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Ongoing Systematic Massacre of Muslim Rohingas in Myanmar

Military protocol says otherwise and stands in contradiction of international geneva blah. Unlawful combatants and collaborators are to be severely dealt with .

& how do you proof their collaborations with ze combatants? Remember you accuse every one of them. Without even a shred of evidences.

USA has military commission's act of 2006 . Russia has its military laws in implicit defiance of Geneva. As per legal mynamar laws,rohingyas are illegals and terrorists. And that strips them of all citizenship rights and allows myanmar more freedom in dealing with them.

That's nice, but the fighting is already over Dumbass! When they have put down their arms they are not subjects to military law, but a human right one. You see what happens when you took the side of evil. You always lose.

okay then why they rohingya killed buddhist monk and rape buddhist women ,which started riots? rohingya instigated the current situation and myanamar is being forced to deal with rohingya terror with deadly retailation.

You can take the rohingya if you care for them so much.They are illegals and terrorists as per mynamar law.

Myanmar to Investigate Reports of Rohingya Militants
okay then why they rohingya killed buddhist monk and rape buddhist women ,which started riots? rohingya instigated the current situation and myanamar is being forced to deal with rohingya terror with deadly retailation.

You can take the rohingya if you care for them so much.They are illegals and terrorists as per mynamar law.

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that what cops are for. Since when does rape justify Ethnic Cleansing? India won't even exist if your logic apply.

Myanmar's laws are stupid.
On one occasion however, the presence of tribal Tripura insurgent organisations in Comilla was established when two rival armed groups fought and killed each other on Bangladesh soil, some years ago.Regarding the latest disagreement between India and Bangladesh, regional security experts are yet to express an opinion. However, there is universal agreement that a section of Rohingya Muslims maintain close links with international Islamic terror groups and civil rights organisations. Recently, a group of Rohingyas met in Saudi Arabia to discuss the present situation in Myanmar and seek a political solution to the continuing ethnic crisis and strife. Rohingyas also addressed a recent rally organised by the Indonesian Forum Umat Islam organisation in Jakarta last month, seeking moral and material support, according to media reports. Veteran analyst Bertil Lintner feels that Rohingyas may well have sought international help and recalls that they had often worked closely with the (just banned) Jamate-Islami party in Bangladesh.Myanmar authorities, who continue to suppress the Rohingyas ruthlessly, not recognising them as ethnic Burmese at all, claim that the ‘foreign Bengali Muslims from Bangladesh’ are actually out to establish first an autonomous and then an independent breakaway Arakan province, in view of its rich offshore hydrocarbon resources of the region.

Their population has also increased rapidly in recent years, threatening local indigenous communities. There is evidence of Saudi Arabia-based charity groups like Rabita and others helping the community to spread Islam locally. According to the local Burmese view, most Rohingyas are a product of a union between ‘Bangladeshi fathers and Burmese mothers.’ The Burmese maintain the Muslims were brought into Burma by the British into their territory and they later settled permanently. At one time, they numbered almost a million. Successive waves of targeted anti-Muslim attacks resulted in the exodus of some 250,000 of them to Bangladesh some years ago and another 150,000 in recent months. At least 200 people were killed in group attacks and clashes, but many more perished while trying to flee by boats, aiming to reach Bangladesh, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia or Singapore, through starvation or drowning. Bangladesh no longer accepts Rohingya refugees, nor do the other countries. Only Thailand has allowed some 2000 or so to settle into temporary camps pending their deportation. A smaller number has been accommodated in Malaysia and Indonesia. Along with Thailand, these countries have urged upon Myanmar to settle the Rohinya issue.

Rohingya links with Islamic terror | Millennium Post

Boohoo..... cry me a river. When in rome ,live like roman. If you don't like ,leave..

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that what cops are for. Since when does rape justify Ethnic Cleansing? India won't even exist if your logic apply.

Myanmar's laws are stupid.

Sorry,law is law. when in rome,be like roman.or rohingya's can piss off to other darul-e-islam's.
On one occasion however, the presence of tribal Tripura insurgent organisations in Comilla was established when two rival armed groups fought and killed each other on Bangladesh soil, some years ago.Regarding the latest disagreement between India and Bangladesh, regional security experts are yet to express an opinion. However, there is universal agreement that a section of Rohingya Muslims maintain close links with international Islamic terror groups and civil rights organisations. Recently, a group of Rohingyas met in Saudi Arabia to discuss the present situation in Myanmar and seek a political solution to the continuing ethnic crisis and strife. Rohingyas also addressed a recent rally organised by the Indonesian Forum Umat Islam organisation in Jakarta last month, seeking moral and material support, according to media reports. Veteran analyst Bertil Lintner feels that Rohingyas may well have sought international help and recalls that they had often worked closely with the (just banned) Jamate-Islami party in Bangladesh.Myanmar authorities, who continue to suppress the Rohingyas ruthlessly, not recognising them as ethnic Burmese at all, claim that the ‘foreign Bengali Muslims from Bangladesh’ are actually out to establish first an autonomous and then an independent breakaway Arakan province, in view of its rich offshore hydrocarbon resources of the region.

