what about indians going around running a lap of victory when Musharraf said yes we did Kargil operation and backed the LeT?

at that point you loved his credibilty and now when he shuts up indian media and gives a logical argument that why behead and leave the body to be found why not dispose of it. the indians bring around his drone strikes? absurd trying to compare oranges to mangoes!!

I am sure the indian media contacted him expecting him to say BAD STUFF about pakistan that would make headlines in india! however, when he didn't say what india wanted to hear they are questioning his credibility!

what about crediblity now? maybe he is lying here too?

you can't be selective when it comes to crediblity can you? either you believe it all or you disagree with all! you can't just agree with what you WISH TO HEAR
This is what I have been saying since morning. Just because he defended PA on an Indian TV show, everyone forgot his detrimental policies against Pakistan itself.

Well done Pakistan. Welcome him back with open hearts and arms. :enjoy:

let me asure you its bound to happen some day in near future my friendo, with a bang!:triniti::big_boss::enjoy:
Don't be a fool he is the one who authorized the use of foreign drones in the first place, all of a sudden after an interview you forget years of history? People like you make up the common voter.

Musharraf did good things for Pakistan, but he is not what you're portraying him to be.

sory what you think if , hadnt authorized the use of foreign drones, drones wouldnt be hitting the targets?
& therefore pakistan couldbe having a WAR against NATO & its ALLIES?
if its the truth you , belive thn why not stop now, damocrazy in full swing? talibans being freed? dialoge & senior political leadership of pakistan keeping thier eyes closed, & couldnt voice a single statment against TTp?
thats what the solution is?
its a long debat better we stick to the topic, but plz stop supporting theifs & robbers in govt who, are affraid from terrorists!
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