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One US soldier killed, India making trouble?

There's a lot of that going on. Every person thinks from his or her own prism, their paradigm.

I can go so far in my criticism of Pakistan on things that I don't like that there's a vicious rumor abound that I'm an Indian pretending to be a Pakistani... If only those people were as nice as you to keep tabs on me for three years on WAB. :)

You are not extremist by a mile, but you are not a true moderate too. I never had many tabs on you, I enjoyed reading different peope's views, You, Ray, Neo, OEE and also lot of others at WAB, though i never posted. I am sure I have some ways viewing things, and maybe one sided, but at the same time I dont think my people are perfect, nor my religion superior or inferior, I dont debate to win, I debate to understand. There is a difference.
People debate to prove their point. Nothing else. When I like to understand, I just listen.

Otherwise imagine a presidential debate in which a candidate backs down and is like "You know what? I was wrong all along!".

I personally believe you can never change a person's mind by arguing with them. No matter if you rip apart their argument into pieces, it still won't happen. Especially if you are debating about one of his or her strong convictions. Even if you win an argument the other person is driven to try harder and prove himself right. You can never win an argument. People debate for other people's benefit. The one's listening in.
It seems Indian presence has become a nightmare for Pakistan.
On a serious note, I dont see any Indian hand in this. Rather Afghans and the tribes at the border. They have been very unhappy with Pakistan and American being allies. RAW wouldnt attack Americans directly; two reasons.
1. Americans arent stupid, they will make a diplomatic hulla-bullah out of it.
2. RAW aint as good as ISI, CIA, Mossad, KGB.

I think you are right.It would be foolish for RAW to be involved in it.this is all AFGhans.
On a serious note, I dont see any Indian hand in this. Rather Afghans and the tribes at the border. They have been very unhappy with Pakistan and American being allies. RAW wouldnt attack Americans directly; two reasons.
1. Americans arent stupid, they will make a diplomatic hulla-bullah out of it.
2. RAW aint as good as ISI, CIA, Mossad, KGB.

Indians have armed and supported northern alliance which comprise the present (un-democratic) Afgan rulers.
ironically, India is a closer ally to America and yet Afghans do not hate India! whom shall we term insane Afghans or your theory.
Pakistan is American ally in way that both are fighting miscrents armed and paid by India.
I don't know what went wrong but Americans have indeed, started acting stupid when it comes to deal with india.
RAW is not as good of intelligence as of a anti-Pakistan concpirator organisation.
All those Indian 'embassies' in Afghanistan aren't there just to process visas are they.
Indians have armed and supported northern alliance which comprise the present (un-democratic) Afgan rulers.
ironically, India is a closer ally to America and yet Afghans do not hate India! whom shall we term insane Afghans or your theory.
Pakistan is American ally in way that both are fighting miscrents armed and paid by India.
I don't know what went wrong but Americans have indeed, started acting stupid when it comes to deal with india.
RAW is not as good of intelligence as of a anti-Pakistan concpirator organisation.

Well the last line weakens the entire argument.
Pakistan is America's problem, I find it funny that you cant see it. They just got the right man to do the clean job for them for the past 7 years.

Has AMeica moved a finger, when karachi burned or when the CJ was thrown out. Mushraff is their best bet.
Has AMeica moved a finger, when karachi burned or when the CJ was thrown out. Mushraff is their best bet.

Have (Americans) they done some thing wrong.
NATO in Afghanistan


NATO troops are deployed on Pakistan`s Western border for the stability of peace in Afghanistan. NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer said that the alliance`s troops would stay in Afghanistan without any exit time-frame. The main trouble to peace is the re-surfacing of Taliban. Mr Karzai has squarely blamed that the Taliban move freely across the Durand Line while Pakistan has rejected this as false.

It was the force of Taliban against which the US and its coalition forces initiated the war on terror in 2001. Memories are still fresh that instead of giving a pitched fight the Taliban faded into the countryside while the US occupied the main cities. As the NATO forces had no control outside the urban limits of the cities, Taliban had time to reorganize themselves. And since Mr Karzai, in the last five years, never bothered to worry about the Taliban, they resurfaced.

A strong and stable Afghanistan is in the interest of Pakistan but for this India must be kept out of the trio of Afghanistan, Pakistan and US. It is encouraging to learn that Pakistan is increasing its troops at the Afghan Border. The number of troops should be enough to allow Pakistan to meet the dual threat: 1) to defend the Western border against any attack, 2) to meet India`s challenge from the east.

Brig (r) A Q Anjum


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