Their population has also increased rapidly in recent years, threatening local indigenous communities. There is evidence of Saudi Arabia-based charity groups like Rabita and others helping the community to spread Islam locally. According to the local Burmese view, most Rohingyas are a product of a union between ‘Bangladeshi fathers and Burmese mothers.’ The Burmese maintain the Muslims were brought into Burma by the British into their territory and they later settled permanently. At one time, they numbered almost a million. Successive waves of targeted anti-Muslim attacks resulted in the exodus of some 250,000 of them to Bangladesh some years ago and another 150,000 in recent months. At least 200 people were killed in group attacks and clashes, but many more perished while trying to flee by boats, aiming to reach Bangladesh, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia or Singapore, through starvation or drowning. Bangladesh no longer accepts Rohingya refugees, nor do the other countries. Only Thailand has allowed some 2000 or so to settle into temporary camps pending their deportation. A smaller number has been accommodated in Malaysia and Indonesia. Along with Thailand, these countries have urged upon Myanmar to settle the Rohinya issue.

Rohingya links with Islamic terror | Millennium Post

Boohoo..... cry me a river. When in rome ,live like roman. If you don't like ,leave..

Sorry,law is law. when in rome,be like roman.or rohingya's can piss off to other darul-e-islam's.

Rome no longer exist (that saying are for Tourist anyway) & the Rohingyas are local so there's the problem. If you see something stupid you point it out & there's none stupider like this. All of this can be avoided if the Myanmar would have just accepted them. Now the Rohingya will pursue a more violent path thanks to this. Remember your country also does it fair share of "terrorism" accepting helps from the Axis powers when under British yoke.
Rome no longer exist (that saying are for Tourist anyway) & the Rohingyas are local so there's the problem. If you see something stupid you point it out & there's none stupider like this. All of this can be avoided if the Myanmar would have just accepted them. Now the Rohingya will pursue a more violent path thanks to this. Remember your country also does it fare share of "terrorism" accepting helps from the Axis powers when under British yoke.

Rohingya have pursuing a violent and subversive since the 40-70's .They tried to take Arakan away. Now,they are being dealt with ruthlessly. If rohingya don't change their way,it will be open season for rohinyga.

@Tshering22 ,please tell a bit on the rohingya activities in myanamar...
Rohingya have pursuing a violent and subversive since the 40-70's .They tried to take Arakan away. Now,they are being dealt with ruthlessly. If rohingya don't change their way,it will be open season for rohinyga.

They had pursued a violent path. They lost, but the issues remain unsolved to this day. If India still remain a British raj do you think something like this is not going to happen?

Remember everything could have been solved if the country would have just accept them when it had the chance.
They had pursued a violent path. They lost, but the issues remain unsolved to this day. If India still remain a British raj do you think something like this is not going to happen?

Remember everything could have been solved if the country would have just accept them when it had the chance.

Consider it lucky ,that Mynamar did not deal with them like how Russian empire dealt with muslim populations that dared to revolt or like usa dealt with genocide of tens to hundreds of millions of native americans.

And according to mynamar they are illegal bangladeshis. Now that is bangladesh's problem.

And look here rohingya are planning terror in india also. Ungrateful parasites these rohingya are.

Lashkar radicalises Rohingyas to wage war against India - Hindustan Times

@AkhandBharat @Tshering22

British colonial rule[edit]
British policy encouraged Bengali inhabitants from adjacent regions to migrate into the then lightly populated and fertile valleys of Arakan as farm laborers. The East India Company extended the Bengal administration to Arakan, thus there was no international boundary between Bengal and Arakan, and no restrictions on migration between the regions. In the early 19th century, thousands of Bengalis from the Chittagong region settled in Arakan seeking work.[37] In addition, thousands ofRakhine people from Arakan also settled in Bengal.[44][45]

The British census of 1891 reported 58,255 Muslims in Arakan. By 1911, the Muslim population had increased to 178,647.[46] The waves of migration were primarily due to the requirement of cheap labour from British India to work in the paddy fields. Immigrants from Bengal, mainly from the Chittagong region, "moved en masse into western townships of Arakan". To be sure, Indian immigration to Burma was a nationwide phenomenon, not just restricted to Arakan.[47]

Historian Thant Myint-U writes: "At the beginning of the 20th century, Indians were arriving in Burma at the rate of no less than a quarter million per year. The numbers rose steadily until the peak year of 1927, immigration reached 480,000 people, with Rangoon exceeding New York City as the greatest immigration port in the world. This was out of a total population of only 13 million; it was equivalent to the United Kingdom today taking 2 million people a year." By then, in most of the largest cities in Burma, Rangoon (Yangon), Akyab (Sittwe), Bassein (Pathein), Moulmein, the Indian immigrants formed a majority of the population. The Burmese under the British rule felt helpless, and reacted with a "racism that combined feelings of superiority and fear."[47]

The impact of immigration was particularly acute in Arakan, one of less populated regions. In 1939, the British authorities, alert to the long-term animosity between the Rakhine Buddhists and the Muslim population, formed a special Investigation Commission led by James Ester and Tin Tut to study the issue of Muslim immigration into the Rakhine state. The commission recommended securing the border; however, with the onset of World War II, the British retreated from Arakan.[


