What has Marx got to do with WW2? Which history have you been reading.
I said people like Marx. People born in West who rejected Christianity or were Christians by name.....Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini and so on and so forth.
You live in USA but fail to see that Western civilization has as it's fountain a Abrahamic faith - they call it Christianity and these days the Jews alsao have handle on it thus the Judo-Christian civilization.
The founding fathers of the US were majority Freemason. George Washington was a freemason among others. They despised Christianity. Thus the separation of Church and State.
The "Judeo-Christian world" is just a term they use when they don't want to include Islam or Muslims. Or are trying to build up a narrative against the Muslim world...
Thanks for repeating what I wrote?
What has killing got to what I said? I was talking about ecobomic and social retardness. Killing is endemic to all people and the numbers tey kill is related to their ability to kill. A nuke will kill million. A arrow one person.
Blindly following leaders to kill tens of millions is a form of social retardedness.
We Muslims...how bad we may be....never followed Jinnah, Muhammad SAW, Salahudin, Baibars, Abu Bakr, Uthman/Usman, Umer, Ali, Mehmed the Conquerer or any other major Muslim figure in history or recent times on a campaign of destruction against our enemies.
Not to mention that the oh so great "industrial revolution" and it's consequences to this day are working towards the end of our species through accelerated climate change.
And I can go on and on about the cons of what you hold as holier than thou...
Point being that Western civilization, unlike the Islamic one, has done untold atrocities and harm to humans and this planet (and don't forget space junk!).....and why some keep clinging to it when they're not even born in it is what amazes me.
Where do you place the Turks, Malays, Chinese in this colour chart of yours and do you lump yourself with a Indian Hindu but not a white Turk?
On;y in your retardness does brown equal Islam.
I was talking about Brown Sahibs....not Turks and whatnot.
And never did I equate being brown to being Islamic...
Islam transcends human made boundaries.
Clearly you're not on the same page as I....or even the damn book.