Rohingya came from bengal under british.
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Aye Chan, a historian at the Kanda University, has written that as a consequence of acquiring arms from the British during World War II, Rohingyas tried to destroy the Arakanese villages instead of resisting the Japanese.[50] On 28 March 1942, Rohingya Muslims from Northern Rakhine State killed around 20,000 Arakanese. In return, around 5,000 Muslims in theMinbya and Mrohaung Townships were killed by Rakhine nationalists and Karenni.[48]

oops, like typical muslims, try kill kafir whenever possible. Ungrateful to host nations,they are .
Consider it lucky ,that Mynamar did not deal with them like how Russian empire dealt with muslim populations that dared to revolt or like usa dealt with genocide of tens to hundreds of millions of native americans.

And according to mynamar they are illegal bangladeshis. Now that is bangladesh's problem.

And look here rohingya are planning terror in india also. Ungrateful parasites these rohingya are.

Lashkar radicalises Rohingyas to wage war against India - Hindustan Times

@AkhandBharat @Tshering22

Rohingya came from bengal under british.

What is it with you & supporting a side that are clearly evil. I just gave you the solutions & you just keep throwing shit at me like the monkey you are.
What is it with you & supporting a side that are clearly evil. I just gave you the solutions & you just keep throwing shit at me like the monkey you are.

lol, Rohingya started it. The solution has been implemented by mynamar.

their way,their rules. If rohingya don't like it ,they can leave.
lol, Rohingya started it. The solution has been implemented by mynamar.

their way,their rules. If rohingya don't like it ,they can leave.

lol, Rohingya started it

The F**k is this pre-school!? Thank god you're just a lone idiot. That still doesn't gave the government the right to treated another human being like trash! Their solutions doesn't address anything they're just being a douche about it.

Maybe you don't understand anything about how the world functions. You do something stupid like this be expected to reap the consequences.
The F**k is this pre-school!? Thank god you're just a lone idiot. That still doesn't gave the government the right to treated another human being like trash! Their solutions doesn't address anything they're just being a douche about it.

Maybe you don't understand anything about how the world functions. You do something stupid like this be expected to reap the consequences.

Actually there solutions are for the safety of the majority buddhist population from muslims. Muslims destroyed buddhism in India,Pakistan,Afghanistan,central asia,indonesia . Now, they know how aggressive muslims are and are taking required countermeasures.

Their solutions doesn't address anything they're just being a douche about it.

Long term stability,destruction of a potential fifth column population . They understand the kind of destruction ,islam does .

@Abii what do you have to say about the rohingya islamist insurgency?

The F**k is this pre-school!? Thank god you're just a lone idiot. That still doesn't gave the government the right to treated another human being like trash! Their solutions doesn't address anything they're just being a douche about it.

Maybe you don't understand anything about how the world functions. You do something stupid like this be expected to reap the consequences.

Call me when the pakistan ,bangladesh muslims respect the right of hindus and buddhists. Till then , flip off. When muslims remove apostasy laws then talk.
Actually there solutions are for the safety of the majority buddhist population from muslims. Muslims destroyed buddhism in India,Pakistan,Afghanistan,central asia,indonesia . Now, they know how aggressive muslims are and are taking required countermeasures.

Long term stability,destruction of a potential fifth column population . They understand the kind of destruction ,islam does .

@Abii what do you have to say about the rohingya islamist insurgency?

Call me when the pakistan ,bangladesh muslims respect the right of hindus and buddhists. Till then , flip off. When muslims remove apostasy laws then talk.

That's a BIG IF. Not to mention its impossible now a day. You see something stupid you point it out & this is about the Rohingya an ethnic group with a population not even worth mentioning also they have zero power in the political landscape & don't spam this thread with out of topic post.

For example the "fifth Column" Gypsy poses more "threat" to Europe than the Rohingya is to Myanmar.
Romani people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You actually comparing a law that sometimes affect minority against a law that always affect minority? Don't get me wrong they both stupid its just that Myanmar's laws are even more stupid.
That's a BIG IF. Not to mention its impossible now a day. You see something stupid you point it out & this is about the Rohingya an ethnic group with a population not even worth mentioning also they have zero power in the political landscape & don't spam this thread with out of topic post.

For example the "fifth Column" Gypsy poses more "threat" to Europe than the Rohingya is to Myanmar.
Romani people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You actually comparing a law that sometimes affect minority against a law that always affect minority? Don't get me wrong they both stupid its just that Myanmar's laws are even more stupid.

BIG lol, History has shown what islam can do. So myanamar is weeding out rohingya as rohingya did a lot of terror ,mass murder etc.

To you it might be stupid,but for myanamar and the rest of the infidels its pragmatism against the islamic hordes.

You actually comparing a law that sometimes affect minority against a law that always affect minority?

Ask the pakistani hindu what they have to endure. Spare me your gibberish.When Islam give human rights to its minority ,then you can lecture. Your words are hollow.
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